The "Weigh" Out---A Food Management Support Thread

Nurses Stress 101



Many of you know that I have struggled for most of my life with compulsive eating and weight issues. I got my start way back in the 1960s, growing up with an overweight mother who watched my weight obsessively, long before there was anything to worry about. I was actually put on my first diet at age 9, when I weighed all of 70 lbs. dripping wet. When I was an athletic, 125-pound teenager, she made no secret of the fact that she was disappointed in me, and she would paw through my closet on the pretense of finding clothes I could no longer wear because I was such a pig ("Now that you're a size 7, I'm going to have to give all your size 5's to your older sister," she'd cluck disapprovingly). Then, when I was a young wife and mother who'd gained weight with my pregnancies, she actually APOLOGIZED for me to all of her friends. "You'll have to excuse Marla," one of them quoted her as saying, "she is HUGE and just can't get herself together". can play the blame game only so long, and I've had to face the fact that the past 35 years or so of overeating are on me. Literally. I've alternately dieted and binged most of my life, until at one point last summer, I tipped the scales at 357 pounds. I'm not kidding. I was so heavy I couldn't walk more than a hundred feet, get dressed in the morning, or climb a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. Tying my shoes was out of the question (this must be why God invented Crocs shoes!). Personal care required contortions that I don't care to describe. My blood pressure averaged 190/110 even with three different medications. In addition, I'd already had a small stroke, was prediabetic and probably in early CHF as I had 2+ pitting edema and wheezing.

I probably should be dead. But God has been good, and I've been able to manage a modest weight loss (~30 pounds) over the past year by changing jobs and controlling my portions (at least some of the time). Hitting 50 this past winter, though, has brought me up against a harsh reality: I MUST lose weight. A lot of it. And I can't wait any longer for some miracle surgery or pill to rescue insurance won't even discuss paying for it, and I don't happen to have 40 grand laying around to pay for it myself.

You see, people on my side of the family die in their 50s and 60s, mainly from "lifestyle" diseases. I quit cigarettes in 1990 and booze a year later, but I'm still over 300 pounds. My BP is much better than it was five months ago, but at 146/77 it's still too high for good health. My fasting blood sugar is 109, my total cholesterol 200, but my triglycerides are MI in the making.

So my doctor and I agreed that I would start out by losing 10% of my current weight over the next six months. I KNOW I can do that much. Actually, I'm aiming to drop 50 by the end of this year, which I think is doable even at my age. But I'm not going to think beyond that first 30 lbs or so right now; the only way I can look at the long term is by breaking the weight loss needed into incremental goals. I'm a pro at losing weight, I've lost literally hundreds of pounds over the course of my life. I know now that I have to add periodic treats so that I don't rebel against myself. But this has got to be a change of lifestyle rather than yet another "diet". The people on "The Biggest Loser" learn how to eat and how to move, all without surgery or pills; if they can do it, with less knowledge of nutrition and physiology than I possess, I ought to be able to as well.

This thread is intended as a help-and-support forum for anyone with overeating, food, and weight issues. I can't do this alone, and from some of the other threads I've read here, I know many, many other members are dealing with the same stinkin' problems I am. I think talking about these, along with the cooperation from my family that I've never had in all these years, just might make the difference between success and yet another failure. After all, it's said that once you "go public" with something, it's harder to give up knowing that other people are counting on you to keep it up and cheering you on. Who knows..........maybe we can help each other.


Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Well, thinking about exercise when you're still over 300 lbs. is just that---THINKING about exercise. I'm not doing any yet, at least nothing above or beyond the hall-running I do at work, sweating like a horse, or the rare day I've been able to get out in the yard and do some spring cleanup.

But I can feel the time is coming when I'm going to want to get moving, so I think I'd do well to be patient with myself. One can change only so many longstanding habits at once; right now, my dance card is pretty full with just the compulsive eating and food choice problems. But I figure if I can master those, the rest of it should fall right into line.........or so I hear tell!

Specializes in ICU,CCU,CVICU,SICU.
Well, thinking about exercise when you're still over 300 lbs. is just that---THINKING about exercise. I'm not doing any yet, at least nothing above or beyond the hall-running I do at work, sweating like a horse, or the rare day I've been able to get out in the yard and do some spring cleanup.

But I can feel the time is coming when I'm going to want to get moving, so I think I'd do well to be patient with myself. One can change only so many longstanding habits at once; right now, my dance card is pretty full with just the compulsive eating and food choice problems. But I figure if I can master those, the rest of it should fall right into line.........or so I hear tell!

Well, Thinking is definitely a good exercise ! ;)

Although it doesn't burn much calories.....

Ok seriously though.... exercise does not mean running the marathon, or running period.

Think about a baby learning to walk.

One baby step at the time.

maybe walking longer distances. maybe taking a few flights of stairs, or just a few stairs, but every day.

You have to start somewhere.

And you can take care of your eating disorders while starting to move more. And moving more might help you solve those eating disorders. If you stay active, busy, it is all that more time spent no thinking about food or eating.

