Published Feb 19, 2008
150 Posts
Hi! I've been a lurker for a while, but just now joined since I'm starting on my prereqs this summer. For background, I have a B.A. in History (2004) and I'm finishing up a Masters in Education (adult training and learning) this semester. I'm applying for both an Accelerated BSN program and an entry level MS-CNL program. For the BSN program, the application date is July 1st , so I'm going to have to crunch to get in three more prereqs by then. I'm planning on taking A&P 1, Microbiology, and Stats online this summer through a local community college. Am I being too ambitious?
Oh, I also wanted to add that I work full time doing pharmaceutical training and all three classes are 11 weeks each, so at least it's not a compressed schedule.
77 Posts
having taken all 3 of the classes, I'd say heck yes it's too much for the summer. UNLESS: you don't care about your grade, you have superhuman memorization powers, you have no job or children.
Best of luck if you try this, but if your grade is important to you, I would either space it out, or take it during a regular session. Summer is INTENSE!!
Thanks Fiona. I was leaning towards taking just two. Probably A&P 1 and Stats since they are different subject areas.
11 Posts
Just my 2 cents, but I think even A&P I and Statistics would be too much for a summer. I'm taking A&P I now during the Spring and, to me, it's like the equivalent of taking 3 courses at one time! So much memorization!
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Unless you have a real head for numbers I'd take stats with ONE class, not two.
176 Posts
I agree with the others, way too much for a summer. I'd just take one of the sciences since you are working full time as well. As one of the other posters said, there is a lot of memorization in A&P. I know you're in a rush but you're better off passing one science course over the summer than having to take all three classes over because you didn't pass d/t overload. IMHO.
Thanks for all the advice! I'm definitely going to take A&P I and then either stats or nutrition. I'm leaning more towards the CNL program anyways, plus it'll give me more time to get good grades on my prereqs.
62 Posts
I think it would be way too much to take and stay SANE! I took Micro and Speech during the summer (while working full time), and I was not a happy camper!! I got an A in both classes, but i can't even imagine doing more than that.
You might be able to do it if you are not working at the moment... but it will be a challenge.
BeccaznRN, RN
758 Posts
In a word, yes.
JustinTJ, ADN, BSN
224 Posts
11 weeks is a bit compressed, most semesters are usually 16, but it can be done if you're willing to make sacrifices with your social life. I'm currently taking APII, Micro, Chem, Stats, and Art plus three labs for the sciences. Pulling all As thus far.
But I don't have kids or a job and make school #1.
22 Posts
Anatomy was mostly memorization, physio mostly understandable concepts, micro was lots of fun... but at the same time a lot of complicated concepts... stats I'll have to say was EASY... just a lot of formulas... But honestly... taking all these classes together and all in one summer... is just KRAZY! i don't think it's a good combination! You'll be more than sick of studying... but if you don't mind getting a passing grade of C... then i say go ahead, I always think it's good to get an A in your pre-reqs though... it'll get your on the top of the list in the nursing program... especially if your applying for universities... on top of that, you'll be able to do better in the nursing program if you have a better understanding from the pre-reqs... hope that helps!:wink2: