A&P and Chemistry online - Ivy Tech


I am retaking both A&P 1 & 2 to raise my points for the LPN to RN transition program since I didn't get in for this summer. I figured since I already took them as well as went through all the LPN courses (old curriculum) at Ivy Tech and passed boards it shouldn't be too bad for me and might just be review. I am registered for A&P 101 face to face this summer but am considering switching to on-line. I wondered how they did the lab portion though. The section I am looking at is not a hybrid class. I have taken other on-line courses (Eng, Psych, Comm-got As) and enjoyed them so it wouldn't be new to me. I understand what it entails.

I would appreciate any input. Is one class easier on-line than the other? I thought A&P102 was much easier than 101 face to face but then 101 was one of the first classes I took when going back to school 4 years ago & took it in the Summer as well - I am a lot different student now. By the way, I took those classes before I was certain I would continue to get my RN so the grades weren't that important at the time (I got Bs). I plan to take A&P 102 and Chem 101 Fall 09 and am considering online then too.

Any details & input would be greatly appreciated.

I am taking online A&P 101 right now. The 'labs' involve a mixture of at home activities, simulated activities on computer, and watching short videos. For the online class you will also have a weekly discussion board posting that typically involves a little internet research and citing references. This is for a class out of Muncie, but I assume most campuses have similar formats. The Discussion boards might be different but I would bet that the labs and quizzes/exams are the same.

I'm taking A&p 101 online this summer through the Kokomo Ivy Tech location.

Thanks Csab

Sounds pretty doable and the format is similar to other online classes I've taken. Since I took it before (face-to-face) I just wasn't sure how the labs were done. We had Lab exams where you went around to stations and had to answer questions or identify a bone structure or muscle. Sounds like you get more out of the labs, since it appears you can get more practice with the simulations. So often we had to share the equipment or were pressed for time in class. I couldn't make it to open lab because of my schedule.

I emailed a few teachers assigned to teach 101 this summer and 2 responded right away. One really kinda scared me about the work load & cost since it is a short class. She did say that all the online classes are the same and use the same book. The other one wasn't nearly as intense and made it sound like any other online class.

I really need to get an A in this class but am not looking forward to spending my summer in class 2 nights a week for nearly 4 hrs each time again. Plus I may be working nights this summer too. Hoping that it will be more review either way since I already have my LPN.

I just finished 8-week A&P 101 online through Gary.

There are several labs in the class, most of them involve buying things at the store and using the tools in the lab kit. There is a lab quiz for each section that you take after you've finished the chapter, lab, and activities.

It was a very hard class, but I (and another person I conversed with online) got an A. Someone else I spoke with said it was the first bad grade she'd ever gotten. The email I received at the beginning of the class said that it had an 80-90% failure rate. There weren't any bonus points/extra credit offered the entire class.

There are two proctored exams, the first one.....and the 100 question final. The final has to be passed at 65%, or you don't pass the class, no matter how many points you've gotten. From what I've heard, the finals in the face to face classes aren't that rigorous, and there's an opportunity for extra credit.

I would take it online again....I'm taking 102 online......but I know a few people who regret doing that.

Hope that helps!

Thank you BlindMouse3,

I figured since it was an 8-week course, it would be very intense. I already have the book and have started reading it based on what we covered the first time I took it. I also saved all my notes from the first time I took it. Then it was the same book, just different edition. I tend to do really well with on-line classes. I guess because I can work at my own pace to an extent - meaning I can work ahead because everything is laid out for you-you know what to expect. So often my face to face classes didn't do that. We knew there was an assignment coming up but didn't get the instructions until a couple weeks before it was due-really drove me nuts.

That is depressing that there is an 80-90% fail rate though.

Anyway that one of you could send me a copy your syllabus from A&P101? Send me a pm or attach to a post I guess would work too. I'd appreciate it.


BAD idea to take ANY lab class online.

I am registered for A & P 101 through Gary (an 8 week session) this semester. I am so nervous and I am really hoping to get a good grade....anyone have any suggestions??

BAD idea to take ANY lab class online.

Yeah, but its a bit different if you are retaking the course.

I am interested to see how this goes...I received a B last fall in 101 and am going to retake it again this fall to go for an A. Its hard though, not knowing if I will be working so I am afraid to retake it face to face.

Nevermind that...all the classes are full :(

I'm taking A&P I online this fall. I'm looking forward to it. I tend to do better in online classes since I can work on my own time and I don't have to be somewhere for any period of time. I'm a little apprehensive about the labs and tests, but I think that I can do it.

kgle - were you looking for a face to face or online class? I know that several of the online classes are still available.


Taranator--what campus are you taking 101 out of? I took it online out of Muncie. I had a good instructor meaning he was attentive to questions, gave us extra reference/study materials/links, was personable and friendly. However you still have to pretty much just read the textbook and learn the whole course on your own. Labs in online 101 were not hard (in fact several of them were not necessary to do and you'd still be able to pass the quizzes) and for the quizzes and tests, just make sure you do all the practice quizzes and activities in Course Compass (online access code) because they are extremely helpful for the real thing. Good luck!

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