York University 2nd Entry Nursing 2014

World Canada CA Programs


Hi everyone!

Interested to know who else will be applying for the 2nd entry program at York U for Fall 2014!

Has anyone had their online enrollment appointment yet?

So far I've only emailed them to confirm my spot in the program. The acceptance letter did not speak of any enrolment appointment but I'm sure that we will be getting more information when we receive our package in the mail. I think that internal applicants may have a different process to begin with so it might all be a little different.

If you go on the YorkU Nursing page you can actually see what courses you need to take and the "York University Second Entry Nursing Class of 2016" on Facebook has copy of the timetable for first two semesters that someone posted that you can take a look at! From what I believe we will all have very similar schedules.

Congratulations to those of you that have been accepted!!

I'm thinking of applying next year and this may seem like a dumb question but I wanted to make sure. How is the cgpa calculated if you have a previous degree already but are currently in another program? I would assume they take the gpa from the first degree and factor in the current one?

hi everyone, just wanted to know IF i had ANY chance of getting an acceptance with a 69 in last 30 credits and 67 cgpa (i've not finished my degree yet, finishing up my last term in august 2014) I know my marks aren't the greatest but i've had a tough year :(

hopeefull rn is the right word to use i guess :p

Hi Everyone, first congrats to everyone who got in. Your stressful days of waiting for an acceptance are over but I'm still waiting and I'm starting to get worried. I'm wondering if anyone knows if York is planning on sending out more acceptance offer soon or is the program already full. I'm an external applicant. Thanks

Congratulations to those of you that have been accepted!!

I'm thinking of applying next year and this may seem like a dumb question but I wanted to make sure. How is the cgpa calculated if you have a previous degree already but are currently in another program? I would assume they take the gpa from the first degree and factor in the current one?

I believe the cGPA is calculated with every class you have ever taken (whether in your first undergrad degree or not).

Thank you so much. Yes the package in the letter mail asks you to book an enrollment appointment through myfile.

Internal applicants will get an email letting us know when we've been assigned an enrolment window sometime after confirming our place in the program.

Externals book their appointment through myfile (thanks Donny!)

My program change request was updated today to "Completed" and I checked my enrolment access time and it's the same date and time as it was for my old program, but now it says "Fall/Winter 2014 (Faculty of Health, B.Sc.N., Spec. Hons. Nursing)" instead of my old program. So I'm guessing our enrolment access times (for internals) will remain the same but I haven't received an email yet so it's not official.

Congratulation everyone who made it!

I am so exciting to be in Canada in couple months since I am an international student.

Has anyone had their online enrollment appointment yet? I was wondering if we only need to take the courses that are posted on the nursing webpage or if we need to take other courses, too. (my transfer credit is 90.)

I cant wait to see you all in september! :)

Congrats on getting into the program kinkinkiz!

You don't have to take any courses outside of those on the course list on the nursing webpage. However, all second entry students must take all of the NURS courses on that list to graduate, regardless of transfer credit (no exemptions are given for these courses).

Some students can be exempted from the CHEM course(s) if they've taken a similar course that York deems equivalent. There are two CHEM courses, I know people can receive exemption from biochem, but I'm not sure if there are exemptions for pharmacology. If you're granted an exemption, you should be notified when you enrol.

Hi xibb,

Since you're already a York student and you've been answering a lot of questions non-York student have, I hope you can clarify something for me or anyone who knows the answer to my question, it'll help a lot.

So the average of my last 5 full credit or last 30 credits is a 76.8% which falls at the grade point value of 7 which is 75-79%. A lot of people are reporting decimal form GPV (like 7.7, 6.48, and so on), I am thinking that my average of 76.8 should be like a 7.4 ( I'm assuming a GPV of 7 is a 75% and as the average increase, the GPV increase in decimal form....like 76% is a 7.2, 77% is a 7.5 and so on). However, when I convert my numerical grade to the letter grade and input it in the York online gpa calculator with either a 3 in the credit value column for a half credit course and 6 for a full credit course, the calculator generated a GPV of 7 for my 30 credits. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm interpreting the 7 GPV the online calculator generated as York is considering my average to be a 75% and not 76.8%. Is my thinking process wrong? Is that common for my average to be considered lower than it actually is?

Thanks in advance.

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