Parent tips to send home when kids are watching bad stuff on the internet.

Specialties School


Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..

Good morning Friends. I was just asked from one of my administrators for help in finding a tips/info sheet to send home to parents. Apparently, some of our upper elem. aged students are talking about inappropriate subjects that they have seen on the internet. I know this is sadly, no news flash, to most of us. Especially with all the tablets and smartphones that are available at every breath. Do any of you have a good quick resource that you can direct me to?

Thanks Friends!

Your kids may be watching inappropriate things on the internet if...

they take their phones into the bathroom with them, and stay in there for 45 minutes!

Hm, I don't know. Obviously, these are things that the parents should be policing on their own. With my own kids I will hear their youtube videos swearing and have them turn them off (most of the time, I let them hear some of the bad words as long as the rest of the content is appropriate).

Hm, I don't know. Obviously, these are things that the parents should be policing on their own. With my own kids I will hear their youtube videos swearing and have them turn them off (most of the time, I let them hear some of the bad words as long as the rest of the content is appropriate).

I agree. The school did send something home saying they were blocking Yik Yak a few years back. Other than that it's up to the parents.

We do take cyber bulling extremely seriously, though, and kids have been suspended for contents of their confiscated cell phones.

Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..

I feel really bad for the teacher/mom. One of her own kids is involved...and her own kid used her phone. She didn't find this out as the mom, she found it out of the teacher. ouch.

All the school can do is reinforce the cell phone ban, if there is one, and tell the parents why. Mention specifically which sites the kids are talking about, so the parents get scared.

I'm shocked at what some of my elementary school students' parents think is appropriate tv for their kids! :wideyed: When I hear my 2nd and 3rd graders talking about watching the Big Bang Theory and Criminal Minds or playing Call of Duty I'm not sure where their parents draw the line in regards to what's appropriate. They probably think I'm just an old fart!

Specializes in School Nursing.

Why is the School Nurse doing this ? Sounds like something for the Guidance Counselors. ???? :rolleyes:

I'm shocked at what some of my elementary school students' parents think is appropriate tv for their kids!

When I hear my 2nd and 3rd graders talking about watching the Big Bang Theory and Criminal Minds or playing Call of Duty I'm not sure where their parents draw the line in regards to what's appropriate. They probably think I'm just an old fart!

I know! My son came home from a sleepover saying he was playing Grand Theft Auto with his friend and the dad. My son is 7.

Guidance counselors. HAHAHAHA

Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..

Thank you Praiser. You are on my page. That is exactly where my brain went when she called me this morning. This is my 1 school that doesn't have a counselor. I have tried and tried. Hopefully sometime the Board will see the need. (good use of the purple roley eyed guy) :banghead:

wasn't asking me to actually do anything, but provide guidance

The admin. wasn't asking me to really do anything, (she is young, and this is her first rodeo as an adm. with this type of thing. She is doing a fantastic job and we love her being the adm. there) . She was wanting my input and suggestions of where/how to proceed. Supposedly, one of the boys in the class has been grabbing a little girls behind for a long time. The little girl is just now telling someone. This will probably result in a lot of conversations and a presentation from an outside source.

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