A&P 1 Spring 2012 Check-in


Hi all!

How is everyone doing? Our semester started later than most so we are having our first test tomorrow. I know many of you have already had your first test, how did you do?

We have a test tomorrow then on tuesday. I think tomorrow will be the 'easier' of the two tests because it is the lab test which is on the anatomical terms and the integumentary system.

At first I thought I'd never be able to memorize all the anatomical terms for the parts of the body. sural? crural? acromial? what?! but I got them down.

I have my first test to!!mmorow in lab and my first test for lecture on Tuesday!! studying my butt off.

I had A&P 1 (or Bio 210 here!) lol, last semester! and I got a 96 A average for the whole course! Just remember it is all memorization! Memorize, memorize, and memorize some more! I cannot say that enough! lol :)

I had my first exam on Monday. I think that I did well. I want to second china graves point...it's all memorization. I'm kinda familiar with these type of classes and study routines (bio background) but i'm sure everyone can do it! I find it very helpful to study every other day. By the time it's exam time, I don't need to cram, just a brief review. I'm sure you're doing this! good luck!

I just had my first test last night on anatomical terminology, histology and integumentary. We had both our lab and lecture test. I did well on the lab test and I am hoping my teacher will post the lecture portion today.

I am in A&P 1, but only have 2.5 weeks left since I am in the accelerated 8 week course!! We've had three exams and two lab exams so far, and I'm holding a 100%!!!!!! :yelclap: The key is to study EVERY day, and stay current if not ahead of the lectures. Cramming will NOT work with this class!

Hi all!

How is everyone doing? Our semester started later than most so we are having our first test tomorrow. I know many of you have already had your first test, how did you do?

We have a test tomorrow then on tuesday. I think tomorrow will be the 'easier' of the two tests because it is the lab test which is on the anatomical terms and the integumentary system.

At first I thought I'd never be able to memorize all the anatomical terms for the parts of the body. sural? crural? acromial? what?! but I got them down.

Had first lab exam last week on anatomical terminology, histolgy and integumentary system. I am disappointed with myself for only getting an 87; I will be studying even harder for the next one. First exam in lecture will not be until the 22nd. I find it a bit disorienting for lab and lecture to be at such different paces: content-wise, lab is way ahead of lecture. Is this the case for anyone else?

Our lab and lecture is at the same point but that is because we skipped the chapters on cells and chemistry.

It is kind of confusing because the lab exam is supposed to test on what is only in the lab and the lecture exam is what is only in the lecture. For the lab exam, our teacher told us to study certain things that weren't in the lab manual but were covered in the lecture. So I have to look at our lab book and the text book to make sure I got everything covered for the lab exam.

Checking back in again. Did well on my tests, got a 100 on one and 96 on the other. I made a couple stupid mistakes which resulted in the 96. I second guessed myself. Oh well.

Hoping everyone is doing well so far! Let us know, and if you are hitting trouble spots, share with us as well.

So I am pretty much destroyed. Got a 76 on my first exam. I study all the time, make dlash cards and read my book and go to a&p sites online. I missed 12 of 50 question. I just want to cry I am so disapointed in myaelf because I know its only going to get harder. And I I cant even pass this class how the heck can I get through nursing school. Sorry for the pity party.

Our teacher said the first test is usually has the lowest scores of all the tests. The time to act is now. I'd try to go to your professor's office hours and see what your trouble spots were. Was it memorization that got you? Was it understanding the question?

The first test was so broad that it was difficult to focus on just a single aspect although yeah more memorization is to come.

Specializes in OR.

Our teacher said the same thing about the first test. In our class, 14 of 60+ failed. I did well; in fact, I was extremely pleased with my grade. The test covered terminology, chemistry, and cells. We don't test in lab until midterms, so I'm pretty nervous about that. Second test in lecture is a week from Monday -- tissues, skin, and bones. Yikes!

I joke that if I'm awake and not cooking, I'm studying. Except it's not really a joke. I read over my notes every day, flip through my flash cards at least once a day, and listen to lectures when I'm driving. I'm even dreaming A&P now! Some days, I feel like my brain's on the verge of exploding.

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