A Phone Call

You never know how much value can be placed on the 'little things' in nursing. Things like a phone call or a hug. Sometimes I get so caught up in the stress and the environment that I forget to remember the value of the little things. If you have little moments of nursing that made you happy, please share at the end of the article! Nurses Announcements Archive Article

She called my name down the hallway. To me, at the other nurses' station. Why she did that, I don't know. I had a phone next to me. She's the unit secretary. Why doesn't she know my extension?

"You have a phone call. Johnson's brother. Wants to speak to his nurse"

I call back (now we are just raising our voices at each other, how foolish) "Transfer the call over here."

She calls back at me. "What's the number at your phone?"

Again I wonder- why don't you know the number? But I don't ask her aloud. I reply "6015" The phone next to my computer rings and I answer.

"Third floor, this is SarahLee, how can I help you?"

I hear a voice, sounding far away and yet right in my ear. "This is George, Elizabeth Johnson's brother. I was wondering if you could tell me how she is doing?"


I ask "Are you her health care proxy or power of attorney?"

"No, just her brother," the voice seems frail.

My HIPAA training kicks in. I search my brain and scan through the computer in front of me to see if this person is a contact. I don't see his name in the computer and the chart is at the other nurses' station. Then inspiration strikes me.

"I'm sorry, can you hold on for just a moment?" I ask. I press hold on the phone and walk down the hallway.

Knocking, I enter. "Elizabeth, your brother George is on the phone, wondering how you are doing. Can I give him some information?"

Elizabeth looks up and smiles. "Oh yes! I have been trying to call him! Please tell him anything that he wants!"

I go back to the station and the phone, press hold again and just get a dial tone. I lost him. I must have hung up on him, poor man. Another victim of my sad phone skills. Sighing, I go back down the hallway.

"Elizabeth, do you have his phone number? I'm sorry but I think I lost him."

She searches her brain as she is lying there on her bed: "Oh yes, it's 478, no 784, no...oh dear, I'm always forgetting it..."

Suddenly, the overhead page is heard, "SarahLee, phone call front desk. SarahLee, phone call front desk."

Thankful, I say "Never mind Elizabeth, that's probably him"

I go straight to the unit secretary this time. No more fancy phone maneuvers for me. She tells me how to use her phone, I sit down and I answer it. Quick apology for hanging up on him "I never could run these phones."

"It's ok," he laughs nervously. Then, without skipping a beat, like he was diving into a pool before he lost his nerve, he asks: "Sarah, is my sister going to die?"

Stunned at the suddenness of such a request, I search through my brain about the woman I just left in the room. Respirations even, non labored, alert, talking, laughing, getting up as needed on her own, very limited pain. Speaking cautiously, I reply "No...I wouldn't say that she is going to die. I mean, of course, I can't see the future. She's going to need some time to recover, certainly, but no, right now she's not dying."

Suddenly there was a silence on the other end. No talking, just deep breathing heard, in and out, in and out. I thought I had hung up on him again. Finally I say "Um..sir..are.. are you still there?"

Deep breathing and then, a tearful voice, full of anguish, speaking in a rush now, "I got home and had a message from our other sister, they said she was doing terrible, not well at all, that she was dying...I tried to call her room several times and I couldn't get through...so I finally thought I should try the nurse...so I've been trying to get through at the desk...." Then I heard the sound of him blowing his nose.

And there it was. That moment that comes every now and again, where I am going along doing a normal day's work and then suddenly I feel like an observer of my own life. Like I am someone who is looking through a glass at all these different people walking around and suddenly I see two people who have never met before meet at an intersection.

Without warning, his day's crisis had smacked headlong into my day's routine. What was he thinking when I put him on hold to ask my patient's permission to talk to him and then subsequently hung up on him?

He had thought his sister was dying.

Did he think I had to find someone else to break the news to him? Did he think that he would never hear his sister's voice again? Did he think that the nurse didn't want to talk to him?

