Overtime rules pass House

Nurses Activism


New overtime rules have passed the house and will now go to the Senate for a vote.


Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.

And why am I just so not surprised...??? :confused:

This stinks. Should become verrrrrrrrry interesting....

This is very disheartening. I really thought this wouldn't get this far after the last bill they tried to pass regarding changes to Over-time.

This plan will backfire and the one being hurt will be America's workers.

Proponents of this bill say that by corporations not having to pay extra for over-time work done by current employees, they will be able hire more employees with the money that had previously been used to pay for over-time. Therefore, workers will no longer have to work extended hours raising their "quality of life" and there will be more Americans working which is good for everyone.

However, what company in their right mind will hire more workers, thus increasing their cost of operation when they can just have their current employees work extra and not pay them over-time?

Employees will always be a "cost". They do not generate revenue and they are not viewed as an asset.

It is obvious that these politicians must realize this. This is basic "Management 101" stuff. This administration is all about helping Big Business.

This is unbelieveable. I have e-mailed my senators

Originally posted by colleen10

Proponents of this bill say that by corporations not having to pay extra for over-time work done by current employees, they will be able hire more employees with the money that had previously been used to pay for over-time. Therefore, workers will no longer have to work extended hours raising their "quality of life" and there will be more Americans working which is good for everyone.

This administration is all about helping Big Business.

To use a management term their reasoning is counterintuitive.

Nothing is preventing them from hiring more workers rather than pay overtime now.

In healthcare I think more and more will work with a contract, either union, travel, or individual contracts with hours of work spelled out.

Parents will choose their children over mandatory overtime. Older nurses like me will choose to have a contract because fatigue causes errors that harm patients.

PS: The above was included in snail mail & e- mail to my senators.

And when they overhaul the definition of professional, I wonder how many new people are actually going to "benefit" from this. I'm so disgusted it's unbelievable.

I just read the url for this--it says licensed practical nurses may be affected. Other places just say nurses. Does this affect RNs or just LPNs? Anyone clear on this?

The article explaining the bill is at

"RNs and LPNs to lose overtime pay" https://allnurses.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39654

The very first part of the article explains that the rule will affect both, but not only them. One study says 8 million working people will lose eligibility for overtime pay.

I called senators Santorum and Spector. Santorum's office was very polite. Spector's office was very abrupt (no surprise). I don't hold much hope, but I hope they realize just how adversely this can affect our already compromised profession.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.



Thanks to all who responded to yesterday's N-STAT Alert. Unfortunately, the amendment to protect nurses and other workers from new regulations that would strip many of eligibility for overtime pay was defeated last night in a very close vote, 213-210. The ANA-supported amendment, which was offered by Congressman George Miller (D-07-CA) and David Obey (D-07-WI), would have barred the Department of Labor (DOL) from spending money on new proposed regulations that would strip some workers including nurses of their eligibility for overtime pay.


The DOL announced the proposed regulations, which would allow thousands of white-collar workers, including nurses, to lose their eligibility for overtime pay, earlier this year. According to one study, the number is almost eight million workers would lose their overtime eligibility under the proposal. The American Nurses Association sent a letter to the Department of Labor in opposition to these proposed regulations.


Let your member of Congress know that their constituents are watching! Use the attached document (or visit http://clerkweb.house.gov/cgi-bin/vote.exe?year=2003&rollnumber=351) to find out how your member of Congress voted. If they voted "Yes," thank them for their support by calling (202/224-3121) or e-mailing them through the ANA Government Affairs Website (see address in more info below). If they voted "No" contact them to share your disappointment in their lack of support. Make the voice of nursing heard!


--Visit ANA's new Government Affairs Website by logging on to http://www.ana.org/gova and clicking the "Federal Advocacy" link. After logging in you can access draft letters on this vote and send an e-mail message directly to your Member of Congress!

--Visit the "In the Agencies" section of Capitol Update, ANA's new online legislative newsletter, http://www.capitolupdate.org

Specializes in Case Management, Home Health, UM.

Mickey Mouse, in 2004.......


And they think there is a nursing shortage now, ha! wait until this boondoggle passes.

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