Womens interest in male nurses

Nurses Men


I am a nursing student, currently studying to be an RN. I am really enjoying the experience, however I have an issue that is concerning me.

When chatting up women and the conversation comes up about what I do, and I reply studying nursing, their eyes widen and the mood seems to change. This is not related to women in the field but those outside. As soon as I utter the word nurse, I seem to go from a confident manly guy to a nice guy to them. I know women want confident manly sort of men, but women also say they like a man to be sensitive and caring. Can’t a male nurse be sensitive and manly? Do these women see nurses as somewhat effeminate, at worst gay?

If a woman is able to climb the corporate ladder and make big money in business and still have sex appeal, does a man need to limit himself to traditional masculine roles to prove his maleness and be attractive to women or can he do a traditionally feminine job of helping and caring for people.

I understood that when women refer to equality, it is for both men and women. They it’s a great idea for men to be nurses, but individually, their actions seem to speak louder than their words.

I would be very interested in your opinions on this both guys and girls

Yeah, I've found being a nurse helps when it comes to women. Especially with the RT's at my hospital. Cough.

None of the gf's I had during nursing school found it interesting at all though. In fact, I had one gf that would pop an Ambien whenever I would start talking about something cool I saw in clinicals. I've gotten smarter and on every first date I think of the grossest story I've had as a nurse and, if they lean forward interested, there will be a second date.

Specializes in General Internal Medicine, ICU.

I enjoy having male nurses on the team. Having male perspective on things can be refreshing! Not to mention the difference in dynamics.

Well, I don't think being male ever hurt me in getting girlfriends. I dated just about every girl in nursing school in our class. Maybe because we were all stressed out either in class or studying from 4 am until MN every day! We had no social life! And then there was this really hot girl in my last year of nursing school that really found me exciting! She even laughed at all of my dumb jokes and was always interested in my extremely gory and nasty stories from practicum. She even helped me study to pass my finals and eventually my state bar exams. She found me exciting enough she said yes when I asked her to marry me. Male nurses back then was suppose to be homosexual and all of us were broke. But she married me anyway. We have been together 34 years now. And other women find me attractive and sexy. They tell me that all the time. And I tell them to please give me another piece of cornbread and cold buttermilk because it is the only thing I need. LOL!

If a woman doesn't think you are attractive and sexy because you are a male and in nursing then you should run from that woman as fast as you can. There are 100 other women that are waiting out there for you to show up on their doorstep.

I asked one of my 20 something young female nurses if she thought men were more or less attracted to her as a nurse. She said that she found most men in her age group did not find her attractive for her brilliant mind (she is) her wonderful personality (so bubbly and warm) or her beautiful body (very cute), they were attracted to her paycheck! LOL!

On the other hand, my 20 something new grad male nurse came into work the other night and for once all of us were in the station. He was instantly surrounded by a herd of females! Youngest was in her 20s and the oldest was in her 60s. They were oohing and cooing about his new hair cut and his new scrubs. They were darn near assaulting the poor boy! I told them to leave him alone or I would turn the fire hose on them! He gave them big hugs and then they went on their merry way. They don't find him attractive or manly because he is a male nurse? BS!

I told him to be careful that there was not only kittens in these woods but cougars as well. He had no idea what I was talking about or what I meant when I told him that I better not catch him coming out of an empty room!


Specializes in ER, Outpatient,.

I love that this became a 33 page post for male nurses to go . . . "hmm I wonder what the chicks are thinking" hahahah JK guys.

Specializes in Med Surg - Renal.
Just bounce your pecs twice after you tell them you're a nurse and all will be fine.

I tried this, but I think they find it creepy if you use your hands to do the bouncing.

Just ask yourself "What would The Todd do?"

.......and do the opposite.

No problems for me with being a male nurse. Retired cop, went to nursing school. Have gotten asked to coffee and dinner much more as a nurse than I ever did as a cop........

I just wanted to put my opinion out here :). I am a female nurse. I was attracted to several male nursing students in school and found those that were smarter than me even more attractive! LOL. I wasn't single for the most part of school, I have been out of school and working for almost a year now. I just recently became single after 4 years. Some friends of mine are trying to set me up with some male nurse friends of theirs, some are nurse anesthetists. There is nothing wrong with being a male nurse and any female that thinks you are less attractive or less manly because you are a nurse, well she is a girl and not a woman. I would much rather date a guy that is educated, looks hot in scrubs ;), cares about people and treats them like they deserve to be treated, and is proud to be a nurse....than a snobby business man that makes a ton of money but does not know anything about caring, compassion, and can't carry on a conversation with me about what I went through at work the past three nights! We definitely need more REAL MEN that to go into nursing and be PROUD OF IT! All of the guys that I graduated with (which there were a TON in my class!) they were all very smart, attractive, and down to earth nice guys!

hehe... really interesting, i am totally agree with your explanation, but still as a girl, i can't accept my boyfriend is a nurse, sorry , i am sincerely sorry if that hurts you. But here we just communicate, hope you don't mind.

Nice weekend !

hehe... really interesting, i am totally agree with your explanation, but still as a girl, i can't accept my boyfriend is a nurse, sorry , i am sincerely sorry if that hurts you. But here we just communicate, hope you don't mind.

Nice weekend !

There will always be those women that don't like male nurses. Also those women that don't like constructions workers b/c they are dirty, or cops because they're jerks, or pilots because they are always gone, etc., etc., etc,. I walk tall and do whatever profession I please and never really care much about what I think a woman or a man wants me to be.

Heck, I'm man enough to be a nurse and wear pink scrubs. Not that I would....just sayin.

I'm proud to be a Male R.Nurse... set aside all the malice thinking and just come think of it, "Have I alleviated pain and suffering of my Patient?" c'mon people, Nursing is a calling and as what they've said many are called but few are chosen. Im a male, Im chosen therefore I'm a Nurse by all means.

I don't know what's the matter with this stephanie2012. well she is entitled to her own opinion and we can't do anything about it. But please Steph, being a nurse is no difference to other profession, service is what we are up to.

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