Would you have called out?

Nurses General Nursing


So, I'm in the hot seat with some family members.

I have family who traveled from the South for a planned family get-together/reunion. Of course, they chose a weekend that I work even though I told them ahead of time that I would be working. It's very hard to request a weekend off. After my request was denied (big surprise there), I tried to switch with someone and had no luck. My family then pressured me to call out and I didn't. First off, calling out after getting a denied request is a huge NO-NO. Today they're leaving and I feel so guilty; not to mention that they are furious with me. I feel guilty because I received advice from several of my co-workers and they said they would have called out for family they don't regularly spend time with.

Would you have called out?

Specializes in critical care.

Take heart, you did the right thing. You notified them that it was your weekend to work and they came anyway. Administration looks unfavorably at nurses who call out after requesting time off and being denied, its a good way to be put on their radar. I try to have my family give me a calendar for the year so I know when reunions are so I can ask off at beginning of year.


Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care.

I once requested a day off, and my manager literally said no and then told me that if I really needed it off, I should call in that day.

So I did. She then tried to use it as cause for giving me a final written warning - the step before termination.

Specializes in Occupational Medicine.

I am sorry to hear about what you are going through and I agree with all the comments above - you scrambled to make up for a plan that clearly might not be able to include you, and that was generous of you. And it was probably an important event for you too, so your own disappointment wasn't factored into their thinking. It's tough on you that they are furious now, but let's hope in time, 'cooler heads prevail'. They may even come to respect your principled position. Best wishes.

Specializes in Inpatient Oncology/Public Health.
Calling out after asking for the day? Never.

I HAVE called out when not really sick, though. I probably call about about 2-3x a year, one of which I am legit sick for, one that I just need, mentally. For whatever reason. When I left my old job I left 200 sick hours (max allotted) on the table.

I SHOULD have used every last hour, but I couldn't screw my other nurses like that.

Was there no payout? Both my current and last job pay out a portion of accrued time upon separation. It's 240 hours at my current job. That's a fair amount of money! I had to jump through some hr hoops to get it when I left my last job, but it was worth it.

If you feel you made the right decision, there's no reason to feel guilty.

Well I attempted to do the right thing: requested PTO weeks in advance on self schedule. Didn't get it. Asked coworker to switch Sundays with me-they couldn't. And I have a ticket to the ballet that was purchased last fall for this weekend. No choice but to call in sick. That's why we have registry right?

I'm not eating that $75 or missing out. Nurses have the right to purchase good seats to shows in advance and attend what they paid for.

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