advice? asked to go home during shift


hi, long time lurker, first time poster

I have been practicing as a RN for almost 5 years. I have achieved some success during my time and have also learned a lot from old mistakes and habits. From January to May, I was working a FT position and was also working a per-diem position in the hospital. I was going to be awarded employee of the month at my FT job. However, I received a new job offer in a lucrative position.

I had accepted a new job and was very thrilled to become a member of this institution. I felt with my present experience and hard work, I would be able to pass orientation and begin working on my own. Unfortunately, some things were not going well, specifically communication. Monday, I was asked to go home and that they would be in touch with me. I told them how much I wanted to stay but am realistic and understand I may not be asked to. I maintained my position at my old 2 jobs at a per diem and will begin reaching out to them for a FT gig asap. However, I am still hopeful in being called back to orientation. Is it possible they would entertain the idea and bring me back, should I send them an e-mail? idk, much uncertainty.

sorry im very green in this forum but ok i shall cease with the text speak.

my approach -- i will email them tomorrow morning, carefully wording my letter in an attempt to salvage the position. i will highlight strengths while taking responsibility for lapses. whatever they choose to do, i will accept (no other choice). ill go to my per diems from now on and hopefully one of them has a FT position in tow....eventually.

Another communication problem. Different preceptors, allowing you to do different tasks. Was it a new preceptor the day you were sent home?

The problem is not you, it's them.

Sending you home , without explanation is NOT the way to treat a professional.

If you are a male nurse, then I am even less surprised.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Hi! I'm sorry to hear of your situation. I can speak from my own experience - this happened to me once since I started nursing in 91. I was asked to go home, and "we'll be in touch" when I asked about coming back. It took 3 weeks before they called me to come in to HR - and they fired me.

I had found another job after I'd been at home for a week- there was one RN there that liked to " stir the pot" and she started some BS when I was gone out of town for a funeral.

Good luck! Keep us posted!

Anne, RNC

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
It sounds to me like you're coming across a little to ahem "boldly" for their liking. I'm not sure why as an RN of 5 years you can't start an IV without your preceptor standing over your shoulder? And I'm just going to say it, it really sounds like you're holding back some key information.

Based on what you HAVE shared so far though, yes, it sounds like you've been fired if they sent you home in the middle of your shift. Sorry.[

QUOTE=artreid;8539613]i think they stopped favoring me when I took a load of 4 patients rather than 3. but i thought it was a very light load of 4. but they want me to go by the book.

The preceptor is responsible for insuring that the new employee is performing care safely; experience doesn't necessarily equal safe practice.

I'll never forget receiving a patient from a nurse, who had worked for the facility for at least a year, who had placed an IV in the patient's hand. Problem was, the angio was pointing toward the fingertips. She had experience, but she wasn't safe.

It sounds, like I said earlier, that there were several issues going on that led up to the OP being asked to leave in the middle of the day. I hope she is able to find another FT job. Even if they ask her back, if it were me, I'd be afraid that I was on thin ice.

it was a new preceptor, never worked with her before. however, it was my responsibility to catch her up to speed on my progress and i failed to do so.. she did say at the start of the shift "i have a habit of taking the lead, you go take the lead and i'll play the back" or something along those lines. i took it to mean she was comfortable with me doing, if anything, just tasks, ie cleaning, meds, rounds, pain assessments, charting. i had a new hire event to attend at noon which i informed her of earlier. when i came back, they pulled me into their office.

while i did not have much invested here, only a month in, i do feel terrible, bc i did leave under the premise i was going somewhere better. and it may have been better, but i may have not been the right fit. i just hate not knowing where i will be working by this fall, bc i had plans to apply to a masters program, now ill have to put those on hold for a while until i can get one of my per diems to take me in as FT with tuition reimbursement. a lesson in humility.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

My money says "YES"...

Another communication problem. Different preceptors, allowing you to do different tasks. Was it a new preceptor the day you were sent home?

The problem is not you, it's them.

Sending you home , without explanation is NOT the way to treat a professional.

If you are a male nurse, then I am even less surprised.

The problem is not you, it's them.

I wouldn't go that far. Maybe it wasn't fair to have multiple preceptors but maybe they did that because she already had some experience and they thought she could handle it. We recently hired someone with experience and she had multiple preceptors because she argued with everyone preceptor she had and said, "That's not how we did I where I came from". Maybe some of that is going on here.

I feel like there may be a little more to the story than what we are getting. OP has already stated that she took on too many patients and she new she wasn't supposed to. Who really knows what happened.

OP, I've never seen someone sent home in the middle of their shift. If they leave in the middle of the day like that it's because they've gone to HR and have been terminated.

LOL that's crazy, i am a male nurse. but what does that have to do with anything? me being a male nurse never amounted to much trouble

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

Well, flame away, but not that long ago (a super savvy AN member can probably link it here in a flash) a preceptor posted here about having to take on a new nurse who knew it all, was so experienced that he didn't feel he needed to listen to her. It made me wonder if you're not the nurse that OP was speaking of. Sorry, but that thought popped into my head right away, from your first post and like I said in that thread, "I wonder if this new nurse is a man?" Gut feeling I guess...

LOL that's crazy, i am a male nurse. but what does that have to do with anything? me being a male nurse never amounted to much trouble

oooohhhh haha no i do not think that's me. i remember reading that thread i think, but that was some weeks before i actually got on the unit. but good call

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