Letters after name? FNP, APRN, etc

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Thanks Juan.

i just read that article and I have a question...it says the AANP is only offering the FNP exam until 2015? So after that the only choice is the ANCC exam? Any idea why they are no longer offering exams from AANP? I'm really bummed out about that because the AANP exam always seemed more clinical based from what I've heard and I'm more interested in studying that than therapeutic assessment and other fluff that is on the ANCC...

Agree. It's called a Nurse Practitioner and yet that's not the official title??

no member of the public says "I just saw an advanced practice registered nurse today for my blood pressure!"

Here in Florida we use ARNP.

Specializes in ICU and Dialysis.

"what dictates the letters after your name when you become an NP? "


Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.


How do you know what your state requires if you are new to the state? Thanks.

Go to the state board of nursing web site, they should have it listed somewhere on the site (I know where it is in my state, but it may be in different areas in different states.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Although sadly the law doesn't curb the plethora of additional, imo frivolous, certifications, undergrad, non nursing ABCs that I have seen trailing behind some's sigs which certainly seems ego driven.