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    I immediately called the teacher to ask why and she said, all he said was I don't feel good...we both were fuming..

    student comes in and says,,can you wash my hair I have a lot of gel in it from field day yesterday? I asked if he showered this am before school, Nope, I got up late. Nope, you can go back to class and you can take a shower when you go home. he said ...
  3. Parent and school nurse

    My three kids are in district where I live and work. I have left parties where my colleagues have been bashed, I have also left teacher pow wows where my close friends have been bashed. I will not discuss anything that has to do with a student unless...
  4. Macy's is Open

    Its best when they refuse everything you have, and you call mommy about her lil darlings outfit choice and mom says..I picked out that entire outfit and I find nothing wrong with it, then Mom complains and brings clothes and mom is wearing the same o...
  5. This is not why I became a nurse

    I remove gum off sneakers like NO OTHER!!!!!!! Nah, only kidding,,, the kids does it.....and was asked by parent, How could I let their little darling walk around with gum on their feet...Hmmm, I said, who takes it off at home or at the mall when it ...
  6. Paranoid teacher

    first of are a school nurse...not her OB GYN...stop everything you are doing. No more. you don't have time, this is her fight and cause not yours. sorry Im blunt, but COME ON!!!!
  7. floating rib

    we all have them, I hear ya, but his is special cause it floats around his thoracic cavity and never punctures anything. it only acts up when he has a test.
  8. floating rib

    Wait, this is the kid whose mom is a gynecologist, and she covers his absences...(yup, I swear) and we laughed so hard every time he is absent, because the next day he will hand in a note stating, So & so was seen in our office today, please excu...
  9. floating rib

    okay, a student insists that he has a "floating rib" (never diagnosed) on left side that has now floated to his right and he cant take his math test. hmm I say, let me call your mom to see how she wants to handle the "rebel rib" and the rib's refusal...

    science teacher sends a student in because she thinks he has bilateral ear infection and a "raging" fever cause his cheeks are bright red. Okay sarcastic nurse coming out.."Hi Miss science teacher I have your student in front of me...his face is brig...
  11. Vomit Happens

    ummmmm.... oh well......they didn't vomit in your are not a psychic..the teacher needs to get over herself.
  12. epi pen law

    Thanks guys...I brought my concerns to the admin and he stated what I need to do to feel comfortable, so I engaged other teachers attending the event and trained them, and will have them hold and admin the epi pen. relief!!!
  13. Nurse Teacher conference

    I would have an additional staff member present, either a union rep, asst princ or prinicipal. have a record of all the visits from her class. AND with kids seems to be freq fliers and how they always come out of HER class, no one elses. You decide ...
  14. epi pen law

    new epi pen law..any teacher/staff member hosting, supervising a school sponsored event, (field trip, homework club etc) must be trained to give an epi pen. having a hard time signing off this one teacher cause honestly I don't feel comfortable him c...
  15. Love-Hate relationship with Teachers

    Teacher asked me JUST yesterday to remove gum from a students braces.."hmm, I said, why cant the student remove the (not supposed to have gum in school) gum from her own braces", and she said "well, isn't that something nurses do". I told her "I was ...