Advice on 12 hour shifts

Nurses General Nursing


I graduated in May, and have been off my feet (stress fracture) pretty much all summer. I did ONE 8 hour shift at work last week and it kicked my behind! My feet were killing me when I got home and my heels were swollen. I am starting a new job & will be working three 12 hour shifts a week. Any advice on how to prepare my body to make it through 12 hours on my feet? I am hoping I will just get used to it after the first few weeks, as I did last summer. I am hoping the stress fracture does not come back. I think I just need to get used to it again.

How do you make it through 12 hour shifts?

What shoes do YOU wear?

How was your first few weeks on 12's?

How long did it take to get used to it?

How do you feel after a 12?

Specializes in ICU.

Danskos & support socks. My feet and legs ached after 12 hours when I first started and wore regular socks and tennis shoes (even good ones like New Balance).


Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care.

Saucony walking shoes are great!

Specializes in neurotrauma ICU.

the idea of rotating 2 or 3 pairs of shoes is the best thing. you may have to experiment to find out which shoe brand works for you. I never thought I would say this, but I really love the Crocs I have been wearing off and on for a few weeks.

Good, thick, padded, socks are important too, I think someone already mentioned that. I like Thorlos. They are so thick you may have to buy 1/2 size larger shoes. Kinda expensive too, but worth it.

Good luck going to 12's. It may take a few weeks to get used to it, but it's totally doable.

It took me about 3 - 4 months to really adjust to 12's. But I did and I tried different shoes. UGH. I bought a pair of Saucony running shoes that hurt my feet badly! Wore them about 3 times. I bought Danskos and really liked them...then I bought a pair of Alegria on a whim. I thought they were really ugly but a lot of the nurses wear them at work and they just raved about the comfort. So I tried them. Now...I have 2 pair and that's all I wear. Super comfortable and my feet never hurt with them. I can't rave enough about them...still don't think they are cute...but comfort beats the heck outta cute!

Wear good running shoes. What I really don't understand is why don't you just work 8 hour shifts?

As a new grad I am lucky to have found a job PERIOD. I am not in a position to pick and choose.

Thank you everyone for the advice! I have heard so much back & forth about Danskos I think I am going to give them a whirl! I am also super intrigued by the Alegria! Last summer while doing 12's I tried several running sneakers, but none really were great.

Keep the advice coming! Is there a good place to buy these shoes at a discount?

And sit down once in awhile and kick your shoes off!! Don't forget to take breaks!

Specializes in Emergency Room, Hospice/Palliative Care.

ALEGRIA all the way! It's like having marshmallows on your feet! So comfy. I think they are adorable so I have a non-work pair too! If you have narrow feet, they might not work out well for you ( I do, but I wear thick socks with them).

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
As a new grad I am lucky to have found a job PERIOD. I am not in a position to pick and choose.

*** Oh, OK. I didn't get that. Everyplace I have ever worked was able to accomadate a nurses request to work the kind of shift that best fit them. I am sure your job will too, after you have proven your worth to them. Good luck.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
*** oh, ok. i didn't get that. everyplace i have ever worked was able to accomadate a nurses request to work the kind of shift that best fit them. i am sure your job will too, after you have proven your worth to them. good luck.

you are really lucky! even when there was a shortage, most of the places i've worked have said "we have an opening on night shift, 7-7" or "we don't offer 8 hour shifts." or whatever. in any case, the shifts have been limited to what works for the facility.

When I worked 12 on my feet I changed shoes after about 8 hours, that really helped a lot.

I ordered dansko's a while back, and couldn't believe how heavy they are! I tried wearing them a bit around the house and just couldn't bring myself to believe I would be able to wear them for 12 hours, so I sent them back. I generally wear a solid pair of running shoes that I replace every six months. I do have the skechers work shoes - they're a bit like crocs, but an old hockey knee injury creeps up when I use them (they are comfortable and keep my feet from hurting, but not very supportive).

I've heard from a lot of nurses that love the skechers shape ups, thinking of trying them soon.

And a lot of nurses I work with change shoes and socks halfway through the day. Once i have more than one pair of good shoes, I think I'll be doing that same.

Specializes in ICU, ER, EP,.

I've been in the same ICU job for years. I've had two knee surgeries. I've been forced to go back to work earlier than advised because of ... crazy... needing a paycheck.. go figure.

So I've had to bring my ice machine... limp to the point that patients beg me to sit and rest.. and hurt and hurt and hurt. But the recovery as your going through is going to happen under those nursing circumstances and you need to meet with your orthopeadic and discuss how to make it easier.

Point blank.. there probably is no easier way and you need to buy multiple shoes and try them out and see what works. What works this month won't the next.

If you want to work... consider some mid shift... I spent 12 hours in ice and had to.

This is TEMPORARY, if you're in one of those tough job markets... you need to stick it out, knowing that you'll have to suck up that pain until you adjust and it goes away. The alternative is job switch for a temporary injury which may haunt your prospects later.

This isn't meant to sound harsh in anyway.... but having done it myself out of pure necessity... it can be done.. it just hurts, you limp and the shift eventually ends.

I know, not what you were looking for at all,, but I have no way of knowing what shoes will feel right for you, no way of knowing if you can change to 8 hr. shifts... I'm lacking the crystal ball except the one that says.. just do it for now, you'll heal, and it will all go away soon. All said with support and not nasty-ness as the written word looks worse than the support I'm trying to convey.

You might just simply have to do it. I do wish you well.

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