Published Dec 5, 2005
92 members have participated
107 Posts
I apologize if this has been posted before, however I wasn't able to find it by searching or looking through the forum "pages." If there are other relevant threads please post, however I'm aware of the "why nursing", "retire nursing?", "worth it" threads. I've read many, many threads and I haven't seen one about this.
I was wondering because of the many posts I read of users/members writing how they wouldn't recommend nursing, they're leaving/left, some mention they wouldn't do it again, etc. Coupled with this the seemingly increasing problems with patients, their families, doctors, paperwork, administration, etc. I know it's not all negative, people tend to be negative and that especially comes out in a medium like this (online forums). However, I want to get a general consensus of what nurses think.
Some background; I'm a student nurse and I was attracted to nursing because of people/patient care/"bedside manor".
15 Posts
I voted no because I didn't really choose nursing, it chose me. I wanted to be a graphic designer or architect. However, I have learned some very valuable skills while nursing and I think it has made me a better person overall. I respect anyone in the nursing profession for their diligence and compassion. I am proud to be called "Nurse" even if it wasn't my first choice.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
I can't think of anything else I'd rather do. I wish I'd made up my mind earlier.
rn in 3 years
153 Posts
Is there anyway you can add a choice that those of us who are not nurses yet but would like to view the results can choose? I want to see the results but do not want to mess up the poll.
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
despite its' many snags, i couldn't think of another profession i'd rather be doing. i find it tremendously fulfilling, even on the bad days.
Corvette Guy
1,505 Posts
:yeahthat: ... plus, like was mentioned earlier nursing has made me a better person.
57 Posts
Yes, I would choose nursing again. I was accepted to pharmacy school, but chose nursing instead. I do not regret it. My husband is a pharmacist.
493 Posts
My DH is a pharmacist also. I would never choose anything but nursing - they tried to retire me at the age of 38 due to a bad back and I fought hard to stay - it's in my blood, like a way of life - I never want to be anything else...
Wow, thanks queenbeelws for bringing this thread back from the dead :) Also thanks to the other posters for your 2 cents.
Shortly after I started this thread I found a few threads actually about this, but no polls! :) Anyway, it kind of gets discouraging reading through many of the threads here so it's nice to have some balance. For those that would do it again, what you said is what I was thinking (needed validation) that it is hard but it is worth it.
Thanks again and Happy New Year!
Hello there fellow zonie! (lucky us :) )
You should be able to click on
View Poll Results
in the bottom right hand corner of the poll without voting.
SICU Queen
543 Posts
No, I wouldn't.
130 Posts
i voted no. if i had my time over id like to have opened my own cigar bar.