Published Nov 21, 2024
1 Post
Hi everyone,
I am a junior getting my degree in psychology. I was a pre med student; however, I began working as a CNA a few months ago and realized my true calling is direct patient care. I genuinely look forward to going to work and feel that becoming a nurse is what I was put on the earth to do. I was caught with my phone in a precalculus exam and I owned up to the mistake. I would like to note I was sexually assaulted 3 weeks prior to my exam and had been having a difficult time focusing/attending class. I had never gotten in the slightest bit of trouble through out my 16 years of education and deeply regret having made this lapse in judgment. I received a zero on the exam and the charge will be on my conduct record (not transcript) for 7 years. It is my dream to become an RN and I was planning on applying to ABSN programs but I no longer feel like I can possibly have a future in this field and I am really scared. I feel like everything is falling apart and this is sending me into an extreme depressive/anxious episode. If anyone has any advice on what I can do, or if you know any peers who had a similar situation I would greatly appreciate your input? Is it worth it to take pre-req courses, would an LPN program be more likely to accept me? Do ABSN programs ask for conduct records/academic dishonesty? I appreciate you reading my post and if anyone could take the time out of their day to respond I would be beyond grateful!
thank you ❤️
6,975 Posts
I do not know the answer to your question, just wanted to say
Quote deeply regret having made this lapse in judgment.
deeply regret having made this lapse in judgment.
I believe you. Though it's a hard thing to admit I would imagine most of us have done something we really, really wish we wouldn't have done.
You made a mistake. You know integrity is important.
I hope things are looking up for you, soon. Take care of yourself. Try to focus on moving forward one day at a time ~
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,368 Posts
Contact the school you want to apply to. I would be honest. Hiding stuff will get you nowhere. Better than wasting time and money if they won't accept you. A lot of worrying is because we don't get answers and we wonder. If they say no then either check with another school or maybe find a different career.
FullGlass, BSN, MSN, NP
2 Articles; 1,873 Posts
If it is not on your transcript, then it doesn't matter. You can request a copy of your official transcript to be sure there is nothing on there. The nursing schools just get your transcript and that is all.