Published Feb 18, 2016
LDAthleteNurse, BSN, RN
407 Posts
I've always wondered, but never wondered enough to try it for myself. Lol does it hurt? Is there a stretching, burning or stinging sensation? Ive had a UTI before, so I can only imagine having a foley inserted feels like those last little painful trickles of pee during a UTI. Can someone enlighten me please?
12,646 Posts
Truthfully, I was in labor. Didn't even feel it going in. The Foley was the least of my problems. Coming out was a slight tug, and that's it. No issues.
Well.Truthfully, I was in labor. Didn't even feel it going in. The Foley was the least of my problems. Coming out was a slight tug, and that's it. No issues.
Thanks for your response. I do foleys all the time in L&D, and I always wonder how it feels.. some people flinch and whimper, some people don't even respond to them.
MunoRN, RN
8,058 Posts
I get the impression it's often a different level of pain for men than women.
I had a head injury once and was knocked unconscious. They were able to put staples in my head among other things and none of that woke me up, the only thing that did was putting in a foley, and yes it was very painful. Since then I always use a full uroject and let it do it's thing for at least ten minutes.
196 Posts
I don't remember it going in but coming out was AWFUL. I was uncomfortable for at least an hour.
KelRN215, BSN, RN
1 Article; 7,349 Posts
I was under anesthesia the only time one went in for me but I remember it pinching a little on the way out. 6 years ago when I had to undergo a water deprivation test, an Intern tried to tell me I'd be having a Foley. I politely told her where she could go. This was our conversation:
MD: "Are you familiar with the water deprivation test?"
Me: "I've done one on a three year old."
MD: "That must have been challenging with the Foley and everything."
Me: "We didn't use a Foley, we just weighed the diapers."
MD: "Well we're going to use a Foley on you."
Me: "Oh hell no..."
MD: "Well we need really accurate outputs."
Me: "Bring me a hat."
xoemmylouox, ASN, RN
3,150 Posts
I have needed them with both of my deliveries. The first one I had several straight caths. Didn't feel a thing, but relief from emptying my bladder. The second delivery I had one straight cath and it was pretty much the same. A little pressure, but that's about it.
A straight cath is NOTHING compared to a lady partsl delivery.
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
There is NO lol involved.
You should be "wondering" about both female and male catheter placement.
It is an invasive procedure that traumatizes the patient.
The pain involved with a urinary tract infection can be intense.. until treated. How would you compare it to the invasive procedure?
There is NO lol involved.You should be "wondering" about both female and male catheter placement.It is an invasive procedure that traumatizes the patient.The pain involved with a urinary tract infection can be intense.. until treated. How would you compare it to the invasive procedure?
She works in L&D, so that's why she's asking about females. I think.
I always hate catheterizing males. I use the Uroject for a male, and I still know I'm hurting them.
I haven't let it marinate for a good 10 minutes, though. Thanks, Muno.
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
OP, if you're doing it pre-surgery, you should insist that it's done AFTER the woman is in the OR and gets her spinal. I've worked at both types of facilities, and in my experience, it's barbaric to do it to an unblocked woman. Advocate for your patient.
Well I work in L&D so the chances of me inserting a foley on a male are pretty slim, I'd say. No biggie, just trying to grab the perspective from people on this forum who have experienced getting a foley inserted.
Also, I can't compare the pain of a UTI to that of a catheter insertion because I've never had a catheter inserted into my own bladder before. Hence, why I'm asking.
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
Hmm...I remember this probably more than the birth. My epidurals never really worked that well. It was more of a burning type of feeling. I also remember they had the mirror up (not my choice) and I caught poor cath technique and stopped that right away.
I've also needed to straight cath myself a few times due to retention with one of my babies. It hurt, but the pain from the retention was 100 times worse.