When I picked up the phone, I thought that he was going to ask some general questions like "How is she doing, when can she go home, can I come and see her?"

But his question was more serious.

His question was his biggest fear. He didn't even know if she was dead, dying or alive.

Our phone conversation continued and we talked a little more about her health. His tears and fears subsided. I could tell that relief was spreading right through him. I could almost see his smile over that phone line, if such a thing is even possible to say. At the end of our conversation (with the help of the unit secretary) I transferred his call to her room where he and his sister had a good conversation.

She called me into the room later and gave me a big hug. "Thank you so much," she said. "He was so afraid" and we laughed together, as two people who knew a private joke.

But the rest of that shift, I felt what must be one of the best feelings in the world. I felt like smiling, laughing, running down the halls like a fool.

Because my patient wasn't dying. She was very much alive.

I had put one person's mind at ease. And I got a hug and a thank you from another.

What more could I ask for? So don't ever underestimate the value of the little moments in nursing, like a phone call. Small routine moments in our patient care may turn out to be one of the biggest moments in our patients' and their families' lives.

And we get to be part of it. How amazing!

What little moments have you been a part of?

That's a beautiful story. I'll share one of my own, about a little thing that ended up meaning a lot to one woman.

My patient *was* dying. A long, drawn out decline and a little over five months spent in my department on what was her final admission of many.

When she first came to us, she was mostly bed-bound, but could get up to a commode with minimal assist, all the with the ever-present oxygen mask (mere nasal prongs weren't enough). Eventually, getting up became too much, and after a couple of months she no longer left her bed at all.

The prospect of a shower was too much for her to bear. Even when she was getting up, even with our cushy shower chair and portable oxygen, that much movement, humidity, and stress would've been too much for her to handle. She knew it and so did we.

She got bed baths, of course. And new sheets. She never said so, but I knew it bothered her that she hadn't been able to have more than that.

I wasn't often her primary nurse, but this day I was. It was a rare uneventful shift, likely a weekend. I brought piles of linens -- extra flannels, soaker pads -- shampoo and two full basins and pitchers of warm water.

I soaked the heck out of that bed, washing her hair and giving her the wettest bed bath I have ever done. Wrapped her in warm flannels, dried the bed and changed the sheets (while she was in it), lotioned her up, combed her hair, and tucked her in.

It isn't often I have time to do that, and I felt good about it afterward. The best part was her smile, as she told her husband (the lovely man who visited faithfully three times a day all those five months) how nice and relaxed and happy she felt after her bath.

So there's a little thing, something that was maybe little in theory but big for her. I still remember the smile on her face, through that plastic mask.

As much as nursing is about skills and knowledge, it's also about these little things. I'd love to hear more stories.

Great story, thanks for posting!

Such a touching story!!makes me proud and feel great that I am a nurse and that every day, I have the opportunity to touch my patients' life!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

These are the moments that keep us going when we feel like we could just hang up our stethoscope forever. Heart warming.

I have one to share too. It was one of my first patient assignments in nursing school, and I will never forget her.

This happened the week before mother's day. This poor woman had terminal breast cancer, and her doctors had the brilliant idea to do a barium contrast on her to see if there was anything blocking her esophagus. We had spent all morning trying to get her the God-awful barium. She was such a trooper about it too. When they came to get her, I asked my teacher to go with her, and since we still had only one patient, she allowed me to go.

I sat there with her while they made her wait in her stretcher for over an hour. She told me a little bit about her family, how her daughters lived hours away but were coming over the weekend to see her for Mother's Day, and how much she was looking forward to it. She drifted in and out, and seemed so uncomfortable. I stroked her hair and held her hand the whole time.

At one point she looked up at me and told me that nurses like me were what helped her be strong and fight. She then fell asleep again. I cried and cried once she closed her eyes.

When we came back a week later I searched for her frantically to give her a small plushie I had brought in for her for Mother's Day. She unfortunately had passed away that previous Friday, the day before her daughters came. They never got to see her that last time.

