Living in Cleveland area

U.S.A. Ohio



I would just like to ask some information as regards to living in Cleveland, I read from several sites that crime rate in the area is quite high as compared to other states. The reason am asking is because I was given an offer to work in CC as a RN.


Specializes in NICU, PICU, educator.

I would consider living in one of the suburbs of Cleveland. I'd never live over there by CCF! Lakewood, Westlake, North Olmsted are good places to look.

We have several family members in the "burbs" of Cleveland. They tell me crime is down from a few years ago except for drug related and gang related instances. No big city is safe, we must take responsibility for our safety if we chose to live in or around a big city. My family sees irony in living here in the "safe" mountains, my cousin, who lived all of her life in Cleveland, come here on a camping trip and was killed. I will not go into details, but the killer planned it for months and did it here because he thought he would stand a better chance of getting by with killing her here and faking an accident. She is missed by all of us and most especially her 4 children.

New homes are being built and purchased by CCF employees in the areas surrounding the hospitals. Blacks are predominant race in Cleveland so i can see why the poster above wouldn't dare live near the The crime is like any big city, but i'd rather live in Cleveland than Compton. Cleveland has lower property taxes than surrounding suburbs. More pedophiles/sexual offenders live in the surrounding suburbs than Cleveland. Cleveland is a dump, The middle class/wealthy work in Cleveland and do their dirt in cleveland...then they head home to there Little suburbs.

Most traffic in cleveland is due to the commuters from the suburb, Cleveland caters to interests of the neighboring suburbs...being that the typical family cant even afford to have a good time in the city. One of the poorest cities in the country. Many jobs for nurses though. You won't get mugged, the most someone will do is beg you for money when you're at the gas station. People aren't friendly here, every one is for self, many bars/clubs/restauarants. downtown closes at 6p.m.

I'm curious william, are you from Cleveland?

New homes are being built and purchased by CCF employees in the areas surrounding the hospitals. Blacks are predominant race in Cleveland so i can see why the poster above wouldn't dare live near the

You are pathetic. At this age and level of education, one would think you r intelligent enough not to make such a stereotypic statement. You should be ashamed. Black is not a synonym for crime.

I have been a Clevelander most of my life, there are tons of really great things about this town. There are lots of affordable things to do, and live quite well on my new grad salary here. If you have kids, you might want to consider a suburb due to the schools. There are lots of nice neighborhoods in Cleveland proper as well – a good agent can assist you there. There are lots of nice things at CC right on campus as well as really close.. I don’t work at CC I work for UH so its not like I am a recruiter. As far as Clevelanders not being nice, I am traveled quite a bit – here and abroad and folks here are pretty friendly its not like NY or Paris or anything. If you have kids there are tons of stuff to do that is not that expensive and if you are kid free – there is still tons lots of Arts, Clubs outdoor stuff all within an hour drive at most – PM me if you want more info.. I have never been mugged, had a car stolen or anything here – and I volunteer at some of the so called worst neighborhoods there are here. Even in the “bad” parts of town, I have never had an issue. There are crimes here, but where is there not crime.

I live in Cleveland...on the westside. Very quiet over here. I send my children to a charter school & am very happy with the education they are receiving.

New homes are being built and purchased by CCF employees in the areas surrounding the hospitals. Blacks are predominant race in Cleveland so i can see why the poster above wouldn't dare live near the The crime is like any big city, but i'd rather live in Cleveland than Compton. Cleveland has lower property taxes than surrounding suburbs. More pedophiles/sexual offenders live in the surrounding suburbs than Cleveland. Cleveland is a dump, The middle class/wealthy work in Cleveland and do their dirt in cleveland...then they head home to there Little suburbs.

Most traffic in cleveland is due to the commuters from the suburb, Cleveland caters to interests of the neighboring suburbs...being that the typical family cant even afford to have a good time in the city. One of the poorest cities in the country. Many jobs for nurses though. You won't get mugged, the most someone will do is beg you for money when you're at the gas station. People aren't friendly here, every one is for self, many bars/clubs/restauarants. downtown closes at 6p.m.

It's obvious William that you haven't lived anywhere else but the Cleveland area. Why don't you come to Baltimore, Md and then give me all the afore mentioned complaints after living here for a while? If you look for the negative, it can and will be found anywhere.


Transplanted Ohioian

Specializes in Brain injury,vent,peds ,geriatrics,home.
New homes are being built and purchased by CCF employees in the areas surrounding the hospitals. Blacks are predominant race in Cleveland so i can see why the poster above wouldn't dare live near the The crime is like any big city, but i'd rather live in Cleveland than Compton. Cleveland has lower property taxes than surrounding suburbs. More pedophiles/sexual offenders live in the surrounding suburbs than Cleveland. Cleveland is a dump, The middle class/wealthy work in Cleveland and do their dirt in cleveland...then they head home to there Little suburbs.

Most traffic in cleveland is due to the commuters from the suburb, Cleveland caters to interests of the neighboring suburbs...being that the typical family cant even afford to have a good time in the city. One of the poorest cities in the country. Many jobs for nurses though. You won't get mugged, the most someone will do is beg you for money when you're at the gas station. People aren't friendly here, every one is for self, many bars/clubs/restauarants. downtown closes at 6p.m.

I think your above statement was extremely offensive.Ive lived in the city my whole life.I Own Two beautiful Victorian houses in a cleveland neighborhood where I know and Love all my neighbors!I feel the city people are too friendly!I live in a very diverse area with black,White,Hispanic Oriental People and I love it!DOwntown does not close at 6pm!! My son and daughter both have jobs downtown and they say theres tons of the evening Cleveland Cavs,Indians ,clubsPlayhouse Square just to name a few!!Please dont be so judgemental My own neighborhood consist of teachers,Nurses,Antique dealers Paramedics. Among others.I hope the OP does come to our great city.

I just got back from Cleveland tonight. I am moving there in August for a job at CCF and I LOVED it the two days I was there. Cleveland is a beautiful city with a lot to do...especially if you like the outdoors like I do. I was at the Rocky River Reservation and it is great. I am very much looking forward to moving there in August. So far, I am happy with my decision to move.

Thanks so much for the replies, I will be looking forward for my relocation at Cleveland in the near future....

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