some younger male nurses.....

Nurses Men


I can say I have nothing but love for the older male nurses (I mean over 30) that I work with. That said, the younger ones have got to be the most apathetic, jerky people I have ever had to deal with. They specifically work at night because they don't want to really deal with patients when they're actually awake. They specifically wear the light blue "MD-looking" scrubs so that they will be treated like doctors, and many times are--because they're men, and they've purposely dressed this way. The more mature men on my floor don't care what color scrubs they wear, and seem very helpful and kind and caring. Time and time again I witness a patient who is reluctant to ask anything "petty" of these guys (like fetching a glass of water or a snack, etc) but will think nothing of calling some random female nurse to come do it.

It' a disservice to any male nurse that really cares about his practice and isn't just "slumming it" because he couldn't get into med school. Nursing is not "slumming it" and if you have to pick a night shift to do your job because the thought of dealing with people when they're conscious is so irritating, rethink what you're doing and go into research.

Specializes in midwifery, ophthalmics, general practice.

the stuff from Thunderwolf is very interesting... and at the risk of getting flammed and being totally controversal, can I comment that he has demonstrated very nicely the inequality that existed? woman were not considered mens equals for many many years- not since we became a patriacal (sorry spelt wrong) society which is why so few women were 'allowed to be nurses'.

its not as simple as 'men were the first nurses'. there are changes in how society was structured to consider.

personally, I dont think it much matter who was first, what matters is that today we have men and women who chose to be nurses, and I am proud to be a nurse and proud to work with nurses and call them my friends (and i dont really care what sex you are!).

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.
the stuff from Thunderwolf is very interesting... and at the risk of getting flammed and being totally controversal, can I comment that he has demonstrated very nicely the inequality that existed? woman were not considered mens equals for many many years- not since we became a patriacal (sorry spelt wrong) society which is why so few women were 'allowed to be nurses'.

its not as simple as 'men were the first nurses'. there are changes in how society was structured to consider.

personally, I dont think it much matter who was first, what matters is that today we have men and women who chose to be nurses, and I am proud to be a nurse and proud to work with nurses and call them my friends (and i dont really care what sex you are!).

Excellent post.

Thank you, karenG.

Specializes in Home Health, Nursing Home.

I also wear those scrubs because of height issues.

6'2 1/2 - and most of the other ones are high-watered.

Surgical MD looking ones fit my body better.

I never thought before that someone may think I was trying to be something I wasn't. So maybe these guys at your work don't either.

Have a convo with them!

Specializes in ER/Trauma.
I didn't realize ceil blue was limited to doctors.
Pardon me but... what the deuce is "ceil" ??

Reminds me of an old joke:

"ALL men see in only 16 colors, like windows default settings.

Peach is a fruit, not a color." :D


Specializes in Cardiac Care.
Pardon me but... what the deuce is "ceil" ??

Reminds me of an old joke:

"ALL men see in only 16 colors, like windows default settings.

Peach is a fruit, not a color." :D


***recovering my apoplectic self...***

Next, you'll be telling me that sage, lemon and rose are forms of vegetation, or that fawn and canary are animals.

That's just crazy talk, man.

Thanks a heap, Roy!

Specializes in ER, Med/Surg.

I'm an old nurse?

Age >32.

Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

ceil blue would be the color of typical light blue hospital scrubs. Someone decided to call it ceil blue. Darned if I know what a ceil is.

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

It's French for "sky".

It's just lucky for me that I have the ruggedly macho persona to be completely comfortable knowing something like that.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

I work nights to avoid dealing with families and to give the patients better care. The only Dr's wearing scrubs at our facility are usually anethesiologists getting consents signed prior to surgery. Now I have worry about which of the about 3 color scrubs available I wear not to offend some "angry" potential poster. Jeesh why so grim?

Specializes in Ward,Er,Or.

im 24 yrs old and started my nursing carreer when i was 22 sure im young sometimes called a doctor too but not all young nurses stay away from work i love being a nurse maybe you just expirienced it at your work place but not all young male nurses are lazy i tell you mam not to brag but my chief nurse and nurse supervisor is at ease when im on duty because they now im not slacking off and work as a team even the slightest of work like emotional support and reassuring patients i do it

Specializes in PACU.

(only read the first page then skipped straight to the last)

So... we young male nurses are jerks huh?!? Them's fightin' words ^_^

I dispute that comment about us being lazy. As far as I can see, we young guys are relatively competitive, eager to prove something (I my case, something to myself). And don't mistake our need to 'have a good time' as being "cocky and overconfident" (real adjectives one of my charge nurses shot at me during training).

We're just trying to do what we do... babe ;)

This has nothing to do with being a young male RN. It all depends on one's work ethic. You could be young, old, male, or female...if you have a poor work ethic (laziness, lack of professionalism, lack of communication skills, lack of compassion), it will show. One more point, the color of the scrubs is irrelevant.

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