Wssu absn 2017


Hi is anyone applying

what is your graduation GPA

do you think they look at your overall GPA I attended 2 colleges

what is your pre requisite GPA

Hi guys!

I know this is a post about this spring, but I am planning on applying for the absn program for spring '18 and I have a few questions:

1) how popular is this program? I know it is very competitive, but I was just curious as to about how many people apply each year.

2) I will be graduating in May with a BS and I have a 3.35 gpa. I meet all of the pre-rec requirements, but have a C in my A&Ps and chemistry (these classes were extremely hard at the university I went to) but I have A&Bs in the rest of the classes. Will this hinder my chance of getting in?

3) on the pre-Rec list on line it says that we need psych or stats or a gerentology class, I have taken all of those, do they look at all of them and look at the better grade or how does that work?

Sorry for all of my questions, I am just trying to get some background info before I call and talk with somebody.

Thank you guys so much!!

Has anyone started a page for people interested in applying WSSU ABSN Jan 2018?

Hey, I am applying WSSU ABSN for Spring 2018. This thread has been informative so maybe we can just continue the thread...until someone else starts a new one :)

I will be applying as well! This forum has been so helpful. I'm excited yet nervous to get this process underway.

someone started a new one but Im glad I found this one! I submitted my application this week. Praying for the best!

HI! this is me just being super paranoid... but when do we recieve the letters! Has anyone else recieved their letters ?

I am starting to get nervous as well! Have they said what day we may hear back?

Hi! I'm currently in the program now and we found out on Oct 19th. So hopefully you guys will find out sometime this week. Good luck!


I am apply for the traditional program at WSSU I know they require ACT score of 19. I made a 17 but have all A's in my sciences courses have you heard of anyone getting in that doesn't make the ACT score?

How did you tell them you were a CNA? Is there a place on the application for it?

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