There is one thing that helps me: I make the decision to eat healthy when I go to the grocery store. I know that whatever I buy will end up in my stomach at some point. So I shop on a full stomach and don't buy what is "BAD" for me.

If the house is only stocked with healthy treats (and I mean healthy!) it will be possible to eat the wrong kind of food only if you make the effort of going out to buy it. Time for you to actually make the move should provide you with the answer: NO!

Anything fried, pre-made, fast-food, with heavy sauces, and sodas : NO!

If you only start with those 3 steps, I believe you should start feeling and seeing results sooner than later.

and if you like dancing, close the doors and dance in your living room half an hour everyday. No witness, just yourself and some music you really enjoy. Have fun, it helps!

You see Marla - if you and I lived nearer each other, we could take walks and talk. It is amazing how far you can go when you are deeply embroiled in a conversation with a friend. :up:



I broke down and joined Weight Watchers. Down 6 pounds my first week, which I know won't keep up.

Join a gym with something called an upper body ergometer, or UBE. It's a bicycle for your arms. It burns calories and takes more work than you'd believe. I worked with a gal years ago who took off 300 pounds via diet and exercise. I used to work out with her and she went for 20 minutes on the UBE to a 60 minute cardio circuit that incorporated the treadmill, starclimber, bike, and elliptical.

A Hershey's Kiss at a time.


Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

I would love to have someone to workout with.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Well, I will say I've got some of the basics down already..........

Buying groceries when I'm not hungry.......check.

Buying only what I know to be good for me..........check.

Activity---well, I'm not sedentary like I was when I was working at a desk job. I move around at work all evening. But I know I need more than that for weight loss...........check.

Ditching the fried foods, McDumpster meals, Cokes...........check.

The weird thing is the sabotage my entire family seems to be engaging in. I can't BELIEVE these people. They all said they would be happy to help me by eating better right along with me. That lasted a whole week.

In the past four days alone, my husband has brought home four large bags of candy. My son has bought doughnuts. It's more than coincidence that all of these items are still sitting at MY place at the table. Even my sister, who's NEVER been a compulsive eater, is suddenly chomping Werther's Originals like they're going to be illegal tomorrow---she's eaten four bags that I know of just since last weekend.

It's almost funny---what the hell is WRONG with these people??!! My son certainly doesn't need to lose weight, but the rest of us do, and even though my particular problem is no one else's fault, I'd think they'd want to NOT flaunt their newfound taste for all things sweet and gooey in my face! It's like pouring a glassful of Jack Daniels and Coke and sitting it right in front of a newly-sober alcoholic. So far I have resisted with every fiber of my being...........I may be a weakling, but with God's help I'm finding some strength somewhere. Question is, how long can it last? And why, when all my family has been telling me for years is how scared they are that I'm going to die from obesity, would they place so much temptation in my way?? I don't get it!!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

My problem isn't at home, but rather at work -- where there is unhealthy food all around. My friends say things like, "I know you shouldn't eat this ... but ... do you want some?"

I say "Yes" far too often.

Specializes in ICU,CCU,CVICU,SICU.
well, i will say i've got some of the basics down already..........

the weird thing is the sabotage my entire family seems to be engaging in. i can't believe these people. they all said they would be happy to help me by eating better right along with me. that lasted a whole week.

in the past four days alone, my husband has brought home four large bags of candy. my son has bought doughnuts. it's more than coincidence that all of these items are still sitting at my place at the table. even my sister, who's never been a compulsive eater, is suddenly chomping werther's originals like they're going to be illegal tomorrow---she's eaten four bags that i know of just since last weekend.

it's almost funny---what the hell is wrong with these people??!!

that's called resistance to change!

even though they asked for it, you introduced a change that is threatening their familiar habits.

it is incredible how most people react when their habits are disrupted!

you might have to call them on it and make them face their behavior. give them details like you did for this post.

tell them that you feel like they are sabotaging you, not just your diet. if they are so conscious about the health threat your weight pauses, they need to follow through and get their own insecurities in check!

establish rules: "this", "that" and "that" are forbidden in the house! "if you must eat doughnuts/sweets it out of my sight and keep the bags/packages at work/in your car/under your mattress/ whatever-find-a-place-where-i-wont-see-it!".

put a piggy bank as a centre piece on the dinner table and tell them that each time you are exposed to temptation by their "fault", they are to put 2 $ in the piggy bank!

and by the way, every time you give in some (not scheduled) "bad" food, you put 5$ in the piggy bank!

you might get enough for a nice massage out of it! (or a vacation if they keep misbehaving!!)

if you make your rules obvious (you can even post short messages around the house), they will slowly have to realize what they are doing and be reminded of what you are trying to achieve.

growing up, i ended up being on every single diet my mother started (along with the rest of the family). my mum clearly stated that she wasn't going to cook two different meals , so "deal with it"!

i can't say that it traumatized me much !

however, when my mum succeeded at loosing about 50 pounds, i remember my reaction....and it wasn't a positive one!

