After the nclex exam did your screen...


After your last NCLEX question did your screen turn blue and you found out you passed, and if you did not pass your screen turned gray?

Specializes in LTC.
After your last NCLEX question did your screen turn blue and you found out you passed, and if you did not pass your screen turned gray?

Interesting theory but I want to say that it has to be fiction! It would be nice to know that way though!!!

After your last NCLEX question did your screen turn blue and you found out you passed, and if you did not pass your screen turned gray?

Never heard of that only heard of blue screens, maybe others have an experience with grays screens.:uhoh21:

Specializes in ICU/ER.

Never heard of a grey screen.

There are some crazy nclex rumors/myths out there.

Try not to read to much into them.

Best of luck

My computer turn gray but I passed.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Makes no difference the questions and answers are checked twice before a result is given

i would be happy if that is true because my screen turned blue after the last question. but i think it was purely a myth. with so many computer models and set ups, i think passing or failing would not be dependent on your screen color.:nuke:

Mine turned blue and failed,,,its a myth

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