Your Pet and your schedule...


I know lots of you have pets. I'm thinking about settling full time into one job (geez, I'm a recruiters dream at the moment) and also settling down for me means, pets again. I live alone and have always had dogs, but my dogs were the geriatric type that did well with my crazy schedule.

I'm thinking about getting another geriatric dog, but I'm wondering if thats advisable, as I'll be doing 12's. Should I stick to a cat??

What do you do, especially those who like me, are single and such...

I worked 10 shifts while I had a dog, but never 12. Never any problems with any "accidents". Of course first thing I did once home was let him out. Then at least 15 solid minutes of playing fetch to help him burn off energy. It seemed to work pretty well. I also am pretty good about walking him. Some walks on cold days might be a lot shorter though!

I used to think about getting a second dog so Hank would have company. But I waited too long and now he's about 9years old and will not tolerate me spending too much time/affection with anyone but him! I agree with an earlier poster, a cat might be a good solution.

I have friends/family that will watch my dog when I go on vacations. They do a great job. But having them take care of 2 dogs is alot more to ask than caring for one. And my Hank has never had to stay in a kennel, I doubt he ever will.

Specializes in ICF/MR, ER.

I've got a 7-year old black & white tomcat who waits on the windowsill for me to come in from work. Then he'll hit me up for some food/water (he likes FRESH) and then a belly rub on the rug. Occasionally, I'll treat him to a can of tuna.

He doesn't seem to mind the odd hours I work; he really goes by his own schedule anyways.

Yes, I do not want to get a dog and start my first day of work all at the same time. Just thinking about it.

I'd want to do a rescue dog (all my other dogs were from the shelter) but I'm leary about the behavioral issues that may come up. Of course all puppies have behavioral issues as well... So...

Well, as soon as I decide where I am going to be working, I'll work on this...

I've got 6 job offers flying around and none of them are bad, but none are astoundingly good either, SOOO. But I'll decide at least on a region by Monday....

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I agree- 12 hrs. is too long for a dog to hold it's bladder. Plus, when you get home and are tired, your dog will need attention, want to play, etc.

Have you considered "doggie day care" for your pet, or have someone come over and play with your dog for a bit, and let it out?

Good luck!:)

Specializes in ICU, step down, dialysis.

I do 12 hr nights, have two pugs. They use a doggie pee pad while I'm gone. I can't expect them to hold it. They do just fine.

Specializes in Adult SICU; open heart recovery.
I am thinking of getting a rabbit. Heard that they're as easy to housebreak as a cat. (Plus- QUIET for my neighbors!! :)) The only thing is leaving it for those long 12-hour shifts in its cage... though it's not like rabbits have to be walked, or anything :)


You should check out! Rabbits can be litter-boxed trained and don't have to live in a cage :) Of course, you'd have to be careful about rabbit-proofing your home (covering electrical cords, etc.). My two girls live in an 8x8 carpeted exercise pen in my basement, which seems to suit them just fine :) When I lived in a small apartment, they were free to go everywhere, but my current home wouldn't work that well, plus, I have two dogs, one of whom I probably wouldn't trust 100% unsupervised with the buns :) Rabbits are great -- and their litterboxes don't stink like cats' do! :rotfl:

Specializes in Adult SICU; open heart recovery.
I know lots of you have pets. I'm thinking about settling full time into one job (geez, I'm a recruiters dream at the moment) and also settling down for me means, pets again. I live alone and have always had dogs, but my dogs were the geriatric type that did well with my crazy schedule.

I'm thinking about getting another geriatric dog, but I'm wondering if thats advisable, as I'll be doing 12's. Should I stick to a cat??

What do you do, especially those who like me, are single and such...

I think it's wonderful that you are interested in adopting a geriatric dog :) There are so many older animals that are "euthanized" every year because no one wants them :crying2: I agree with everyone who suggests waiting until you're a bit settled in your new job, but I think having a dog (or two :)) is definitely doable! I have two, and I love that they have each other to keep them company. I also use a dog walker, which costs money of course, but is totally worth it to me. Also keep in mind that a 12 1/2-hour shift usually means a minimum of 13 hours away from home, which is far too long to expect any dog to hold his/her bladder. For some dogs, piddle pads might work great!

My childhood dog, who died 3 years ago at 14, was incontinent at the end, and slept most of the time. I laid out washable pads (the kind that are used to line baby cribs), and she did just fine. She also had no interest in having a doggy companion, as she was set in her ways :)

Regarding an older dog with some health needs -- one of the nice things about our 12-hour schedules is that it usually leaves us with several days during the week in which to run errands and have appointments. Barring unforeseen emergencies, having a dog who requires more frequent vet appointments shouldn't pose too much of a problem.

Good luck! Thanks for remembering the older dogs :)


I have two dogs but am home by noon each day for them to go out and eat lunch. Have never worked 7a to 7p because thats way too long for them. Then don't forget, they need some tlc after work also. Daily walks, weekly ear cleaning and brushing. Not to mention cleaning up the yard, buying food, vet bills. I luv them much, but make sure your ready for the entire responsibility. Never was a cat person, but have met some pretty nice cats. Beautiful cats that actually listen to their owners, I was amazed what nice pets they are. Made me think about all the work these two dogs are!:rolleyes:

Little dogs, and I mean little, can be litter box trained, or to use a doggy pad, if needed.

And small enough to go all over with you...............:)

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

How about a bird? They seem to do well for long periods of time. Cats and dogs need our love and attention----hard to do if you are gone that long.

Specializes in NICU.
How about a bird? They seem to do well for long periods of time. Cats and dogs need our love and attention----hard to do if you are gone that long.

I've heard that birds are great for people who work long hours as well.

But I do have a coworker who has a big tropical bird - not sure what type, but it talks - actually calls her "Mom" because he hears her kids saying it all the time. I swear, the thing is part human. When she works a lot of overtime, the bird gets mad at her! He'll turn his back on her when she is home, refuse to talk to her or eat for her, and he'll start pulling out all his feathers. When she's home more often and shows him a lot of affection, he's the opposite - he can't get enough of her. She used to let him be free of the cage during the day if her kids were home, but if he knew she was home and sleeping (night shifter) he'd actually climb/hop up the stairs, go to her bedroom, and peck at the door with his beak, calling, "Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" :rotfl:

ETA: Worth mentioning that this particular bird LOVES chicken and scrambled eggs. LOL!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

LOL... I love hearing about all your pets!! Animals have such personalities... These are awesome stories.

My rabbit I had for four years as a kid, was found at the park where my dad worked, had apparently been thrown out of the car and landed on its head :angryfire and it always held its head to the one side, and would get lost and confused, have his big floppy ears flopped over to one side... he was stupid but I loved him! He was usually pretty calm... or probably he just didn't know what was going on most of the time :p

Hillary thanks for the suggestions... I'll have to check it out. I live in an apartment so a rabbit could run around, if I figure out how to keep it out of the range of cords!! I'm not sure where I'd find one around here... I think they're more for sale in the springtime.

I'm just reluctant to get a pet until I'm SURE I'm ready for the responsibility... I am like you Katie in the way I make decisions :)

What I'd really like is a dog, but I am gone for so long at night I don't think I'd be able to take good care of them cooped up in this apartment. If I ever have my own place and a fenced-in yard that would be better.

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