Published Oct 25, 2005
144 Posts
Hello to All!
Maybe this question has been asked before but I have searched the threads and cannot find an answer.
I will be finished enough pre-reqs to apply to ADN programs in Jan 06 to start my clinicals in Fall 06. One school that I particularly like is not accredited. It is a private school so with a high gpa it should be straight in with no wait. Most of the public CC schools in my area have at least a one year wait. Is it really bad to go to a school that is non-accredited:confused:
I really do like this program so any advice would be much appreciated.
105 Posts
Check with your BON before you start this program. Also, ask the admissions rep why the program is not accrediated.
14,633 Posts
I agree that it would be important to verify with your BON that you would be eligible for licensure if you graduate from the program. The only other issue I can think of offhand would be graduate school -- most nursing graduate programs specify that you must be a graduate of an accredited nursing school to be eligible for admission. Even if you don't think you're interested in grad school now, that could be something you would feel differently about a few years down the road.
It would certainly be worth asking the school why they're not accredited, and if they are planning to pursue accreditation. Often, it's just because it is a new program -- there's no such thing as getting accredited in advance, and programs have to graduate a class or two before they are eligible for accreditation. That's true even of a new nursing program in an older, established college or university.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Hello to All!Maybe this question has been asked before but I have searched the threads and cannot find an answer.I will be finished enough pre-reqs to apply to ADN programs in Jan 06 to start my clinicals in Fall 06. One school that I particularly like is not accredited. It is a private school so with a high gpa it should be straight in with no wait. Most of the public CC schools in my area have at least a one year wait. Is it really bad to go to a school that is non-accredited:confused: I really do like this program so any advice would be much appreciated.Thanks!Olivia
I chose the private school and it was not accredited. Reason? It has just started the nursing program and it needed the pass rate and scores of the first graduating class. Fortunately, the national accrediting agency came by and accredited the college so it was worth the risk.
I agree that you need to ask why they are not accredited. Maybe they are at "candidate for accreditation" status and are waiting for their self-study to be reviewed?
Good luck to you :)
prmenrs, RN
4,565 Posts
Whatever you do, be careful. I'd hate to spend the time and $$$, and then not be able to take NCLEX b/o school not being accredited.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
Yes make sure you can take NCLEX. Which probably you can.
The other question to ask is, "is this the end of the line for me". If you ever think somewhere along the line you want to go further in your education, bet a BSN or Masters, many schools require that transfers come from an accredited school. You may think the ADN is all you want now, but who knows what the future holds.
Good luck to you!