After graduation present.......

Nursing Students SRNA


I know this may be looking ahead, but may also provide motivation.... Starting school in 4wks, and was wondering what everyone planned to reward themself with after school was over in 2 years......

I am buying a Cervelo P3 carbon, 4500.00 triathlon bike.....

Not trying to be materialistic, just merely trying to relieve my own stress through hearing others thought of after school....

That sounds wonderful. :)

Cruise already booked, dec 18-23. Graduate on the 15th!!!

Specializes in CV Surgery Step-down.

Teeth whitening is on my list, too! I also want/need new flooring throughout my house. Also, a 2 week vacation to Irleland to visit my husband's mum and sisters...

Lasik eye surgery, teeth whitening, and a day at the spa so I can emerge from the ugly shell I am now to the radiant beauty I used to be when I had money, rest, and time.

This may sound silly but my "present" to myself was to be able to pay my bills and not rob Peter to pay Paul. Also, I wanted to get my girls some of the things they wanted, not just what they needed.

Two weeks vacation for the me and the family (probably Disney) and a new truck for myself! (I have 11 months to continue to shop and decide which one!)

payback my loans as soon as I can. I would like to save up to see the soccer world cup in south africa in 2010.

Well...we are so poor, it will just be nice to be able to go shopping for myself and my children without feeling guilty or having to use a second hand store.

I definately will get my teeth redone - it will be major work.

A nice vacation for my husband and I, we never had a honeymoon or any type of vacation. Then a family vacation.

Once I'm working for a while, I'm gonna buy my husband a motorcycle.

Someday a nice house and some land.

Its nice to dream, somedays it seems so far away.....

I graduated with a class of over 200. It seemed that 20% got a boob job, 20% stomach stapled, 20% divorced, everyone else went to work to pay bills and do something nice for the family.


I graduate December 17 and then I'm going to Disney World!!

It will be a great reward for the husband and two kids for all they have endured these last 28 months.

Sprout :nurse:

This is some great motivation........ To all like myself you are just starting CRNA school in August good luck.....

I graduate June 2006. We are paying back my mom the 2500.00 we borrowed, fixing up the house, and moving to Florida just as soon as we can. We figure it'll take about a year to fix the house and save enough to be able to move. Can't wait to get out of this crappy little town.

My ultimate ULTIMATE dream, which will never happen? Breast reduction surgery, abdominoplasty, and liposuction. :uhoh3:

Graduating 6/06.

2006 Hybrid car with all the options

maybe a tummy tuck

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

I had a trip to Las Vegas after my finals...i miss that place!!

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