York University 2nd Entry Nursing 2014

World Canada CA Programs


Hi everyone!

Interested to know who else will be applying for the 2nd entry program at York U for Fall 2014!

At York, any grade between 75-79 is considered a 7.0. This is because York uses only letter grades. Consequently, a 75 is a 7.0 and a 79 is also a 7.0, rather than a 7.5 being a 7.0 and a 79 being a 7.8.

So, if your grades are say, 15 credits 75, 15 credits 79, they'll all still add up to 7.0.

Meanwhile, any grade between 80-89 is considered an 8.0.

So, you'd end up with a 7.5 GPA if half your grades (for example) were a 7.0 and the other half an 8.0.


30 credits 7.0 (75-79) = 7.0 GPA

15 credits 7.0 (75-79), 15 credits 8.0 (80-89) = 7.5 GPA

21 credits 7.0 (75-79), 9 credits 8.0 (80-89) = 7.3 GPA

15 credits 6.0 (70-74), 15 credits 8.0 (80-89) = 7.0 GPA

This isn't the best explanation but I hope you get what I'm trying to show.

Since York uses only letter grades it seems misleading when you try to convert percentage grades to GPA.

Any class in which you got a grade of 75-79 would at York be a grade of 7.0. Someone with a 7.5 for example would have some 8.0s or 9.0s mixed in with lower grades. I hope this makes some sense.

So let's say I got a 68% in 12 credits, a 85% in another 12 credits, and an 78% in 36 credits.

My average would be a 77.4% You would think an average of 77.4% would translate into around a 7.5 GPA, but because York uses only letter grades it doesn't work like that.

Instead, my 12 credits @ 68% would be a 6.0 GPA (B), my 12 credits @ 85% would be an 8.0 GPA (A), and my 36 credits @ 78% would be a 7.0 GPA (B+). 12 credits 6.0 + 12 credits 8.0 + 36 credits 7.0 = a GPA of 7.0 (B+).

It makes sense. Thanks xibb for clarifying it. It helped.

Does anybody know if York is going to continue sending out acceptance offer or are they currently full? Or have anyone heard anything from them? Even a rejection?

Hi Hopeful-RN,

I was not a previous York student so I'm not positive on this but the way I figured it was as that each mark was first calculated on the scale and then averaged from there cumulatively. So for example if you have a mark that translates to a 7.0 and another that translates to an 8.0 then your GPA from those two would be 7.5, regardless of what the actual marks average out to.

An internal applicant can correct this if I'm wrong :)

I don't know whether or not York is still sending out "regular" acceptances to external applicants. But the wait-list will start in early June.

Re: some previous posts

I confirmed today that students can only be exempt from biochem. There are no exemptions for pharmacology or any of the NURS classes.

Hey Id1101,

It works your way as well...at least when I tried it with my grades it did.

I actually played around with hypothetical grades (I'm bored at work) and it seems like by converting numerical grades to letter grades, it can benefit some people. With the hypothetical grades I was working with, it looks like someone with a lower average then mine could get a higher GPV than I did thus, would get accepted before I would (assuming York ranks applicants by the GPV). So with that in mind, it kinda sucks for me.

York will see your actual transcript so you don't really have to worry about that.


If you don't mind me asking, is York your preferred school to study nursing? The reason why I am curious is because I've spent some time comparing the programs specifically to Western. Is there something about York that propels you to study here?

Thank you kindly

It might not help you Marie_ska, but honestly my reason for York was location. I have children and live a little north of York University, so in deciding to go back to school I wasn't in the same position I was when I did my other two degrees, didn't have children, and could just make the decision to move anywhere because it was only me I was uprouting. I was putting all of my eggs in the York basket so I'm very happy it paid off! Looking forward to September! I might be the only one who is trying to arrange my schedule based on which days I will then be able to pick up and drop off my children from school/daycare though LOL!

Thanks xibb for the reassurance. Fingers cross that I hear some good news.

I tried calling York today and was put on wait for about 15 minutes, I had to go back to work so I couldn't continue waiting. Did anyone call York and get any information from them?

To Marie_ska, I'm on the same boat as Id1101 minus the kids. I'm from Toronto and wasn't interested in going too far so I didn't apply to Western. I would have, the program is only 19 months long which is definitely appealing but the location was a deal breaker.

Hi again [COLOR=#003366]NikolaStankovic!

I was wondering if now that some of us have heard (if you have time because I know this is a very big request) you can take us through any of the courses. I have already had my online appointment and have my class schedule for the fall and winter semesters now.

Specifically, I was wondering about the following (and again, only if you have time, I know this is a lot to ask! :)):

1) Which courses did you find were more textbook and which ones more lectures? Usually there are some courses that you can get away with last year's text because the prof lectures and tests mostly from his/her own notes and then there are some that if you buy a second-hand book you are at a real disadvantage. Did you find this in some of the courses so far?

2) Along the same lines as the last question (and this is going to sound awful so let me explain before judging me lol!), which courses are the ones that being in class is vital to doing well and which are the ones which the text can actually teach you almost everything? Now the explanation! I have a 4- and 2-year old. My fall semester looks great because I was able to have most classes such that I will be able to drop them off at school and daycare first and still get to York comfortably, but I also live about an hour away (more in rush hour), and the winter semester is making me anxious already if we have another winter with a lot of snow days! I live north of Toronto around Barrie area, and if my daughter's school is closed I'm going to be scrambling to make alternate arrangements for her because my son's daycare doesn't take children last minute like that so I wouldn't be able to drop her off there. I know this will probably only be a few times in the year so it might sound like a silly thing to be stressing about already, but I noticed that the schedule for winter is almost all 8:30 starts, and that means dropping my kids off by 7:00 at the latest (for which I will be using a before school program at my daughter's school, which won't operate when the school is closed) and that means that if there is a snow day I need to be on the phone by 6 trying to make arrangements lol! I'm basically trying to find out if there are some classes I shouldn't be worrying about missing if there is a snow day like this (without fail there are many days that there is 30cm up here and nothing in Toronto so I can't count on it being the same down there and classes being cancelled). Like I said, I know this may seem silly but it will help me calm my anxiety about what to do in the winter right now! :)

3) On clinical days, it's listed as 8:30-3:30 in the winter so I'm just wondering if this is accurate or if it's just because they don't have a time slot for showing it earlier than that in the York calendar? Again, I know this seems far in advance but this is also for planning for childcare because I don't know if anyone else has kids but daycares are very picky about wanting commitment to times up front so I need to know if I will need after school care that day. I figured clinicals would start earlier actually, and then I'm also wondering if you always end up leaving at the end exactly or if you are sometimes there a bit after. I also thought clinical days would actually be longer so just trying to figure out what is really the case :)

Thank you so very much if you have a chance to reply! It is VERY GREATLY appreciated!

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