I cant argue anymore friends........

Nurses General Nursing


well the thing I have been dreading more than anything else has happend

I have been taken off my permanent nightshift and am being forced to rotate to days ....

wouldnt be a big deal except I went back to school based on the fact that I would be given permanent night shift and now in a moment its gone

I wont go into detail for privacy sake but lets just say that management/our unit administrator have been doing all kinds of horrific things lately and this is just the latest

I think its time for me to resume it up and get the heck out of there...

I havent done a resume in so long...

I love the nurses I work with

I dont want to leave but feel frickin hopeless...

they had me doing five nights in a row at one point and my body was okay with it cuz i was used to the nightshift, now they have me doing five days in a row and theres no way on gods green earth I can do it - its technically against our union contract but since I'm in school I bent on the rules a little

now im thinkin i need to go back to being a rules girl

I was going to write a letter to HR explaining that I'm in school and there is such a thing as innovative scheduling at our hospital and thats been taken away from me

but now im wondering if i should even bother

Very good letter. Good luck Wendy. Keep us posted on the developments.

Extreemly well said. Use the letter. Get this stupidiy on record. I love the way we are taught to state, just the facts, and let them speak for themselves. You did that and did it well. They speak volumes.

good letter wendles. use it and come down here...my hospital is paying 100% of my tuition to get my BSN...and we do self scheduling ....

Specializes in Corrections, Psych, Med-Surg.

Good for you.

It sounds to me as though you are doing everything reasonable, and more, to both respect your own needs and to give the facility an opportunity to deal with some of its own problems.

You'll do very well wherever you go, IMHO.

Specializes in Pediatric Rehabilitation.


I kinda went through the same sort of situation not long ago..

had a unit manager that I had NO respect for, was doing the job of Charge Nurse without the pay (knowing there was an open position for a CN) and absolutely LOVED my coworkers. The coworkers are what kept me there as long as i stayed. I finally, though, got tired of being screwed to make his budget look good and so that he didn't have to make a move..so i transferred to another unit..

guess what? I love my new coworkers too...and my boss rocks!

get out that resume'...

Originally posted by Sandra m. Took

Wendy- I think give them the flick ............ BTW we have nursing shortages over here too!! So use your skills and travel !!

Geez, you are young, single with no children. Sounds like a once in a lifetime offer. Again, http://www.travelnursing.com

Specializes in Hospice and palliative care.


Like Fab4Fan, I'm also from the Philly area, so if you are seriously considering relocating, please feel free to email me privately and I would be more than happy to give you the "dope" on the good, the bad, and the ugly down this way :rolleyes: There are lots of hospitals here, and also many schools of nursing. I agree with the others--dust off that resume and shop around--you deserve better!

Good luck to you and keep us up to date on what's happening

GO EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laurie :)

thanks for the support/understanding and of course advice..

I'm not exactly in position to just up and move right now, although I am thinking of it for this summer.....thats kinda my goal actually ...

right now I'm hanging tight, spoke with some ppl at work who want to grieve this whole situation, myself included, so I've written my letter, will submit it on monday and see whats goin on, in the meantime I'm workin on my resume, which I completley suck at so I have harrassed some lovely ppl here into helping me (thanks stargazer, cheque is in the mail heh) and am getting things organized in the event that my needs are not going to be met - which is my guess , sadly.

Glad your sticking to your principles - Good luck am thinking of your -

Also am sending some magic sparkly fairy dust that is garanteed to make your day happy and your life perfect -- via the computer optic fibres -- I wish l could but positive thoughts will have to do in the mean time - however just check your fibre optics and see if these is some sparkly dust it just might be there !!!


Sorry to hear it sis. Those b@stards! Time for you to move on. I can't imagine you'd have trouble finding work elsewhere. People are usually crying for night nurses.

Sometimes, other people make the decision to move on pretty easy don't they?

Take these changes and move on Wendy! try something new and come here LOL!

no, serious, obviously this is the time of your life, to change workplaces and who knows what follows.................

Wendy, if you want to eyeball jobs available in BC, go into search and http://www.bcnu.org. Two entries will pop up. Click onto "job vacancies", then Healthmatch BC and follow the 'point and click" instructions. I'm at the happy stage in my life where I am looking at retirement Sept 1, 2006 (60 years). So, I said to myself, what are you going to do after you quit the hospital? Have heard nice reports about TCM Telecare Management Inc., a Vancouver company, so have included their job description. Don't get excited about the "date", they're looking for experienced RNs, period.

Item Description

Job Title Nursing Representative

Start Date January 3, 2003

Position Status Full time or Part time

Remuneration To be discussed at interview

I hear that the wages are good.

Hours of work, type of shifts available Evenings: 4,6,8 and 10 hour shifts

Notice no dayshifts, could go to school

Job Description Nursing Representatives handle non-emergency incoming calls from residents of BC in a call centre environment which operates 7/24 all year through. RNs use evidence based triage software, sound nursing judgement and experience to assist callers better manage their personal health.


Item Description

Education Required Diploma in Nursing

Experience required (no. of years) ER, or community, or acute care or combination. Minimum of 3 years nursing experience.

Qualifications required Current registration with the RNABC. Computer literacy and keyboarding skills of 30 wpm.


Item Description

Comments TCM Telecare Management Inc. is a subsidiary company of E-Comm that staffs and manages the BC NurseLine call centre. TCM provides nursing staff with supportive management, professional mentoring and an ergonomic working environment.

You might want to check and see if the Toronto area has something similar.

Also, BC Childrens Hospital has self-scheduling.

Good luck.

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