It broke my heart, but still felt amazing to make any kind of difference in her end of life care.

Although there are a lot of experiences in the area that are unpleasant; there are still more which makes us feel great that we are nurses!Their stories may break our heart, but make us whole as a person...it was just proven by the stories you've shared!!

Thank you for your heartwarming story. This is the true art of nursing. The way you reassured this poor man, so worried about his sister. Its what its all about. Its easy to forget how vunerable it is to be a patient and a family member of a patient. Lots of time MDs and RNs don't offer much communication, which is scary.

I'm a bitter, smart-assed, 20 year ICU casualty. Needed this.

From a patient's family point of view- when my mom was dying of ovarian cancer, the VERY BEST thing for her was bathing! I was her constant "nurse" even though she was getting decent care at the ECF that she stayed at briefly. I knew which time was her last "real" bath- she barely tolerated it at all.....it took her a good 45 minutes to recover from the effort. It was bed baths from that point on... The few times the nurses did what you described- soaking the bed and making a total mess in order to make her happy- she LOVED it. Made me develop a new, undiscovered love for my fellow nurses who choose to do LTC for a living. Those ladies were amazing- I will NEVER downplay the importance of nursing home work again in my life. I had been a bedside ER nurse for many years when my mom got diagnosed with advanced cancer- totally changed me to be sitting at the bedside instead of working at the bedside :-) Those "little things" like reassuring phone calls and bed baths mean so much!


SaoirseRN 2:27 am by [COLOR=#003366]SaoirseRN A member since Aug '12 - from 'British Columbia, Canada'. SaoirseRN has '6' year(s) of nursing experience. Posts: 178 Likes: 344


That's a beautiful story. I'll share one of my own, about a little thing that ended up meaning a lot to one

The prospect of a shower was too much for her to bear. Even when she was getting up, even with our cushy shower chair and portable oxygen, that much movement, humidity, and stress would've been too much for her to handle. She knew it and so did we.

She got bed baths, of course. And new sheets. She never said so, but I knew it bothered her that she hadn't been able to have more than that.

I wasn't often her primary nurse, but this day I was. It was a rare uneventful shift, likely a weekend. I brought piles of linens -- extra flannels, soaker pads -- shampoo and two full basins and pitchers of warm water.

LOVED this post, so well written, too, just loved it. I'll probably read the whole thing again, really enjoyed this one!!

so nice to read an article that isn't some disgruntled nurse complaining about "kissing a$$ at work"

or complaining about having to be "like a servant" or complaining about "customer service is a drag"

etc etc etc.

I so so agree,

that doing little things CAN mean so much, both for the patient, and for the nurse herself, too!! I so so agree, that actually caring,

actually finding a way to connect,

doing little things that go a bit above and beyond,

makes our jobs easier, and LESS stressful, not more stressful,

as evidenced by your joyful feeling after you did this. You went above and beyond, and you felt LESS stress, not more stress.

when we DO care, it is almost a stress-management thing, imo, for the nurse who is able to care or connect, who can carve out the time (it's often only minutes) to do the little things that really DO make both the patients AND the nurse's day go better.

Specializes in Transitional Nursing.

Awww. Just yesterday I had an elderly woman being d/cd home to hospice. She was so nervous because she didn't know what to expect. Thought her hubby wouldn't be able to care for her. I showed him how he could easily change her brief and she can participate in most of it right now. So before she left I gave her a good shower, scrubbed her hair and shampooed it. Then I lotioned her up and blow dried her hair. She was so happy. All I could think was maybe this is the last shower she's going to get. Even though it put me behind it made my heart happy to bring her such joy over such a minor thing. She told me she loved me and a gave her a kiss on the cheek. Makes me sad I know I'll never see her again, but I'm glad she gets to die in the comfort of her own home.

"No day but today"

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.

Great article - thank you for sharing :)