Wssu absn 2017

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hi is anyone applying

what is your graduation GPA

do you think they look at your overall GPA I attended 2 colleges

what is your pre requisite GPA

Any news yet anyone?

By the way I spoke to Mrs. Leak and she said that we did not have to apply to the university before being notified of our acceptance into ABSN! Seems like there is some miscommunication between the two admission offices but she clarified that for us!

Good luck everyone!!!!

I haven't heard anything yet!!!!

This is making me so anxious!!

I haven't heard anything either!

I just called Mrs Leak and she said response emails will be sent out this evening!!! An email will be sent for acceptance and rejections as well!!!!

Omgoodness I'm to nervous! Good luck everyone!

Emails were sent out!!

I did not get in, I hope everyone else does though! Good luck everyone and congrats to those who made it :up:

I didn't get in either, this is so crushing, I've gotten all A's since I graduated undergrad, been working in a trauma 1 hospital for 3+ years. I'm so heartbroken

Has anybody still not gotten an email like me?

I didn't get in either! I had a very high gpa in undergrad and prerequisites. Oh well I'll be applying to other schools now. Congrats to those who got in!

Didn't get in either. I guess having two bachelor degrees and a master's degree plus CNA isn't good enough for an undergrad nursing program. Curious to know why we weren't selected...good luck to those that were accepted!

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