Would you "Facebook Friend" a Professor?

Nursing Students General Students


I have recently noticed that some of my classmates have added professors as their friend on facebook. Now, I do really like my professors, but I can't decide if this is a GOOD idea or not... I don't have anything I would hide on my facebook page, but still... I'm also thinking that most of my professors are way too busy to be spending their evenings browsing their students facebook pages! :D

So the question is, would YOU do it? Why/why not?

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

not a good idea. At some point you will reveal more than you wanted.

Specializes in labor & delivery.

My instructor invited our class to join facebook. It's a cool way to keep up with other classmates.

I have professional contacts on my Facebook.

If there is something you don't want them seeing then set 'Permissions.'

I left my drinking game pictures back on MySpace... :D

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.
I have professional contacts on my Facebook.

If there is something you don't want them seeing then set 'Permissions.'

I left my drinking game pictures back on MySpace... :D

Hey Stanley! I didn't know about the "permissions" thing. I'll have to check it out! Thanks -

Anne, RNC

yep, you can add groups. Group A can see all posts, pics, make posts etc... group B cannot. You can post a note to your knitting club (I don't knit, just an example) & your schoolmates won't even know it's there. There's a neat permissions blog on FB, I think it's called 10 things you should know about FB. I'll try & find the link again if I can... and old grade school friend shared it with us all. You can even block your friends from tagging you in a photo that everyone can see.

To answer the question, I personally would not. I would keep an email address handy to ask for references in the future, but not on a social networking site, even after I graduated.

This is pretty funny because just yesterday I accidentally found an old professor of mine on facebook - and I ran quickly in the opposite direction. I probably wouldn't even do it after graduation, but my professors aren't known for being particularly friendly.

No, I wouldn't. For one, we're not friends. I hate getting friend requests from people I went to high school with and we never even talked or hung out back then. Or we never got along. I hit the 'decline' button for them. lol

It'd be different if I knew an instructor for years. Otherwise, I think it crosses that professional boundary. Not to mention, while I don't have anything to hide on my profile, I do enjoy having fun with my friends on the weekends (well, not so much anymore.. I don't have time! lol). I don't want my instructors to see some of the goofy pictures, and some pictures do have alcohol in them (yes, I'm legal). I keep everything visable to only my friends. Nothing to be ashamed of, but it's something that my instructors really shouldn't be seeing.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

NO, if I really liked that professor and wanted to keep in touch AFTER then maybe. I only add people I know and talk to whether in real life on from message boards and I keep my profile private. To many stories of bias being formed from teachers and bosses checking out peoples myspace and facebook.

Shoot when I interview people for an add i might have on craigslist (maybe looking for a nanny or house cleaner or something) I always google their email on Face Book and Myspace and have not returned many inquires for some of the appalling stuff I found. I mean at least have a separate email account for business releated stuff. Although I am glad they didn't or I might not have found what I did.

My facvorite was a girl wanting to babysit, a very young attractive college student. Her occupation on her myspace was (Homewrecker) NEXT!!

I would add a professor as a friend on facebook...although I really don't post any personal info I wouldn't want anyone to see, it is still the internet! The school I go to is small and really laid back and the professors already know pretty much what is going on in your life, that being said I haven't even searched for any of them on facebook...I wonder how many actually have a facebook?

Specializes in HCA, Physch, WC, Management.

One of my previous clinical instructors has a Facebook page and although she is around my age and someone I would hang out with or talk to outside of school, she is not allowed to add anyone from our class to her friends and vice versa until we graduate. A student tried to add her and she told them that it wasn't professional.

Specializes in LTC.

Who have time for facebook ? I 've decided to have either myspace,facebook, or allnurses. I don't have time for facebook, wish I did.

Who have time for facebook ? I 've decided to have either myspace,facebook, or allnurses. I don't have time for facebook, wish I did.

Multitasking... :D

Allnurses & Facebook are both on my Blackberry. All the time in the world to get the pseudo-social networking in between real human contact.

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