You Know You've Had A Hectic Shift/Day At Work


Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

1. You reach behind your ear for your pen and pull out a rectal thermometer.

2. You begin to slip off your shoes to relax, and find your OR booties still on.

3. You go to a restaurant, order your meal, go to the bathroom, look in the mirror, and see your fancy OR hat still on your head.

4. You reach for your stethescope, and pull a cannula off of your neck.

5. You reach for your wallet or purse and pull out a medical kit you used on a patient.

Specializes in OR scrub/circulator, hospice crisis care.

You undress from your hospital-issued scrubs at the end of your shift and in the shirt pocket, you find two scalpel blades, a pack of 3-0 Nylon and a half tube of Bacitracin ointment. :chuckle

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

You go home from work, you go to empty your pockets before throwing your uniform in the laundry, and feel a strange, squishy item in one of them. You investigate further, and find it to be and empty IV bag you forgot to throw away before leaving work.

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

you take your favorite pair of work pants out of the dryer and notice dark streaks from the fe capsule that you forgot was still in there from the patient who refused it. the unit dose blister survived the trip however...

you find the dog chewing enthusiastically on a wad of what had been packets of alcohol wipes and a couple of bandaids that were in your pocket.


Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

When you come home from work and begin stripping in the garage, sneak down the back stairs to the laundry room, throw everything you had on---INCLUDING your shoes---into the washer, and then run, stark naked, to the bathroom and jump in the shower to de-funk before you can go to bed!

When you come home from work and begin stripping in the garage, sneak down the back stairs to the laundry room, throw everything you had on---INCLUDING your shoes---into the washer, and then run, stark naked, to the bathroom and jump in the shower to de-funk before you can go to bed!


Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

All you can think about is the eewie gooey funky stuff that got on your uniform, and after you get home, avoiding the urge to throw up, my make a bee line to the bathroom, strip, get the disinfectant, jump in the shower, pour it on, then breathe a sigh of relief as the cleansing rainlike stream flows down over your body.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Home Health.

You have a dream that you forgot to give a resident meds.

Specializes in plenty mostly agency.

you sign your kids homework S JACKSON LPN

Specializes in Geriatrics, Home Health.

You stop at the supermarket afterward, pay with a debit card, and keep entering your Pyxis/Omnicel code instead of your PIN.

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

You are so funked out from cleaning every patient you had from a ravage of diarrhea, that you give your patient a bedpan instead of her/his dinner tray.

Specializes in Telemetry, M/S.

I had driven home after a looong 12hr shift, when I remembered something that I had forgotten to pass along in report so I called work and got put on hold while they went to find the RN I needed to talk to.

At this point, I had pulled into my driveway and was collecting up my belongings when I realized I couldn't find my cell phone. I spent about 1 minute looking for the darned thing when I realized that I was holding it to my ear still on hold.:selfbonk:

In my defense, we don't have music while on it was silent! lol

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