After graduation present.......

Nursing Students SRNA


I know this may be looking ahead, but may also provide motivation.... Starting school in 4wks, and was wondering what everyone planned to reward themself with after school was over in 2 years......

I am buying a Cervelo P3 carbon, 4500.00 triathlon bike.....

Not trying to be materialistic, just merely trying to relieve my own stress through hearing others thought of after school....

I'm going to get a gold plated syringe and wear it as a necklace (doubles as a self defense weapon) Should be a nice conversation piece :)


A trip abroad.


hehe :balloons: i been doin this for 2 years....

11.5 acres 4000 sq ft house



ford f250 deisel, lariat edition 4 door

a tag or omega watch

a custom exile motorcycle - steamroller model

26-32 ft deisel pusher motorhome for tailgating lsu and ole miss football games.

anything and everything i can afford for my wife=angel that's all i can say

spend a whole lotta time spoiling my kids.

oh and pay off all my debt so i can build some more. :rotfl:


2 new triathlon bikes one for me and the hubby like the original poster and an awesome vacation, like an REI advendure trip to somewhere awesome and beautiful. Alaska, colorado, canada! After that get a nice piece of land and build a house. :)

Vision correction surgery

professional teeth whitening for dh and me. (will want to be bright for interviews)

new car (mine will have over 110,000 by then if it makes it.....

bling-bling for dh! He wants a nice watch, and will need a new one by then.

Land and a house, and I honestly can't wait.

Had a great two years in a quiet single wide trailer at Georgia Southern University (hey don't laugh, it was during college and better than living in a crappy apartment and having neighbors with keg parties all night) and lived in an apartment since graduation of BSN school in 2001 just so that I would not have to have the hassle of selling a house when I left for CRNA school. That in addition to not making crap of a salary as a single man trying to make it in Atlanta, Georiga.

I'm not buying a house, I'm building THE house. Mountain home, full basement, home theater, gym, with an awesome deck. The peripherals can be built later, but the house will be built first. That and an Aliner hardshell camper to go camping out west in, preferably when there is snow all around and the typical vacationers are inside complaining about how cold it is.

Ah, happinesss.

Hey Rn, I'm right with you on the trailer vs. apt. I'm a single parent of an active fourteen-year-old boy. We tried living in an apartment and lasted less than a year. I couldn't afford a house so I bought a five-year-old trailor in the most well taking care of trailer park I've ever seen. I love it here and my son loves it here. My trailer is very ver nice and I was very surprised when I went looking for one at how nice the newer ones really are. I mean, the bathroom in my bedroom alone is so large and comfy. But, when I graduate and start working as an RN, I want to buy a home as well. :)

Specializes in Cardiac/Telemetry, Hospice, Home Health.

My dream graduation luxury.... a trip to Bhutan.

Graduation....I havent even started NS yet (start next month) :rotfl: But when I graduate in 2008 I already told my fiance we (him myself and our daughter) are going to disneyland for a week and then he and I are going somewhere ALONE :rolleyes: . As for a house we are buying a house in the beginning of '06 which is my making it thru prereqs present! Oh and did I mention I want a new car. I have a 97 Acura now but by '08 it will be replaced by a 2008 something (havent gotten that far yet)!!! 3 years and all sacrifices will be well worth it!! :)

Woops!! I just realized this is for CRNA's :chuckle

Once I'm done with my big HESI at the end, I think I will go to the beach for a week or so, sleep continuously for a few days, and spend some quality time with my boyfriend and with some of my other friends who were neglected while I was in school. It's simple stuff but that would be the best present ever. I think I might also find a new apartment since I've barely had the time to look while I've been in school. I only have one more month to go!!!! :Melody:

I only have one more month to go!!!! :Melody:

Lucky you!! Congrats I only have one month before I start!! :chuckle

Good luck to everyone in achieving their nursing goals! I graduated in May, and was so happy to be able to afford some everyday things... cable TV, and an energy-efficient washer and dryer. CHA-CHING! :chuckle

The Misses Wants Boobs And She Is Going To Get Them!

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