You know you are in nursing school when ctxt

Nursing Students General Students


Lets start a fun thread that describes a nursing students way of life.

For examply always broke but gotta have those drug cards.

stuff like that

You know you are in nursing school when ....

your car looks like its lived in. :chuckle

Your friend comments that your car looks like a library. :uhoh3:

Lunch consists of chewing gum and a bag of peanuts. :balloons:

You are always broke but find money for a NCLEX - RN study guide and hold off on buying a new pair of jeans. :rotfl:

when you don't even take a nap on one free day out of 2 months....way too much cleaning and free time to have !!!!!! :bugeyes:

when you look at cracks in the cement and it reminds you of hepatic cells through a microscope.

Specializes in ICU.

I'm still taking my pre reqs - but OMG you guys are totally cracking me up over here... and scaring me to death at the same time. :chuckle

Your friend calls you to say, "I got to put in a foley cath today!" And you say, "Wow, lucky!" and mean it. :yeah:

oh yeah, and when you're at a family function, you diagnose that uncle with the big belly...No, it's not a beer belly, there has to be some type of disease he has that he's keeping from the family...

Can you say ascites?? :coollook:

You know you are in nursing school when you gross out your family with a totally wikkid story about how you got to help debride patient Mr. So & So's necrotic decub ulcers in great detail. And then they look at you and say, "Don't tell me stories like that ever again okay?" LOL.

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

When you describe how you helped take out 1.5L of fluid from someone's chest and how it made them feel better....helped guide a needle biopsy under a xray and get some lung tissue, saw a Charcoal black lymph node in surgery....yep, that's a NS life for sure.

Specializes in ER.

when your patient in mid-sentance begins to speak pig latin to you (because he thinks he is funny) and you think he has a neurolgical deficit

Specializes in Pediatric CVICU.

You know you are in nursing school when you begin to practice therapeutic communication with your roommates right after having a long discussion about their bodily functions all while eating

You're walking into the grocery store and drop your car keys on the ground because you tried to drop them into your pocket...but your t-shirt and jeans don't have pockets in the same place as your scrubs!:bugeyes:

Specializes in ICU, Emergency Department.

when you log into to check the new threads 5x or more/day... even on summer vacation :)

you have more highlighters than Wal-Mart!:chuckle

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