Opinion, WWYD?

Nurses Relations


I am a fairly new nurse, but can't help but want to speak up when I see something unfair. I am rather annoyed with something that goes on regularly on my floor. We have one nurse, lets call her Nurse K. She has worked on the floor for 3 years. She refuses to float. They tell her it is her turn, she throws a tantrum, they move on to the next person and that person gets stuck with the float. Why Nurse K doesn't get in trouble or stay at the top of the list, I have no clue. Nurse K also refuses admissions regularly. Some nights we will all have 5 or 6 patients, and get a 7 when she still has 4. She refuses to take an admission, they move on to the next person in line. No way in heck am I taking 6 or 7 while she has 4. Why does she always get a walk in the park? Bad behavior should not be rewarded. Last night this is what happened. She started with 4, we all started with 5. She gets an admission, refuses, they try to give it to me. I said no. They moved on and gave it to the next person. Eventually we all had an admission and I did accept one and go up to 6 and people started getting 7, while she had 4 and was sitting around. I spoke with the charge nurse and she explained that they are all sick of fighting with her, she has been reported for all of her refusals and behavior but if our manager chooses not to do anything, it is out of their hands. This is obviously a non union facility. But she always has the nice easy small assignment while we run around like fools with a higher patient load. No one wants to work with her. People talk, and people notice. But she has been doing this for 3 years, obviously it is not going to stop.

Would you speak up? Or would you just start refusing to float and take admissions while working with her? Unless we all do it, it is not going to accomplish anything.

Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

"The world is not fair" was drilled into me as a child.

Guess what? It's not. When you get old enough, and have seen all kinds of inequalities, you simply float with the current. Sure you can fight the good fight, but you'll probably lose. Consider all the energy and stress involved with that fight. In my younger years I would have fought. I'm alot smarter now.

You're right. If every other nurse on the floor, stood up and refused to float you might have a chance. That's not going to happen in a million years.

My advice to a job situation that is bugging you is to 1) Accept it 2) Quit 3) Transfer.

I don't understand how your manager can ignore this. Why would your manager want to employ someone who isn't a team player and increases the workload of others. Has anyone actually went to the manager and complained in person? I think every person (and the charge nurses) need to start going in her office and give her the facts everytime this Nurse K does this. Then she can not ignore it.

Did I miss your advice, or did you somehow wish to my question into your own union/nonunion debate? There is a forum for that if you feel the need.

As long as people follow the terms of service and are not rude or harrassing, they are free to express their points of view. I didn't perceive that this poster was trying to start another debate. I did think you were a little rude, however.

Specializes in Neuroscience/Brain and Stroke.

I think I would have to say something and put my own little "patient safety" spin on it. It is a patient safety issue because you can't provide as good of care with 7 as you could with 5 and I would put that kind of a spin on it to make sure I didn't look like I was just tattling (not that this isn't something that deserves being tattled on, but I'm sure you get my drift). With 7 patients you can easily make mistakes if you are running back and forth like a chicken with your head cut off and some of those possible mistakes could jeopardize your license......just a few ideas if you want to throw it at your boss.

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
Actually up until you said this I would have assumed this was a union facility, in my experience one the downsides to unions is they protect Nurses like this at the expense of everyone else (including patients).

*** I work at a union hospital and this nurses behavior would never be tolerated. Though union stupid, lazy or incomptetent nurses are not tolerated.

To the OP, your nurse manager is a loser and useless and should lose his/her job too.

Specializes in Rehab, Neuro, geriatrics.

sweet gig she has there. . .I think I'll start refusing admissions and see what happens! lol (next week you'll see my post titled "I was FIRED - not fair! What do I do NOW!?!?")

Specializes in PCCN.

happens where i am- it;s because the squeaky wheel gets the oil.Same way that the loudest and most obnoxious patients get what they want.

I'm a male, and I've worked in mostly-male environments for my entire career (non-nursing), and I can't picture an environment where that would be tolerated. Is there a gender issue here?

From the hospital's perspective, the nurse in question is half as productive as the other nurses, yet gets paid a full salary, and is a drag on unit morale as well. How is that acceptable to upper management?

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