Published Feb 9, 2010
146 Posts
Im in a LPN grogram in PA. I Graduate in July. I was wondering if I would be able to work as an LPN while I wait to sitt fot Boards. I know that RN students can be hired as a GN. Can LPN students as well? Just trying to find out. Thanks:sofahider
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
Check with your BON. Good luck!
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
Not sure about your State but in Connecticut, if you have passed all required tests for your LPN/RN schooling that makes you eligible to test for the NCLEX, you can work as a GPN (graduate practical nurse) or GN (graduate RN student) until you take and pass your NCLEX. If you pass the NCLEX then you are obviously able to work as an LPN or RN, but if you take and fail your NCLEX, you are no longer able to work as a GPN. Its a one shot deal, you can't continue to work as a GPN until you take and pass the NCLEX again.
meadowsong, ASN, RN
84 Posts
I am in MN and I paid a fee (can't remember how much) to work as a GPN until I took my test and my license arrived. So it can be done depending on which state you are in.
Like JulesA mentioned, contact your state BON and they should be able to tell you more. Good luck with your NCLEX!!
355 Posts
Here in Florida before the recession, hospitals and nursing homes used to hire GN's and GPN's hand over fist. Obviously, that isn't the case anymore. I guess their logic is why would we hire a new graduate nurse who has yet to take her boards when we can hire a licensed, experienced one?
Graduate2010, BSN
198 Posts
Hello! I just wamted to comment on the question. I agree with person who stated to check with your BON in your state. In Virginia, you can work as a LPN-A for 90days until you get your license. But...that offer is only good after you graduate and it starts the day of graduation. Just check with the board of nursing in your state and find out. Your program director or instructors should have passed on this information to you.
Good luck!
518 Posts
i graduated in june 2 yrs ago and worked as a PN till august when i became a NYS
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
I worked as a GPN prior to taking the boards, but you have to, you know, graduate first.
NYS gives you a certain amount of time to take the exam. If you fail you may NOT continue as a GPN (or GN) while awaiting the re-take.
2 Posts
in pa after you finish your schooling you can get a temp PN Lic which is good for 12 months you have to pay 35.00 If you fail your test you lose your temp lic. Good Luck