A & P 1

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


How does ANYONE pass this class..What am I doing wrong??? Anyone have any good study tips or any tips that can help me pass. First test got a 62... That also happend to be the CLASS AVERAGE!!!! which is horrible i feel on the professors part.. If anyone wants to start a study group online PM me..

I'm in A&P2 now and got an A in A&P1 lecture & lab. Here are a few study tips -

1. Figure out your study style - are you an audio, or visual, or hands on learner? How do you remember things? For example, I know if someone tells me something (audio), I will not remember it. BUT If I write it down, I will (visual/hands on). Also, my brain responds well to colors. So I'll write one topic in one color and another topic in another color. Or, I will draw a picture of something to remember it. If you're a visual learner, organize the information on a piece of paper into a chart. If you're an audio learner, record yourself going over your notes, or ask your professor if you can record him/her in class, then study from that.

2. Write an outline - my professor gave us her powerpoint slides so I made an outline from the slides and organized the information into a way that made it easy for me to remember. If you have to read the book, write your notes in outline form so it's more organized when you study. Then study just from your outlines because you already know all the information is there and you won't have to try to remember a bunch of stuff that isn't important.

3. Take good notes in class - pay attention, ask questions. If you're shy during class, ask questions after or email the professor later. Bring different colored pens and pencils to class to draw charts or tables of what you're learning. I use an iPad and use the Notability App for taking notes. Everything is saved to Dropbox and I can access my notes from any computer.

4. Make associations - use acronyms to remember stuff. For example, Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle - the first letters stand for the first letters of the name of the carpal bones of the hand. Also, make funny associations to memorize things. For example, I always remember that the radius bone in the forearm is connected the one that is connected to the thumb because when we give someone a thumbs up, we think something is RAD, and those are the first 3 letters of RADius.

5. Remember your motivation - this can keep you studying for hours and make you want to learn the material. There is so much memorization but when you keep your end goal in mind and your motivation at the front of your brain, I think studying becomes less stressful and more like another step you're taking towards your goal.

Good luck!!

Read. The. Book. And then go on quizlet for your book's chapter. I take notes as I read, it looks like I rewrite the whole chapter but I don't, I just write the parts that are hard. Make sure you go at the end of the chapter, do the little questions and such. You can't memorize, you need to understand the physiology of it! Well, that's the difficult part for me. I can remember anatomy stuff enough for a test, but physiology is the biggie. I have a 93% in the class. We have 2 weeks to do each chapter, and I'm ahead by 1 chapter, that way I have time to study.

I'm also going to toss in the advice for reading the book. I try and read what I think the professor will cover in class (sometimes I over or undershoot it), go to class, write whatever he puts on the board (he doesn't use powerpoints, and I'm glad for that...I need to actually write the material down), and will make flashcards based almost entirely off of his board notes. Got an A in A&P 1 and have almost a 100 in A&P 2 right now, so I just stick with whatever works.

Someone posted a link to a little "test" that sort of gauges how you learn best (video, audio, hands on)...I'll try and find it and post it as an edit.

EDIT: Found it, along with some other A&P links here on allnurses:

- VARK Test on how you learn best

- A&P Help...from my brain to yours!

- Tips from an A&P Tutor

- How to get an "A" in any course

Hope that helps, and good luck! :D

I just finished AP 2. Got a B+ in 1&2. I watched a lot of lectures on YouTube, read chapters entirely, recorded my teachers lectures, reviewed my notes, quizlet and other sites worked great too. Make sure you study a little bit daily!

These are great tips!! I've been slacking in the flash cards department as well:(

Quizlet, quizlet, quizlet! Also, my instructor posted lecture power points online before class, so i could print them in handouts of 2-3 per page, so I would always have the main ideas already down and I just had to fill in details around the slide. This meant less time furiously trying to write everything she would say (impossible endeavor anyway) and more time actually listening. If you have that option, you might find it helpful. I haven't tried recording lectures yet but will be trying it once i get into nursing school. YouTube was really helpful with lab as well. I made A's in both.

