spooky spooky spooky

Nurses General Nursing


last nightI worked L&D in my hospital. I usually workNICU. Well, we were sitting around talking and the subject of ghostly inhabitants came up and our scrub tech went on to relate the story of how she can go back to the surgical suites and turn off the lights and return a little later and the surgical lamps over the tables will be on.

We had this med student with us and he walked back with her and they turned off all the lights, waited half an hour and went back to check.

Sure enough, the spotlights were on. well this was where a couple of the other nurses and I came in on this story and of course I jumped right in and so BS! So she did it again with us all with her.

we went back a little later and they were on again.

Of course we had to try it again. This time our med student went back and checked from the hall and the lights were still off, a short time later 3 of us went back and the 1st OR light was not on, but in the 2nd OR the light was on as was the anesthessia machine.

We decided to mess with the whole thing a little and adjusted the light and pointed it towards the wall to the right of the table and left, a short time later I peeked in and the light was on, pointed back to the center of the table and the machine was off. Then I pointed it to the wall at the head of the bed and left. Tight after we counted I peeked in again and it was pointed toward the wall at the foot of the table.

Our poor tech would not even go down there alone to collect instruments for CS without someone with her, after that she wouldn't even go down there with someone.

Now being the eternal skeptic, I tried to be aware where all of us were and watch for someone to go back there and did not ever catch anyone sneaking back.

What do you all think???

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Something similar I have, but not as impressive as some. I work in ob and there is a room where apparantly a tragic death of a pt took place (an adult I was told; I was not there when this was supposed to have happened). Anyhow, that call lite will simply go off on our nite shift for no apparant reason! No patient assigned to the room. We will go cancel it and RING!~ on it will go again! Go back there to the room, TV on. Turn off TV. Call lite goes off again!...TV back on. And on and on it goes several times then just stops!

It is the weirdest thing..........my coworkers and I were certainly spooked the nights this has happened. No apparant reason why. We even switched call lites to see if the bell was to blame. Still went off by itself. So, we just chalk it up to "one of those strange unexplainable things", but we sure don't like to go there alone, when it happens, to fix it! (lol)... Good thread lisa, hon! How's life treating you? ;-):D

How nice to find professional health care people who don't think that one is "crazy" because of seeing things. I have "seen things" for years, both in my personal space and at work.

Many years ago now, I worked at "old" Childrens Hospital, here in Vancouver, BC. The hospital had been built in 1929. I worked on "upper east", a medical/clinical investigative unit, with a long hallway and glass double-doors at one end. At night, when I would be doing rounds, I could see my reflexion in these glass double-doors. Often I would see "another nurse" walking right beside me. It wasn't scary, I just felt as if someone else was keeping watch with me.

Two days before Princess Diana died, I lost my son, Eric, who was 29 yrs 1 month 1 day. I mention this because I hear from his friends, once in a while, that they've come home and "known" that Eric had "dropped in". "Sometimes something's been moved".

Another friend, Harmel, told me that he and his wife had been visiting my son's fiancee, Naoko, in Japan. Eric "woke me up one night" (the room lit up), Harmel said. He "wanted to tell me that he was okay and that he would see me "on this side" someday. That I shouldn't feel bad, because he was okay. And that when the light beckoned, to go towards the light, not away".

Harmel also said that Eric told him that he often visited Naoko's family and that Eric "thinks that they know that he's there". Harmel said that, at breakfast the next morning, he finally asked if any of them ever saw Eric. And the answer was yes, they all saw him at various times. Naoko's mom said that at first she was afraid but then decided "it's only Eric visiting" and that now, when she senses him there, she chats with him, over a cup of tea.

My best friend, who lives on the Isle of Man, and has known Eric since he was a little boy, says that she "always knows" when Eric is there visiting. "He smells like fresh babies breath". Her husband also smells this. "I tell him what's been going on in my family and tell him that he can stay for as long as he likes. In the morning when I get up, I know that he's left".

My son had a military memorial service. Several days after the service, the mother of my son's best friend came over. She told me that, after the service, her husband, Paul, said "Eric certainly enjoyed his funeral". She said what are you talking about? Paul told her that Eric had sat on the edge of the dais for the entire service and also "hung out" at the reception afterwards, listening to what people were saying. Paul said he could "see him as plain as day".

