About state surveys


I have been reading some old posts about state surveyors. How different does the staff act when they are there? I have worked at the same LTC for 16 years. "State" being the building doesn't bother me, but some of our staff goes wild. They are actually funny to watch. We have people coming out of offices and actually talking to residents. One year, our adminstratior (not our present one) was passing trays in the dining room and one resident asked him who he was cause she said she had never seen him before. I was wondering if this was the norm everywhere.

Specializes in LTC, home health, critical care, pulmonary nursing.

It is rather amusing, isn't it, to watch people freak out. I LOVE our administration. The DON and ADON, MDS nurse and MRD are always on the floors interacting with the residents. In fact, the DON says frequently how much she misses the residents. They're actually on the floors less during surveys.

In our facility, EVERYONE is out on the floors when state are in. It is really funny. My thing is that you know they aren't fooling anyone. I mean come on! Do you actually believe they are that dumb? Do you think they believe that the DON et Social Worker et Admission Coordinator pass trays et answer call lights on any given day? PULEEZE!! But I always enjoyed the help. As for the MDS nurses, they do come out et help on the floor when we are short a nurse or whatever. Or if the nurses are busy with doctor day or whatever. I always could count on them. Now that I am in MDS, I try to remember that et help out when I can.

Mostly new nurses here freak out. Most of the older nurses just go about their business. We know what to expect et try to get started on med passes ASAP just so they have to watch someone else. The ones we had last year weren't too bad.

Specializes in Brain injury,vent,peds ,geriatrics,home.

You know it always used to PSS me off the way other staff members would run around like (hippocrits)when STATE would come in.I ,personally wouldnt let it ruffle my feathers.I had no problem if they wanted to follow me around.I felt I did the best I could and practiced my nursing skills as a prudent nurse would.I had nothing to hide,and if they found faults in my practice,then I would correct it.Why be a liar and hippocrit??We are supposed to be PTs advocates.I dont think its funny at all. We Might be in a facility someday.YA never know!And I wouldnt want a hippocrit taking care of me.

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

At the last 2 facilities I worked at we had All Hands On Deck for breakfast and lunch. That meant when a meal was served, EVERYONE-including the ADNS,DNS,Social Workers,Administrator,business office people- EVERYONE was out passing trays. EVERY day. Not just during survey.

As the ADNS and later the DNS I was on the floor at least 4 times a day checking patients' conditions, talking to the staff, and yes even doing wound care if the floor nurses were swamped. Our tray pass went so smoothly, the surveyor actually said to me, "You do this every day don't you".

Specializes in geriatric, emergency, critical care.

Kudos to you CapeCod for doing the "right thing" on a daily basis. Surveyors aren't stupid (contrary to popular belief..;) ) and we do know when department heads come out of their dark hiding places once or twice a year. The big clue to that is these sweet Residents saying; "honey, I don't think we've ever met..";)

At the last 2 facilities I worked at we had All Hands On Deck for breakfast and lunch. That meant when a meal was served, EVERYONE-including the ADNS,DNS,Social Workers,Administrator,business office people- EVERYONE was out passing trays. EVERY day. Not just during survey.

As the ADNS and later the DNS I was on the floor at least 4 times a day checking patients' conditions, talking to the staff, and yes even doing wound care if the floor nurses were swamped. Our tray pass went so smoothly, the surveyor actually said to me, "You do this every day don't you".

Cape Cod - that was done at the last place I worked, and is one of the few good things I have to say about them. Everyone was out there making sure that the residents had what they needed, that their meat was cut, etc. It's a good way for admin to interact with residents that they otherwise might not get to see often. Plus, they had good food, and it was served in an attractive setting.

state surveys are a "hoot". you see people on the floor you never knew existed. everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off. we have alot of new grads., when the surveyors see them

they latch on to them the entire time they're here. some manage to make it thru without being reemed a new one, some leave in tears. state surveys are not for whimps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol2:

One day I saw the DON on the floor passing trays, and we weren't behind. Hmmmmm. I thought at the time that someone from the state was there. This was about a month before the official survey.

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

I actually enjoyed doing the tray pass on the dementia unit. The radio was always tuned to the local oldies station and I would walk around singing while handing out trays. It was a nice break in the middle of the stressful day....I got a firsthand look at at least 25 residents, the staff liked the help AND they all liked the singing. One of the CNAs told me I should sign up for American Idol! Too bad I just miss the age cutoff (yeah right...just miss by 25 years!)

We are actually going through our state survey right now. So far it hasn't been to bad. i can say for a fact that as far as patient care and med passes go, we do a pretty good job. BUT the facility that I am at now used to use Agency for like a year ( I actually started there last Aug 2006 as agency then came aboard in Oct. 2006) and they quite using Agency this past March, so I know that a lot of the charts may have some holes, and I'm sure some stuff may not have been charted, so DHEC will probably tag us there.

Please don't take offense for the agency part, we had some great agency nurses that i wish i still could work with, and we have regular staff that i would rather not work with, but a lot of the times, the, agency nurses wouldn't chart a whole lot. One agency nurse that worked a weekend night shift didn't chart the WHOLE weekend! I mean, come on, I'm not perfect, but that is kinda slack.

We do the same thing every day. So when surveyors come in we are not in a panic. We just go about our day;)

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