X-ray viewing

Specialties MICU


Just wondering how many have access to PACS (Picture archiving and communications system) for viewing x-rays, etc. if it is used in their unit.

We use it in our facility. MDs and nursing staff have access

I work NICU, but where I am I believe only charge nurses, certain RT's and the docs have access.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

OR, Endo, MDAs, MDs, PACU, RTs and ICU has PACS access.

we use this system, all medical personnel have access

Specializes in floor to ICU.
we use this system, all medical personnel have access

same here

Specializes in Cardiac.

We use it also, and I am so grateful for it.

It is most useful when I'm placeing a DHT. I can go over and find out right away if I'm inthe right spot or not. If I'm just curled up in the stomach, then I can re-position it and order another KUB. If I'm in, then I just call the dr and ask him to look at the KUB and give me the ok to use. I don't have to wait forever for a reading between each attempt.....

Our whole hospital is up on it. Any medical personnel can pull it up.

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