Advice for men in nursing!


Specializes in Critical Care at Level 1 trauma center.

Hey guys I have read many of your posts about bias, not fitting it, the mean girls don't like me, blah, blah, blah.

Let me give all you new male nurses some advice. Stop with this whole male vs female nursing BS. We are all professionals and should conduct our selves as such. I have been a nurse (male ha) for about 4 years now and I still don't understand why new male nurses are so sensitive about things...."Oh my patient doesn't want me to put a foley in because I'm male"...get over it. Just have one of your female colleagues put it in and return the favor some other time.

Maybe its because I work in a busy 33 bed ICU and at least 30%+ of us are male, but I just don't see the problem. We don't have problems in our unit because we are not males and females....just nurses. If your not comfortable working in close proximity with the opposite sex that is very telling about your personality.

Now Im not saying don't protect yourself. If you are putting in a foley, rectal tube, ect in a female just have one of the women hang out in the room for a bit till your done but dont pawn off your duties just because "you don't feel comfortable"

And for god sake stop assuming all women only talk about gossip, makeup, and bon bons (what ever those are lol). I for one know many women on my unit who hunt, work out, play video games, nerd out on medical stuff, and are adrenaline junkies.



Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Transitioning from an industrial pipefitter to a nurse...I like working with women and have never had trouble getting along with any of them. But it's probably because I'm such a sensitive and compassionate SOB.

Specializes in Cardiac (adult), CC, Peds, MH/Substance.

I've never had issues, other than a brief issue on postpartum (with staff, not patients) while in my BSN program. I never had issues when I actually worked in postpartum, and haven't had issues working in a couple dozen hospitals. If anything, being male is advantageous in many situations.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

But it's probably because I'm such a sensitive and compassionate SOB.

That's exactly how it reads in your bio.:up:

I dont think anyone has ever pointed out or discussed that I was a male nurse in school or at work. I dont think its even rare to be a male, sure we are still the minority but its definitely commonplace.

Specializes in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

And for god sake stop assuming all women only talk about gossip, makeup, and bon bons (what ever those are lol). I for one know many women on my unit who hunt, work out, play video games, nerd out on medical stuff, and are adrenaline junkies.

Send them my way please! I'm single and ready to mingle.

~ Cash me at the gym . . . how bow dah ~

Specializes in Critical Care, ER, Cath lab.

I'm the only male on my rotation and haven't had a single gender-related issue. [female] Charge nurse and I often play the "who's the bigger @$$hole" game. It's truly a toss-up who wins that one. Just show up for work ready to work. Never shy away from skills, ESPECIALLY those you're weak in. The only way to gain proficiency and keep it is practice. If the 80 year old lady needs a foley, don gloves and take aim! Go-lytely guy had his 5th watery BM of the night? Help his nurse clean up (hint: a Salem sump, suction, kerlex, and a brief will make your shift so much cleaner and easier). If you need help, please for the love of God ask! Opportunities are plentiful in the nursing world.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Okay... but, please, don't yell at me!

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
I'm such a sensitive and compassionate SOB.

And it's one of the many reasons I want to continue my bromance with you, Old Dude.

Specializes in Emergency Department.
And it's one of the many reasons I want to continue my bromance with you, Old Dude.

From 0 - 20 seconds

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
From 0 - 20 seconds


I see a lot of whiny posts on AN about this my experience, I or any other male nurses I know have never run into "female problems". Yeah, you might get a patient who requests a female nurse, but I have never had any coworkers who take issue with male nurses. Like someone else said, it's not even rare anymore; there are male nurses all over the place.

Why does it matter what the women think of you, as long as you're being a great nurse for your patients?

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