A lot


Hi, this is something that really bugs me. All of us are either nurses or working on it. Yet all of the time I see "alot" in the post here instead of "a lot". It's two words. With our education we should know this. But don't be fooled, I used to write it as "alot" too. :chuckle

LOL. May I recommend "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" for your reading pleasure. I am sure you will enjoy it. A lot.

:chuckle SJ

Specializes in Operating Room.

You are correct. However, we also need to work on definitely, your/you're, there/their/they're, and many other things I see posted.

.......but who are we to correct someone? Just as in texas we say "y'all", other parts of the U.S. say "you guys" or "yous guys". Is it wrong, or just wrong where another person lives?

I don't think "a lot" or "alot" should be used in clinical writing anyway. It doesn't give an exact amount, unless you are talking about an actual "lot" of something. (Would that even be used in Nursing?....doubt it.)

I understand your pet peeve. I have plenty because of my Junior and Senior year high school English teachers. lol

:cheers: "To our English!" lol

Hi, this is something that really bugs me. All of us are either nurses or working on it. Yet all of the time I see "alot" in the post here instead of "a lot". It's two words. With our education we should know this. But don't be fooled, I use to write it as "alot" too. :chuckle

Yeah, I have problems with a while and alright. I worked for ten years as a writer so that's pretty pathetic. :p

It's funny, I wondered if I would get any replies from this post. I'm happy to see that there are others who have their own pet peeves. Maybe someone will learn something from this and carry it forward. I'd like to add, to, two and too, the later being the most frequently misused.

I'm glad someone else noticed the spelling errors too. There are so many incredibly bright people on this board - obviously. Do you think there is any truth to you're either really great @ the English language, or really great @ the sciences? The only problem w/ incorrect spelling is it is a reflection on the person writing it. Use your spell check! :)

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

I'm with you fun2care. :p

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
Hi, this is something that really bugs me. All of us are either nurses or working on it. Yet all of the time I see "alot" in the post here instead of "a lot". It's two words. With our education we should know this. But don't be fooled, I use to write it as "alot" too. :chuckle

I's just be tickled pank thet you gots that offen yo chest now.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Go to the site:


Enjoy the HUGE list when you do a search on list of errors!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, this is something that really bugs me. All of us are either nurses or working on it. Yet all of the time I see "alot" in the post here instead of "a lot". It's two words. With our education we should know this. But don't be fooled, I use to write it as "alot" too. :chuckle

I'm sorry but that doesn't bug me nearly as much as when someone asks for advise. The correct usage is "advice". It drives me nuts. However, I figure that when I'm posting on here, it's not for a grade. I'm just relaxed trying to get a point across. Sometimes my fingers are faster than my brain!!!! :banghead: :roll

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
Go to the site:


Enjoy the HUGE list when you do a search on list of errors!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

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Leaves a lot to say Siri. No one speaks or writes perfectly. :)

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