NCLEX Kaplan Practice Scores

Nursing Students NCLEX


  1. What Test Prep did you use?

    • 292
      Kaplan (Review Class)
    • 213
      Kaplan (QBank Only)
    • 70
      NSCBN (Online Review Bank)
    • 102
      Hurst Review
    • 18
      Fuer Review
    • 217
      Saunders BOOK
    • 193
      Kaplan BOOK
    • 24
      Mosby BOOK
    • 58
      NCLEX Software
    • 100
      Iphone Apps (Nclex practice)

178 members have participated

Hi Everyone, I was just curious as to what, how everyone else was doing in their kaplan, saunders or whichever nclex practice scores and uh the result of your nclex exam. Most of the posts I found were ah a few years old. Also good luck everyone who has still to take the exam. Please share or comment on the following:

- Kaplan QT 1-7 scores

- Kaplan Qbank average

- Kaplan Diagnostic Test

- Kaplan Readiness Test

- Total practice questions completed

- How long did you prepare

- Questions per day

- Books used

- iPhone Apps

- NCLEX result and number of questions asked of you.

- Comments / Suggestions


Hi everyone! I took my nclex two weeks ago and I passed!...I would say the exam was easy/difficult. The exam started out with difficulty for me which I felt was a good sign because the questions became harder to answer, but at times it was easier, there was quite a mix of questions- which means the CAT probably couldn't figure me out on my weakness I'm assuming. The best thing to do is try your very best on the first 20 questions without becoming lazy! The first 20 questions directs your ability and allows the CAT to determine exactly what or what isn't your weakness....I've been out of university for about 3 years. So taking the exam was totally nuts for readiness score was really good- 63.84%...but my qbanks varied a lot ranging from 48-65% and I even got to 30 something percents! What I would suggest is FORGET all of those other books and just make sure you do all of the qbank and trainers contained within Kaplan. You will take the nclex as if it's another trainer or qbank questions because it's way similar but just easier in style. Hence, Kaplan does definitely prepare you by intensifying the questions they provide you with. ...another tip which really helped me, go over the entire Kaplan video for pharm if it's your weakness and type up some notes, mine ended up being like 20 pages for pharm but I barely had time to review the pharm notes before the test but the notes stuck out in my head somewhat due to the videos. I had many pharm questions and lots of those SATA questions. My first one started out with SATA, fml!!! But just stay focused, relax, take a break def. between it, and keep going. Mine turned off at 105 questions and I thought I failed, lol, but I received a letter from MA two days later saying congratulations...yay, message with any questions, I'm here to help!

Don't overwhelm yourself by taking too many tests in one day, only do max 150 questions except for on trainers 6 and 7... I was getting the same type of scores, but like Inori has advised you down below this post, re-read every question you got right and wrong no matter what and as annoying as it is, go through each answer and ask yourself why did I pick that...and if you picked it because you didn't have a clue, go back to your nice reference books and review...what I did after every trainer or qbank is type up a list of everything I got wrong or somehow got right but didn't have knowledge on and then spent he rest of the day reviewing. Never delay the going back to your references part for more than a day!

Readiness exam score: 77%

QT4: 71%

QT5: 75%

I am doing really well on these exams, but my Qbank scores (50 questions each) range from 62%-74%, and I even got a 58% once. Is this normal? One of the things I am thinking is that I don't test well distracted. I took Readiness and QT 4 & 5 at the library, however have been doing Qbanks at home where I am interrupted by noisy neighbors, pets, and my boyfriend.

Sagremus: your qbank scores are very good. Some will say the 58% is bad but I received all sorts of scores ranging from high to low and vice could have been a very difficult batch of questions. Still and all, o through each questions with every answer choice and see where you went wrong. Buy the Saunders 5th edition review book. I didn't have much time to look at it but it's very helpful and you can absorb info in minutes with it......

hi!! I'm planning to take my test on July, any suggestion for me?.. I'm working full time right now

hi!! I'm planning to take my test on July, any suggestion for me?.. I'm working full time right now
Hi you should be making sure to do at least 50 questions at lest 1000 questions if you are working full time...I studied from jan. to may and worked part time did over 1400 questions, some people do even more, it just depends on your comfort level of viewing questions, set aside percentages...when my percentages were low, it was because I lacked material knowledge...just make sure you know your safety, broad view of med classess, and the physiology!

This is making me feel slightly better.....working in Q7 and after 151 q I am at a 78%.......2 days and counting!

Specializes in Ambulatory care.

@ hope0416 - set aside a set time each day just for studying and if you use iphone get the nclex apps on it so you can do practice questions throughout the day, lunch break, waiting on line for coffee etc. That's it use the kaplan diagnostics, practice tests to pinpoint your weak areas and then use saunders to shore up your content knowledge on those areas. The key is be consistent every day do 50-100 questions, so long as in the end you get through all content areas, and kaplan qbank, qt your good to go. Oh pick 1 book and stick with it as its tempting to try to use every review book out there. I went with saunders & kaplan GOOD LUCK!!

Specializes in Ambulatory care.

@ olliesmommy1005 - your scores are looking good! Finish QT7 today-tomorrow and take the next 2 days off you want to rest the brain so you show up for the exam fresh. GOOD LUCK and comeback to post the rest of your scores QT 1-7, qbank etc. Let us know what happens!

Olliesmommy: Im glad you're feeling better, of something you read by someone freaks you out, don't read it!! I know I was reading random things online and getting scared prior to the exam, I made a point to ignore it, hehe..but anyway your scores are way beyond good!

Olliesmommy: Im glad you're feeling better, of something you read by someone freaks you out, don't read it!! I know I was reading random things online and getting scared prior to the exam, I made a point to ignore it, hehe..but anyway your scores are way beyond good!

Thanks! I'm always the person who has to be talked off the ledge before tests....I just tend to freak out and then do fine on tests....I know I should take today off, but I'm still going through my LaCharity today, just to get it done....

As for the rest of the Qbanks....I didn't do them all, I actually was just reviewing the slides I wanted to make sure I could to Q7 to see how I could do with that one since it is said that they get harder....I've been doing Saunders, NCLEX 4000, LaCharity, and Kaplan online and my old (2010-2011) that I bought at the beginning of nursing school on my Nook!

Please NCLEX gods, be good to me tomorrow at 8 AM!!!

Hi , I finish my Kaplan 3 month ago, but I would like to go over Q-trainer 1more time can u help me to get that Guys?I don't want to buy Kaplan for 450 again. Thank u!!!

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