This is what worked for me for a&p I (and same methods I use in a&p II and micro this semester)

I read the chapter and take notes over what I feel is important. During lecture our professor lectures from power points that follow the book....so I follow along in my book and hilite the points she talks about.....I also take hand written notes over the things that she tells us YOU MUST KNOW (hand written helps me remember better) she does not post her powerpoints online

My micro professor DOES post the power points online.....so I print them with a notes section beside each slide....follow along and take notes over things she emphasizes and hilite the the slides that she says "know this slide"

then I go home and read the chapter again and complete the review for the chapter. when I complete the review I don't use short sweet answers.....I use long detailed answers, then I print it and study from there

I also study with my 5 year old hanging out with me a lot....he is always asking "whats that" and "how does that work" soooo if I can explain it on 5 year old levels I know that I have a basic understanding of it.....then once I have that understanding I go back and focus on the details I need to know.

I used an anatomy coloring book, flash cards, I also printed some labeling pages of the internet and put them in sheet protectors so I could use a dry erase marker and label over and over until I got it.

I ended up with a high B.......I probably would have had an A except our exams had high valued open ended questions and she graded so hard on them. her Open ended questions stressed me out lol those are what hurt me on the exams. but I'm ok with a high B :D

Go to every open lab available! Spend weekends at the coffee shop or library.. It takes many hours of studying and open lab to get a good grade in A&P.. I went out with friends maybe 2x during A&P I and II.. Constantly emerse yourself with classmates and studies and you'll do great.

Specializes in Adult Psychiatry, Correctional/Forensic Psychiatry.

Make sure that you read the textbook and understand it completely. Flash cards do help and if your professor puts up slides, read them over and print out the pictures and study the diagrams.

It's difficult but possible and I find it very interesting. I love A&P . I got an A on it.

AP1 isn't hard! as long as you buy anatomy flash cards from amazon and study them and your class notes EVERYDAY, you will do well! the only reason I did well was bc reviewed everyday even if it was for 10-20 mins! Also record record record record lectures! Buy an app on your smartphone and record the heck out of those lectures! and when you take notes, if you're a visual learner, try to draw out certain body parts and use different colored pens, highlights, post-it notes, when taking notes! The key is to make it interesting if you're not interested!!!!

You Will succeed! Get rid of any and all negativity!

Sent from my iPhone using the allnurses app

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

My purchased flash cards sit in a box waiting to be returned, barely used ;-) I found that creating my own flash cards impress the terminology upon me far more; plus, I can be more specific and targeted compared to what my professor wants me to know vs. the general and broad stuff covered by purchased cards.

I do strongly agree with recording every lecture if you have permission; and, then listening to those recorded lectures every chance you can do so. I typically listen to the previous lecture on the drive to school so I can better remember it, and have a better flow with the new material. Days before the exam, I've a play list of all the lectures covered in the exam that I will listen to over and over and over again. I agree with you on drawing (though I'm terrible at it; I know fellow students who do it well, and it helps them a lot).

Bottom line, learn your learning style(s), be open to changing things up per subject matter and class, put in the time -- repetition, repetition, repetition.

Thank you.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

A&P I was a difficult class for me also but I managed to pull off a B at the end of the quarter. Just passed A&P II with another B, just barely missing the A's. My advice to you is not to cram if you can avoid it. If you can set aside time everyday to study, do so. The night before and the morning of the test, if you have time, study study study and refresh your memory before you walk into the classroom. During lectures, I would take my laptop to class and edit the teacher's notes (she would put them in an online "classroom" for us to print or look at) as she was going through them in class, adding what I thought would be important to know. Youtube videos, especially over functions, were a total life saver and gave a visual dynamic to the monotone discussions or text book reading. If you are a visual learner, study the pictures and diagrams in the text and lab manual and again, watch videos. Also, get together with your friends from school and "teach" each other what you've learned. If you can explain it to your peers, you comprehend the material and are less likely to have it go in one ear and out the other. The day of the tests, take care of yourself. Get enough sleep, breakfast, and coffee. Tell yourself you are going to rock that test's world. If you can go in calm, cool and collected, you'll be surprised just how much you truly know! Good luck! You can do this! ;)

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