There Are Easy Nursing Jobs......

Nurses General Nursing


Recently spoke with a newly hired RN at my hosital. He has been a nurse for 5 years. the first two on a very busy tele unit. The last three he was an occupational health nurse working night shift in a huge factory. According to the union contract the company had to staff a nurse 24/7 to treat minor injuries and respond to emergencies. He had his own little office outfitted with a phone, desk, computer and cot, yes a cot. During the three years he worked there he recieved exactly TWO calls. Both times to apply a bandaid. He did put his time to good use, earning both a BSN and MSN online during his work hours.

I asked why he would leave a job like that? Bordom was the answer. I asked if his position was still open :)

Specializes in Adult/Ped Emergency and Trauma.

Yeah, it WOULD be boring, . . .

but it is awesome if you are doing something constructive in the time frame, or if your single, do like another poster suggested and use it as your sleep time, and get a second job.

I always did, and always will use the time I have extra from a pin-drop quiet ER!!! I have read sooooo many books that I would have never touched in my "other" personal time, and since I did have this time, it was like a HUGE blessing to get to do school work at work, and never deduct time from my wife!!!! I wouldn't have been able to do the "non-nursing degree" that I had dreamed of getting to work in the foreign mission! Or cruising the internet for fun. . . .that led to me finding Allnurses.

The biggest part to defeat is the lonliness, It gets real quiet for hours, and if you didn't bring something to do, it's going to be a long night!!!!! I had the WORST feeling after my doctorate (non-nursing)- What do I do now? That's when I found Allnurses!!!

So, even though I don't post those threads about needing HELP NOW!!!!! You guys are still a huge support system to keep my brain going and busy!!!! So, in essense, you guys saved my job!!!!!!! I was starting to wonder about the grass on that side of the fence again!!!! (you know what I mean) Then you get to the next job, and your choking back tears remembering how great you had it!!!! That's why I love working here just 6 mos a year, and swap with another nurse the other part who is semi retired.

The travel assignments keep my skills up to date, and sharp. Then, I travel back in time to my little gravy deal in MS!!! Home Sweet Home!!!! (Except the "Wild" nights that are few and far between.)

Every Position has it's Benefits!!!!!


One of my teachers for community health was an occupational health nurse. She created a lot of educational materials and wellness information for the workers. I think instead of sleeping you could create programs or hand-outs or other information. Also, she handled a TB outbreak at the factory.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Rehab, Case management.

I need a boring job, how do I get one...

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
My understanding is that the factory union required that a nurse be on site for the benefit of the employees. Which means that the union was advocating for the factory employees. The factory hired the nurse, not the union.

I work for a union facility and I run harder then I ever ran in any non-union facility. The only difference is that I can't be fired on a whim by management.

On the plus side, when union members pull together we are able to get bad employees out, and we have had some people who shouldn't even be nurses removed, which is the way we advocate for our patients.

*** The new hire did mention that the factory was very happy to pay the nurses to be there as they recived a large savings in their insurance rates by having an RN there 24/7.

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
Really!?! I have one of those union jobs and I work my butt off!! We are always short staffed and have very dangerous patients. Unions have very little say these days and although belts should have been tightened, it is now extremely unsafe and the facility could care less. Their motto: If you don't like it leave, I have 20 rns waiting to take your place. Gotta love the times :)

*** Ya, that attitude from managment twords nursing isn't unique to your hospital. In 2009 the hospital where I worked went form chronic understaffing and always having a ton of opening and not being able to attract quality nurses to having a surplus of applicants. the change in attitude could be felt like walking into a walk in freezer from outside on a hot summer day.

Sure the economy played a large roll. However the false, self serving propaganda about the supposed "nursing shortage" has really paid off for them. That false propaganda was put out by those who stood to gain financialy from a glut of nurses. It worked, they won. Now there is no reason to improve working conditions or do anything else to try to make nurses work enviroment better. We are now disposable. Also, I believe, the reason behind the push to only hire new grads with BSNs by many hospitals. They are viewed as likely having a large amount of student debt and thus less likely to rock the boat about unsafe staffing or other problems.