My daughter is 22 months younger than her brother. When she turned the exact same age as Eric was when he died, she had a nervous breakdown and had to be hospitalized. Yes, she is fine now and no longer needs to be on meds. Anyway, the night that I admitted her, I came home and went to bed. Before going to bed, I turned the portable dishwasher on. Now, on my way up the stairs to the bedrooms, I had "de-doghaired" my stairs. Believe me, there was nothing on my stairs.

I was lying in bed, thinking about Julie's pain, and thought "okay Eric. You're her big brother and she needs you to help her". I heard the dishwasher click off and decided to go downstairs and disconnect it. Now, earlier in the week I had been looking all over the house for a particular blue shirt of mine. I couldn't find it at all. When I went back downstairs, there on the second stair from the bottom, was my blue shirt.

My final ghost story involves my son's cat, Maddie. Maddie has always been an indoor cat; if she got put outside, she would sit on the front doorstep and cry until let in. Several weeks before this past Easter, I decided that, at age 14, she should go have a check-up at the vet's. The vet did a geriatric blood workup and a physical. The results were that "she's in great shape for her age".

Maddie always liked to sleep on the end of my bed. About a week prior to going to the vet's, she had been sleeping there and woke up. She sat up, stared in the direction of the armoire by the head of my bed. She began "nattering" and staring at the floor. She continued "talking" and turned her head towards the floor by the foot of my bed, along the foot of my bed, and finally to the other side of the head of my bed. She just kept talking away, almost sounding as if she was arguing. She even went to that side of the bed. Finally, she went back to her corner and went to sleep. I was reading in bed at the time.

When I had her at the vet's, I told the vet about this. She said "what do you think she was doing?" I said that I thought that perhaps Maddie was visiting with the spirit of another cat that I had had years ago. I told her that I wasn't uncomfortable, so figured that whatever it was was friendly. The vet said "I think that we should consider a brain lesion". I'm not too sure if she meant for Maddie or for me. LOL.

Anyway, the Wednesday after Easter, I was in the kitchen, grabbing my lunch for work. Maddie came up and rubbed/twined around my legs (she was not a particularly affectionate cat). I picked her up, gave her a kiss on her nose and said "see you later".

My daughter phoned me later at work. Maddie had stood by the sliding doors, wanting out. Julie said that she was surprised but Maddie was insistent, so she let her out. When last seen, at about 1715, Maddie was "going from blade of grass to blade of grass". We haven't seen her since. Now, often when a cat is going to die, they will "leave home" and find a spot to bury themselves in. We have a large wooded area behind our house. I believe that Maddie found a spot that she liked, buried herself and just went to sleep. I don't think that Maddie had a brain lesion. I truly believe that an angel came for her but Maddie told it that she wasn't ready to leave yet. I believe that Maddie picked her own time to go, and when the angel came for her, she went with it.

I don't know why I see/feel these things, I only know that I do. I'm not crazy. I believe that there is a life after death, that the soul, which is what we really are, is eternal.


How nice that you still have your son's spirit and that you know he is ok. I hope that gives you and your daughter some peace.

I've experienced (not always visually) ghosts both at home and at work. Someone who posted earlier asked "Why is it only the believers who see ghosts?" It isn't. My father emphatically does NOT believe, but still manages to hear from his great-great-grandfather from time-to-time. That's another story.

Years ago, while working in a CCU in Washington State, I was floated to the rehab floor. I was bored out of my mind because Rehab wasn't busy, so asked the other nurse if there was something I could do for her. (My patients were all sound asleep, breathing, etc. No meds due . . . nothing to do!) She said yes, I could go take vital signs in Room 4, the corner room. She said it was a four-bed room, but there were only three patients in it now, so be careful to visit ONLY beds 1, 2 & 4. That sounded a little strange, but I didn't know her very well. This was about 2AM, and I thought it was odd that she hadn't taken her MN VS in that room, but what the heck.

I went into the room and took vital signs on the patients in beds 1 & 2, got them water, fluffed pillows, etc. Then, forgetting the warning, went into the corner that Bed 3 was in. Immediately, a pillow came flying out of that corner and hit me in the face! At the same time, a wave of sheer malevolence nearly knocked me over. I must have shrieked or something, because one of the patients sat up and turned on her light. You guessed it -- nothing, no one in Bed 3's corner. But the little old lady told me, "You have to leave him alone, dear. He gets angry!"

