You know you are in nursing school when ctxt

Nursing Students General Students


Lets start a fun thread that describes a nursing students way of life.

For examply always broke but gotta have those drug cards.

stuff like that

You know you are in nursing school when ....

your car looks like its lived in. :chuckle

Your friend comments that your car looks like a library. :uhoh3:

Lunch consists of chewing gum and a bag of peanuts. :balloons:

You are always broke but find money for a NCLEX - RN study guide and hold off on buying a new pair of jeans. :rotfl:

OMG! Thank you all so much for giving me a break and making me laugh SOOOO hard!!! I'm crying I'm laughing so hard... hahahah. Wow! These are hilarious!

You know you're a NS student when you stay up super late the night before, the night before clinical to make sure you can actually sleep before clinical instead of checking the hour clock hour worrying that you'll over sleep and end up not sleeping at all.

When you do actually you sleep, you have nightmares about things going wrong while you're at the hospital. For instance, you're working on a postpartum unit, you go in to greet your mother and baby but find a very elderly woman with dementia instead. Every time you leave the room and come back in, it's a different elderly woman who has NOT just had a baby. When telling your instructor about this phenomena, she yells at you for not doing your job and deducts points for the day for not doing your required assessments and for losing the baby (my latest pre-clinical bad dream).

...when your husband thinks you're getting frisky with him, but you're really just palpating his femoral pulse!:chuckle

Your standing in the school's bookstore looking at what you should buy next to give you "the edge" :confused: and the clerk says "I love your hair cut! Where do you go?" and you reply OVMC Hospital 5th floor (where your clinicals are)! She just smiled at me and said "No honey what salon" I wanted to crawl under a rock! :chuckle

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