Im a new nurse..please help!!!

Nurses Criminal


Hey everyone!!! I graduated in December 2011 and just passed my boards March 23, 2012 and now Im in the process of finding a job! Im in a small town in Florida called Tallahassee which is saturated with new grad nurses from 6-8 different colleges and its tough finding a job. I had an interview on Friday which I thought went well but no call...I would have not been too worried but several classmates had an interview the same day as I and they recived a phone call 45 mins after their interview. Im a bit depressed and after 105 nursing applications im bummed out...any advice???

Specializes in Oncology.

I don't have any advice but I wanted to show my support. It's heartbreaking to lose something like that over old news. I would think, though, that at the very least a consult with a lawyer is in order. Many attorneys will meet with you for free before they officially accept your case.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

love....I'm so sorry you are going through this. I can only imagine how hard this must be. Unfortunately, the judicial/legal system is not meant for Solo navigation.

I would still contact a lawyer and see what legal services/legal aid is available to you. Me? I''m a google queen...I did a quick search for you. Here is what I found

Legal Services of North Florida (LSNF) Welcome to Legal Services of North Florida, Inc. : is a private non-profit corporation dedicated to providing free legal representation to low income people with civil legal problems. Client eligibility is based on financial income and asset guidelines set by the federal government. Cases are also screened based on a variety of factors including case type.

Our service area covers the sixteen counties of north Florida: Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Wakulla, Walton, and Washington Counties. To locate another Legal Services or Legal Aid organization in the state of Florida OR if you need helpful legal information from divorces to bankruptcies go[/url]


Free Legal Service Providers - Florida Free Legal Service Providers - Florida

For starters the rest of the google search....

Please....if you are feeling that you may harm yourself that you will seek medical assistance or go to your local emergency department. You have over come obstacles of youth and bad decisions and for that you should be proud. I'm proud of you. Just because one place won't hire you doesn't mean another one won't. The market is tough on everyone right are not alone. Go to your PCP or free clinic and talk to someone....

Free & Income Based Clinics in Tallahassee, Florida Free Clinics Tallahassee FL | Free Health Clinics Tallahassee FL | Tallahassee Free Clinics

We have listed all of the free and income based health clinics we have located in Tallahassee, FL.

Review all of the information we have provided for the clinics. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. We have provided as much detailed information including phone numbers, emails, and websites where available.

But keep fighting....when one door closes another opens. Something worth having is worth fighting for.

I truly wish you the are in my prayers.:loveya:

Some Nurses are telling me to not bring my issue to th BON because they would have found it when I first applied for my Licence.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
Thank you for your kind words, I'm struggling I have no job or income I can't afford to hire an attorney, is there any other way? Can I do it myself?

Some years back I needed legal advice and couldn't afford an attorney, so I started looking in the phone book (now all of this is online). I discovered there are resources out there, and many lawyers will make payment arrangements that both parties can live with. I was sent to a clinic that was run by law-school graduates who hadn't taken the bar exam, but gave great advice and a lot of self-help worksheets to fill out.

The point is to start someplace. I have the link I was thinking about the other day.

You have nothing to lose -that's how I see it. All the best. :)

The American Association of Nurse Attorneys

Sorry you are going through this. provides a referral service where you can find an attorney experienced in dealing with nursing boards and your local bar association will most likely have a modest means service. You can find this referral service listed in the yellow pages. Best wishes for a positive outcome.

I am so greatful for all your advices. I let God be my advisor and I went to the Board of Nursing my self and spoke with them upfront. I showed he my expungment which she said did not matter and I did not have to disclose nothing about that case. Then for my Misdominor in the disposition they stated no charges and no conviction so they will investigate a little further on that because it might have been a citation legally and was filed as a conviction. So I'm still praying and keeping hope alive. They told me I would be fine and don't worry just keep applying for jobs!!! I'm so greateful and pray everything turns out fine. God is s good to me even when I don't deserve it!!!

If you ever have questions about or for the Board of Nursing and cant afford an attorney ask them yourself it's cheaper and reliable!!!

Ive been applying to about 100 rn jobs per day ranging from ltc to hospital jobs. If you are a nurse that has a criminial past such as petit theft please let me know what feild of work your in and how you worded your answer on the application. If you are a recruiter or work in hr be honest and let me know if my application were to be placed in front of you would you give me a chance or would you trash my application? Please help me, thank you.

My heart goes out to you as I myself have also made poor decisions in my past. However, some times we go through trials in our life for reasons we can not explain. I would keep pressing on. Also, if your record was truly expunged and the BRN didn't catch anything when they ran a background check, I don't see how a local hospital is finding stuff. When your record is expunged you are not legally required to claim the mistake. I would research some attorneys and explain your case. Might be able to get a pro bono.

I just received a letter from the Board of Nursing that states an investigation has been started because the find evidence that a brech of the nurse practice act as be violated such as ". Obtaining a license by fraud" even though I self reported!! Im in a process of an eviction and can't afford a lawyer!! I thought things would have been better but I may loss my RN license!!! There goes my dreams?!!1. If I do get to keep my license will it forever state I was investigated??2. Will anyone hire me with an arest and past investigation on my liscence??

It is a bit hard to follow through your posts. Did you tell the board that you had a conviction @18 that was expunged? The application for nurse in FL is very must disclose ALL convictions regardless of expungement or withheld adjudication. If you did not declare these, you have a serious issue! If your "self report" of your criminal history came after you applied for the license and were granted one, you have brought your lie to their attention. It may help that you 'came clean' but I have no real idea about that.

Expunged and withheld adjudications should not be discoverable by employers but should be there for the BON to see and should match your application wherein you disclosed them at the time of application. If you failed to do that, then you integrity is at issue with the board.

It is a day late and a dollar short at this time. This is where I advise that you get an attorney. You will need all the help you can get in keeping your license.

God does not put more on any one person that they can bear.

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