When I got back to the nurse's station, the other nurse was sitting there, and I asked her about it. She said that she had been working in Rehab for 20+ years, and that the ghost had been there the entire time. If the bed was occupied, no ghost. The staff tried very hard not to leave that particular bed unoccupied, but the patient in that bed had been transferred to another floor for surgery earlier in the day and the evening nurse hadn't known enough to move another patient into that bed.

"Wait," she said. "I'll show you something even better." Carefully locking the med room, she took me to the rec room. We sat and chatted for awhile, (Ghost stories, of course) and I was getting impatient to see what she would show me. She kept saying "Wait just a little while. You'll see." Then, about 4 AM, we heard a tremendous racket from the area of the nurses station. I jumped up and was going to run down there, and the other nurse told me to wait a minute. Finally, after things quieted, we went back to the nurse's station and looked through the glass into the locked med room. Every drawer had been torn out and upended, the shelves emptied, supplies tossed around. It looked like someone had had a temper tantrum in that room. "You woke him up," the other nurse told me. "He does this every time someone wakes him up, and no one has ever seen him do it!" :eek:

That was the scariest ghost I've ever encountered!

Vicki K

A telemetry tech went around last Halloween and asked people where they thought the spookiest place in the hospital was. She took what everyone had told her to two housekeepers that had worked at the hospital for 50 years, and they said that most of the areas were sites of previous morges!! :eek:

Specializes in Everything except surgery.

This is a non medical story....but spooky for me never the less!

When my mother was living she was a totally type A personality! Well know in many circles where she lived...and when we left the house during the first days after her passing.....if we wanted to call the house...we would have to have the operator break in, and clear the line...as there were so many calls when her Obit appeared in the paper. We ...the children had decided to have a memorial for her in the city she lived in for all those who knew her...but to have the funeral in her hometown...as she had a place in the family plot. Well...many people were upset about this as they wouldn't get a chance to view the body...and felt we should have a DOUBLE funeral...there AND in her hometown! Like...who would want to go through that TWICE! Anyway to make a long story short...I hope. I was troubled by how upset people were about our arrangements....and finally after talking about it over and over with my sister and brothers...we decided to sleep on it. I went to go lie down in my mother's bed...which was off the formal dining room...and away from the kitchen where one of the phones were. No sooner than I had laid my head on the pillow...maybe a few seconds. I heard a phone ringing. I was tired...so I figured I would let my sister get it...as she was sleeping in a small bedroom off the kitchen. My brother was upstairs...with was also off the kitchen. No one got the phone. So I got up...and lo and behold....no phone ringing. So I went back to lie down. Again the phone rang....and and again no one answered! I got up again...and again...no phone ringing! I couldn't figure out why no one else had got up as we all had went to bed at the same time! So I thought ...there is a reason I keep hearing this phone....so I went and checked the house...and could find anything wrong. So I went back to bed. The fourth time it happened...I went into the formal living room...where my mother kept a huge white bible spread open. While sitting there reading...the phone rang again! This time I answered it...and it was a old friend of my mother's, who had had trouble getting through on the line during the day...as it was constantly busy! She wanted to tell us...that my mother had talked to her about how she wanted her funeral handled....and she totally supported the arrangements we had made!!! I asked her if she had been the calls I had heard earlier...and she said NO....she had fallen asleep...and was dreaming of my mother when she was awaken suddenly...and immediately thought to call us...and this had been the FIRST time she had tried again! I think the other calls were someone or something...that didn't want me to fall asleep before this woman called...as I have been know to sleep through anything...and would have never heard the call! Needless to say I slept well that nite!

Specializes in Everything except surgery.

