'About A Nurse' Caption Contest #3 | Nurses Month

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    Editorial Team / Admin

    Joe V

    7 Articles; 2,555 Posts

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.

Provide Winning Caption

Win $100 (2x$50) 'Night On The Town' Gift Cards!

1 Winner / $100.00 Total Prize Value

For Nurses Month, we will provide 3 toons (on separate days) in need of a caption. All you have to do is submit your caption below.

Submit Your Caption

Contest Rules

  1. Only Registered members can apply. Register Now!
  2. Keep captions short and to the point. Captions should fit the toon. 
  3. Enter as many captions as you like.
  4. Gift Cards good in U.S. Only
  5. Contest ends May 31, 2022

IMPORTANT Winners will be contacted via email. The 'Night On The Town' Restaurant Gift Cards can be used in the following restaurants:

  1. Bahama Breeze
  2. Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen
  3. Longhorn Steakhouse
  4. Olive Garden
  5. Seasons 52
  6. Yard House

Sponsored by allnurses Platinum Members

This contest is possible by our generous Platinum Members. All sales from Platinum Memberships go back to the community in the form of contests, publications, and giveaways. Support the community by purchasing a Platinum Membership today!

UPDATE June 2, 2022

Congratulations @sunshine 24

Your caption won!

The toon with the winning caption can be found at...
Everyone LOVES a "feel-good" moment!

Specializes in School Nursing, Home Health.

Oh don't mind him, its a new nurse. We told him next time he said the "Q" word he would have to take the charge nurse around the unit. 

Guess who won the 3rd About A Nurse Caption contest on AllNurses.com. 

Specializes in Advanced Practice, Critical Care.

Transport always gives him preferential treatment!

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

No, remember to set the oven at 350 degrees and bake that turkey for several hours!423433277_capcon2.jpg.d238ee527b05d3d8958701b7a4caf937.jpg

He holds the almighty raspberry sherbert of legend. He has agreed to share the location in exchange for transport, so be on the lookout for patients in disguise.

Specializes in ICU, CCU, ER, PACU, tele, PSYCH.

Must be the new travel nurse! 

Specializes in Pediatrics.

"The student nurses are doing really well this semester!"

The feeling you get after successfully starting an IV on a patient who is a hard stick.

Specializes in Psychiatric, Med Surg.

He was able to give report in under 5 minutes and leave on time.

Specializes in Midwifery.

We try to deliver our duty diligently, though we are human but we don't allow our workload to get in line of our duties.

How doctors expect nurses to treat them

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