Male Nurses that lift weights and stay fit

Nursing Students Male Students


Anyone else out there a dedicated gym head that is also a nurse. get at me.

Specializes in Critical Care.
Starting RN program in a little over a week and am very concerned about having enough time to stay fit. I usually just rely on surfing for my exercise, but I'm not sure how much time I'll have to get to the beach now because of school. But I just picked up this AMAZING surf-related fitness DVD for Christmas. Not sure how many other surfing nurses will come upon this post, but either way, its a great way for anyone to stay fit from home: Rip Curl & Taylor Knox Present

surfing in miami? they have waves? haha. i live in satellite beach and surf as well

I lift every day and did throughout college as well. Got to stay fit!

I was a kines major before I switched to nursing and body building has been a great passion of mine. I been going to the gym on campus at 5am before clinical starts and try to fit workouts on off days. Its been rough this semester because they are making us do a lot more clinical hours and projects but I been keeping it up. I'm currently 6'1 and 203lbs, I'm hoping to push to 215 by graduation. Squat, Bench, and Deadlift will come very handy when transferring patients. PS. Its a great feeling walking through the unit with 21.5'' arms. Keep lifting brother, if the bar don't bend you're just pretending. :D

Specializes in Hematology/Oncology.
i concur... though that is going to bruise lots of egos in here. "squats are bad for the knees" and "deadlifts are bad for the back." my bar doesn't bend but i am totally trying... not pretending. are you a power lifter? or do you supplement your sport with power/strength training? i am impressed... i have yet to hit 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 bodyweight coefficients in the bench, squat, or deadlift. youtube channel?

I personally have degenerative disc disease. I hit 500 lb deadlift right before the onset of the problem. I currently flat DB Press 120 x 6 times

I cant take any heavy compression on my spine anymore. I cannot DL past 365 but I can rep it as many times as I want, I don't do anything past 300 to avoid problems.

Obviously if I cant do squats anymore.

but if I don't exercise my back will ache.

When I do lift I do 30-40 minutes of lifting and leave. regardless of nursing school or not.

currently 5'10 188 lbs around 15% bf. I used a bod pod and pictures calculations from many people about my current physique. I don't use that electrode based BS.

I'm a student but have worked as a correctional officer for years and in that field keeping your strength up is essential. I tore my right lateral delt, rehabbed, then reinjured and gave up for a while, but I am getting back into it. I was really getting into (not competing) PL before and was close to a 1100lb total @181. I'm working back into it slowly but surely, staying away from the temptation to go too heavy on the upper body stuff.

Can you do bodyweight squats? I know it's not the same as heavy free weight work but you can get a serious workout from pistol squat progressions.

I know I'm not a guy, but I was hoping someone on here could help me. I just started rock climbing and my hands are callousing up like crazy. I'm afraid that before too long it's going to impact my ability to do IVs. Any tips?

Specializes in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
I know I'm not a guy, but I was hoping someone on here could help me. I just started rock climbing and my hands are callousing up like crazy. I'm afraid that before too long it's going to impact my ability to do IVs. Any tips?

I highly doubt climbing will affect your IV skills. I climbed a good 2 years (then I quit and became a gym rat) and had no problems with starting IV's with callouses. My brother and my other friend (both are RN) and have been climbing roughly 4 years now on a consistent basis and don't have problems with starting IV's.

In regards to callouses, I HIGHLY suggest you pick up Climb On skin repair ointment. Can pick it up on Amazon or REI and it lasts forever and sometimes I think it works better than lotion.

I'm a competitive olympic weightlifter, and we get callouses all the time.

A trick to removing them: use a shaving razor. This is easier to do after washing the dishes or taking a shower, when your hands are soft.

Use the razor and lightly..lightly(!!!) glide it over the callous. Repeat.

Try it.

Can confirm. I lift 6 days a week. I actually lift. Lots of squatting and dead lifting. A mix of bodybuilding and powerlifting. I'm jacked

Not a nurse YET, but I'm pre-nursing. Looking to complete my pre-reqs. For fitness I do Crossfit. Been doing it for 4 years. It's been fun!

Yep, starting my ABSN in April. I have been lifting weights for over 10 years.

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