I also believe love ones come for you! My mom once told us about our Great Gradmother...who was part Indian....coming for her one nite. She said she was dressed in a long flowing ..glowing white gown...her hair was down to her feet...long black and flowing. She floated under a flower covered archway...above her bed..and told my mother to touch her hand, and come with her. My mother's people believed if you touched the hand of someone deceased...while sleeping...you would join them. My mother said no.. my children are too young. My great grand mother beckoned her saying...all we do is laugh and play over here...come with me. My mother again refused. My great grandmother told her...if she didn't rest...she would be back for her. My mother had HTN...and was notoriously non compliant with meds...and was working on her Masters at that time! I wonder sometimes..if my great grandmother met my mother when she finally passed....and I wonder if my mother will meet me..:)

This is a personal story, but interesting just the same. When I was a sophomore or junior in high school, I worked at a movie theatre at the mall. While there I got to know a lot of people my age from other schools in the area.

I became close friends with this one guy, and we remained friends until we went to this party on New Years Eve. To make the long story short, the guy I met that night and the girl he met that night used to be gf/bf. After awhile, my boyfriend told me I had to choose between him and my friend. It was a mess and I ended up losing both of them. (Tragic when you're in high school!)

Anyway, a few months passed and I could not get my friend out of my mind...this lasted the whole month of March. Finally I called his house to see what was going on and was informed he had died. I thought this was a cruel joke as he and his brother sounded just a like. It was no joke. This other girl we worked with took me to the funeral and the burial. It was raining by the time we got to the cemetary, so the cars were lined up and down both sides until the rain let up. My friend had to go to work so we had to leave and I never knew where my friend was buried.

A few weeks later I went to the cemetary, determined to walk the entire grounds to find my friend if I had to. I pulled up to the gate and said, "okay Curtis, show me where you're at". I drove right past the gates, parked, got out of the car, and walked right to his grave! It was the freakiest thing. :eek:

Another one...

Jan 2001 my Dad passed away after being in the hospital for a week. He had cancer, but died from pneumonia. Anyway, my Mother finally had to make the decision to take him off of the machines because they were breathing for him, and even though he had made baby steps all week, IF he were to wake up, he would be in a wheel chair and nursing home for the rest of his life. My Dad would have never tolerated that, and his wish was to give him a go and if he didn't improve, let him go. One of my brothers, his step-son...they were very close, had taken some family to the airport, right after we took him off of the machine. Daddy held on until Chris came back from the airport to take his last breath with all of us in the room. And although, as I was holding his hand, I assured him it was okay to go, I miss him like hell! A year and a half later it's still hard to believe.

Six months later my Mom and I were in the same position as my Grandmother passed away. Needless to say, 2001 SUCKED! Ironically, my Grandmother lost her husband and mother in the same year six months apart in the late 70s. I hope this isn't some cruel family tradition. I can't even bear the thought!

In both cases, I felt so guilty. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and my hubby and I made plans way in advance to visit my parents. Unfortunately, mother nature intervened with an ice storm, so my Mom told us not to come, we would get together in March when the weather was better. I was so depressed during the holidays, but was looking forward to March 2001. Daddy didn't make it. Same thing with Grandma. After Daddy died, Mom packed everything and sold what she could before moving to Oklahoma. Grandma was fine during the entire trip. A week or two after she moved, hubby and I were going to Oklahoma to visit everyone and looked forward to the trip. Mom came to Dallas to visit and we were at dinner when my brother called to say Grandma was in the emergency room. We jumped up and packed her stuff and drove to Oklahoma. I stayed the night with grandma in the room, while mom slept downstairs in my blazer with her animals. (no hotel rooms available) Grandma passed away before 7pm the following day. I never knew what she died from. I know they tried and tried to get her blood gases and was unsuccessful. My Mom finally told them to stop because it was making her uncomfortable.

The day I was to go on vacation my hubby was admitted via the emergency room. I cried the day I brought him home, because we weren't able to bring Daddy or Grandma home.

Love this thread...Here's my stories...

My first job as a LVN was in a LTC and I remember when this one elderly woman died. She had been everybody's favorite and was a really sweet woman. A few days after she died, the call light in that room came on (there was noone in that room) and every once in a while someone would walk down that hallway and find the room lights on in that room.

At my second job, on a Med/Surg unit, there was this one room on the Surg side where people would see an old woman in a rocking chair. Both staff and patients saw this woman.

:uhoh3: :chair: :uhoh3:


Awsome!!!...spooky :uhoh21: all we need is a campfire and some marshmellows

I can't stop reading this thread!

My thoughts are I can only hope that when I go someone comes to "get me"...

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