all of a sudden i had this "dry" woman in front of me, instead of the cuddly mother i always had. it was unsettling and i didn't like it ! just the kind of reaction i was telling you about....i was thinking about my own selfish comfort zone instead of being happy for the woman who happens to be my mother!

of course, i wasn't selfish enough to voice my thoughts (thank god!) and soon enough, my mum's new found confidence won me over (or i just got used to her new image, go figure).

your family probably doesn't even realize what they are doing, and that's why you need to point it out to them, so they become conscious of the pattern and can change it.

as i was warming up a frozen meal today, i actually thought about you and other members on this thread.... i gained about 25 pounds in the first few months after i moved to the us (the food was different than what i was used to, and i walked so much less etc...) but when i got my first traveling job in san-fran, i started shedding pounds without even trying.

this is why:

i was too lazy too cook, so i would buy those "diet" frozen meals. i would take 2 with me to work and warm one up for my first break, and the second one later on. same thing at home. all in all, i think i would eat about 4 of them per day.

each is about 300 calories, so it came up to a total of 1200 calories per day if i didn't eat anything else.

of course, it tends to become a bit boring after a while....

the other thing that helped, was that i didn't use my car there. i lived downtown and walked almost everywhere (and some streets are pretty steep!)

both changes combined made for a 20 pounds loss within 3.5 months.

i hope it can give you some ideas....

good luck with your family and congratulations on resisting their "evil" temptations!


Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Awesome post, Belfegor, and thank you!!

It's amazing, how much I THOUGHT I knew about nutrition from having studied it in college and working to keep my knowledge base current. Then today while we were all out shopping for Easter and other things, the inevitable happened and we got hungry. I'm not a fan of fast food, but since a Burger King was the closest place to eat I figured I'd just eat something small from the Value menu.

Well, my two-dollar meal cost me nearly 600 calories!!! And I was still a little hungry when I finished my small chicken sandwich (scraped most of the mayo off) and about 15 French fries off my husband's tray, plus a 16-oz Diet Coke. I didn't know until after I'd gotten halfway through my meal that they have nutrition information on all their food on the back of the paper placemats. Here I thought I'd gotten off cheap with my 'light' lunch...........and we won't even talk about the sodium and fat content.

It just makes me sick---I don't even want to think how many calories must be lurking in my favorite Red Robin meal (Whiskey River BBQ burger, a full basket of fries and a chocolate shake)!!! No wonder I used to feel like I was going to have a coronary when I got up from the table.........I'm probably lucky that I DIDN'T.

Another day, another lesson learned. Hey, at least I'm down a little over 10# since the 15th of last month, so I suppose it's worth it. And without a doubt I FEEL better, my energy level is good and I don't tire as quickly as I did, even though I'm still over 300 lbs. Every little bit helps.

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

I've noticed that since I've stopped drinking diet coke, that I'm not as hungry as I was when I did drink it.

Specializes in Cardiac/Telemetry.

Wow so many stories. I would like the support of this group also. so many different things have happened in my life to contribute to my weight and i also have a family history. I was sitting and trying to figure out when i actually started noticing changes in my life. I have recently been eating a small pint of blue bell vanilla icecream almost every single day. Yes i know the calories, but on top of it i add chocolate syrup. lots of it. so why in the world when i am sitting there oh so enjoying the taste of it but at the same time knowing the freaking amazingly ridiculous amount of calories and fat included in my indulgence do i continue to eat it? I haven't figured it out yet. I know i tend to eat it when no one is around. And i got to thinking that i used to watch my mom eat big bowls of ice cream and 3-4 fudgecicles at a time and think " oh my god doesn't she realize thats why she is so big". SO Y am i continuing to do this self destructive behavior. I have never really been skinny. my dad remarried when i was 8 and my step mom would throw a hissy fit if i ate anything in between meals. She would say" you can't eat that or this cause there won't be anything left." So i would start sneaking just so i wouldn't have to hear that. i currently weigh 290. i have been this big before and lost weight. it was 14 yrs ago after my daughter was born. I recently quit smoking again. 5 weeks ago as a matter of fact. Gained 12 pounds from it. I have no desire to start exercising. I know i need to. i also know that i do better with loosing weight with diet like weightwatchers(tried in the past and lost 12 lbs and some inches but went on vacation and that included diet lol) but i just can't seem to get the gumption to go exercise. My husband works an odd shift so we don't have normal dinners. its so expensive to eat healthy. I even bought the six week body makeover and figured out my metabolism and put the exercise part together but the plan is mostly chicken and fish and some fruits and vegetables i don't like so i never actually touched it. who can eat yucky oatmeal with splenda everysingle day. to me its nasty and i would rather not eat that have to eat that. WOW i have tons of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any support would be grateful. I even want to take water aerobics but my friends don't have a membership, cant afford one or continue to make up excuses. so i have noone to help motivate me. so any suggestions will be appreciated. I did not buy any icecream i did accomplish something.

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