Where is this job??? it's definetely giving me an idea. I'm russian, so maybe I should look for something like this in my area. I would prob get hired just because I speak the language.Med/surg is starting to get to me with all the drunk and the pain-seeking and the homeless with maggots crawling ot of their skin... just saying...

If you were referring to my post 2 pages before yours then my answer is... For starters, you probably have to have a large Russian community in your area to support this type of business which means you also probably have to live in one of several major cities in the States. Is that the case for you?

Boston, I read that a bunch on here, What is a Critical Access Hospital, and where are they?

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

The Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) program is designed to improve rural health care access and reduce hospital closures. Critical Access Hospitals provide essential services to a community and are reimbursed by Medicare on a "reasonable cost basis" for services provided to Medicare patients.

These are the little hospitals in rural areas that are closing across the US or being bought up by major corporations and are then being re-purposed for the benefit of the company costing the local community valuable emergency/acute care services. Losing these little hospitals will cause hardship on the community so a new/different basis of reimbursement has been created by medicare/medicaid and the government to give these facilities a financial incentive and rewards to remain open.

Specializes in Skilled Nursing/Rehab.

At about 1 AM in the door walked a man carrying his 12 year old daughter who was unconscious and white as a sheet. Behind dad came mom carrying the girls right arm in a clear plastic bag. Apperently she had fallen off the front of the boat and the propeller had chopped her arm off cleanly between the elbow and shoulder. They had the presence of mind to look for and fish the girls arm out of the water before bringing her in. Everybody was wearing swimming suits and were FREAQUED OUT. I worked at that girl for about 15 min trying to stablize her and yelling down th hall for the other guy in the hospital to come and help me. He did come to help and I sent him to call the NP. She arrived in what seemed like hours but was really only a few min. By the time she got there I had 2 IOs in and was infusing my 2nd unit of O-neg. We called for the helicopter and got her stable by the time transport got there.

I heard later that the big hospital we sent her to (actually where I worked full time) was able to re-attach her arm and that she is doing pretty well.

That story is amazing!!! :) Good work!

Anecdotal story about boredome in the work place...........

I once worked as a park ranger (law enforcement, not tour guide), and I quit out of boredom. I worked weekdays, had weekends and government holidays off, great benefits, a nice salary, had a free house to live in with utilities provided, an issued vehicle, all kinds of toys, an office, two department credit cards, my own budget that only I controlled, yet I still quit. As time went by I'd wake up, walk out my backdoor at 0800, get in my vehicle, and drive around randomly, go to my office, check emails, play on the internet, drive around so more, take the deposit to town and run other errands, drive back to the park, drive around randomly some more, and eventually go home. Surprisingly, very few visitors ever came to our park, which closed at 1700, so I never had much of anything to do besides work traffic on a U.S. highway and a state highway that bisected the place. We didn't have water or a campground so there were never overnight guests, drunks, or other troublemakers. I got bored. As time passed I'd get in my vehicle in the mornings, drive around, park, and think about shooting myself out of boredome. So I quit, got into a nursing program (my second bachelor's degree), took a job as a local cop (which I freakin love and I first started out as a city officer), and now I'm about to go finish, go to work as a RN, keep a side job as a patrol officer, and start graduate school. I have zero free time because I work so much, and quite frankly I do NOT want free time. I feel awkward having it and am on edge when I'm alone by myself. I learned if I'm bored I'm dying.

as a matter of facts i have 2 dear friends of mine that work at paramount studios and they been working there for over 15yrs. and their job consist of passing tylenol and every now and then they get to use their first aid kit, or they call for the para-medics if anyone gets seriously hurt.however, the best benefit of their job is, getting their picture taken with their favorite stars. :loveya:

the factory had first-responders, so by the time i got across the factory, or down the street to the other facility, the firsters had it handled and the ambulance called if seemed that most of the job was wait wait wait and deal with workerscomp stuff.bored, but it was nice to be quiet, as i worked at a busy med-surg floor of a large hospital at the time.

how do you get jobs like these? how many years experience do you need? this sounds very good.

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