Nursing Students Pre-Nursing
Published Feb 7, 2007
5 Posts
I have read in the Nursing program outline that you should not work more then 20 hours a week while in the program. What does everyone think about that. I am afraid that I will not be able to pay the bills if that is the case. I am leaving a decent paying job that I hate to do this. I thought that I would work in the hospital in phlebotomy which is not real well paid job but it would put me in the surroundings of what I would be doing. Any suggestions would be great.
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
Our school policy is you are NOT to work over 24 hrs. But as we all know, lots of people break that policy.
I work from home so it was ok'd that I can do that. Since they are telling other who work out of the house to only do 24 hrs..and then they are home..but who's to say they are studying, doing homework, etc..they could be watching tv, doing housework, sleeping or an array of things. I will be working those hours they are doing whatever it is they do at home.
I think its possible to work more and still do ok in school. I know of lots of people who've attended LPN or RN classes did great and worked full time. If you are capable of living decently without working, I'd say that probably would be best since you can devote any time you'd normally be working to your studies.
But if you have to work, it doesn't mean you will fail out, just makes it that much rougher.
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
I would say about 1/2 my class worked, some more than 20 hours. It depends on the person, their time management skills and committment to getting everything done. It isn't easy but I found that it kept me on task because I knew I didn't have time to put things off. The people that worked in my class got as good if not better grades than the students that didn't work. It is annoying to me that they tell people not to work when most of us are adults that need to support ourselves and don't want to lose a couple of years salary while "focusing" on school. Best to you, Jules
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,578 Posts
That is just a general statement. You know yourself and what you are capable of more than anyone else on this planet! I am proof that you can work while in nursing school as I work 36 and have a fairly high GPA and will graduate in May of this year!
254 Posts
I am lucky that I live with my DBF and we have shared income. I will be working only about 16-22 hours a week but plan to sell on eBay like I am now, in Pre-RN classes, to supplement my income. It has been working out okay for me so far. I just have to keep us on a tight budget because I know that I need the study time really badly! I think it depends on how well you can manage your time and what responsibilities you have outside of school and work. (IE - Family, spouse, household chores, etc)
1 Post
Hello Everyone. Pls help !
I just registered to be a member here today. I keep serching all neccesary imformation about LPN because I would like to be a LPN when I move to USA. I am 28 years old now. Frist, I'd like to know about the entry to join the program of LPN in schools, collegges or universities in USA. Currently I am living in Vietnam but by the end ofthis year, I will move to USA. I have no idea about medical feild. I graduated from a Economic University in Vietnam and have been working as Senior Loan Officer. But I always wish to change to other job that I like which is a nurse. Moving to USA will be a change for me to start again a new career that I love. But I don't know which school is good. Is it so difficult to pass the entry to attain LPN program. Please Help. I highly appreciate & thank you very much for any invaluable imformation from you
118 Posts
This is a dilemma that I Will have.........I live on my own so I need to keep paying the bills! I'm currently working full time and going to school full time and my overall GPA is about 3.3
206 Posts
We made a decision that once I'm in a nursing program I will not work. I've been working running my own business (home daycare) while taking my prereqs, but once I'm in nursing school, all that ends.
If need be, we'll take a loan on our house to help out until I'm done with school. We figured my prospective nursing income will be well worth any sacrifices we have to make in the meantime.
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
OP: Working not only depends on the person, but it depends on the program. I think you need to contact your program and see what the advisor suggest. There are programs that cater to people who work full-time. My program does not.
There are several people who, during orientation, ignored my Director's warning about working full-time and have since either quit his/her second job (some people work full-time and then some) or have cut back on his/her hours after our first exam! My program is insane and non-conducive to more then 16-20 hours/week of work.
Please understand that programs that are not conducive to full-time work are full-time jobs. It is not just study time you need to have in order to survive in many nursing schools. You also need time to prepare for labs and clinical, which may include visiting patients (at the site), practicing skills (at the lab), doing extra work/projects related to the current material (sometimes in the lab), all outside of normal school hours.
Plus, there may be a limited number of hours in a day the lab is open. There may be only so many hours in the day someone is available to sign you off. There also may be only so many hours you can do related activities and study. On top of that you add work, taking care of family... Do you get the picture? Thus, the time it takes you to prepare for your pre-requisite courses to get an "A" is not the same amount of time you will be putting in to get an "A" in many nursing schools.
Someone mentioned watching TV while going to nursing school if he/she does not have a job. I don't think so! Anytime I have to study, I do! I only visit this site to take a break and learn! Normally any time I have to do nursing school related activities, I spend doing nursing school related activities. My peers seem to be doing the same. Any other time I spend doing the things I listed above.
By the way, I only work part-time but that is because I have managed to pay off all of my debts (CCs and Cars) before applying to nursing school. However, I do have some good news.... I know some students who have great bosses and are able to get flexible hours, thus putting nursing school first. Some even manage to study on the job. Maybe you can look into that if you cannot find a nursing program that is conducive to full-time work? Good luck.
876 Posts
It is possible to maintain a full time job and go to nursing school, after all, that is what I am doing. However, that being said, it is extremely difficult. You have to be very dedicated and willing to work ahead of the rest of the class. You have to bust your buns and get by with less studying and less sleep than your classmates. You have to stay on top of your game all the time. You can do it if you have to (I have to say I believe in the "where there's a will, there's a way" saying), but it is difficult. That being said, it is also possible to do very well in nursing school while working full time. I am on the honor-roll, I work M-F from 6:45 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and I have two small children. Of course, I have an awesome babysitter who I could not do without and also a great hubby - but he works too and ranches on the side, so it's not like he has a ton of spare time either.
I've decided that the best part is, once I finish nursing school and I only have a job to go to every day, no matter how hard that job may be it will be easier than what I am doing now and will feel like a part-time job in comparison to this.
My suggestion would be to try it for a while and then if you can't do both, lose the job and focus on the schooling. I do have a friend who is surviving on her student loans, so that is always an option if you have no other choice.
Best of luck in whatever you choose.
38 Posts
I feel your pain about having to work and go to school. Right now I work between 40 and 45 hours a week, Monday through Friday. I plan on starting the nursing program this fall, in the nights and weekends program, meaning that I will still be working the same hours, but also attending school 3 or 4 nights a week until about 10 or 11pm, and also on the weekends (both Saturday and Sunday). So, in all actuality, I will not have a single day off! I know it's going to be hard, but my program is only 16 months, and the way I look at it....if I work really hard for 16 short months, then I get the satisfaction of finally being a nurse, and only working 3 or 4 days a week! That will almost be like a vacation!
I wish you the best. I think if you really put your mind to it, and accept the fact that you will have absolutley no life for 16 months (which really isn't that long in the big picture), you will have a wonderfully satisfying career afterwards! I already told my fiancee that I pretty much won't be seeing him for 16 months (pretty ironic since we live together) :)