A&P II plus Micro in the same semester?


Hi! Basically, I'm doing my pre-req's right now and I'm trying to figure out my schedule for next semester. I wanted to go ahead and knock out my Micro and Anatomy 2 class next semester to have the Summer off before I start the Nursing program, but my advisor and biology teacher are recommending I wait and take Micro in the Summer. Although I do trust their judgment, I have also talked to students in the actual program who have done it and said it's hard but doable as long as you study and manage your time. I know I won't know until I actually start my classes, but I figured I would ask others' experiences with taking them together. I have been excelling in Anatomy 1 and understand the material quite well, and I will not be working next semester so I'll more than likely have enough time to study to at least pass the classes.

Specializes in Oncology.

Hello! I'll do my best to give some advice, though I would have a few clarifying questions: do each of those classes come with separate lab portions? Are they 16 weeks long or more of a fast-track length? Are you already accepted into a nursing program or are your grades in these classes going to be part of the admissions criteria when you submit your applications?

I took A&P 1, then micro, then A&P 2 - and I took each class without taking concurrent classes, so I was focusing solely on that material the entire time. Each class came with a lab portion that had its own assignments and exams, so they were more like two-in-one courses. The material in those courses, especially A&P, doesn't just go away when you start nursing school. You need to remember it because it will be built upon down the line. Therefore, to set yourself up for further success, I'd take them one at a time instead of doubling up; I feel this would allow you to really soak in and retain the information instead of just doing enough to get by. I know it would be nice to have the Summer off, but it would also be nice to still be in "school-mode" when starting nursing school. Nursing school will demand so much more of your preexisting study habits, and I felt that not taking a break served me well, personally. Of course, everyone is different - but I agree with your advisors on this one. Best of luck to you!

I personally wouldn't take AP2 and Micro at the same time because AP2 will take up more space in terms of studying. I do know people whom have done it and they have had high AP2 grades but lower Micro grades.

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