Published Dec 6, 2013
366 Posts
Anyone else taking a class, or more, over the winter? I'll be taking an accelerated (3 week) gerontology course.
What about you?
208 Posts
Hi, I am in an accelerated program so I have to take a winter class. Ill be taking a nursing research class, and its also 3 weeks. Good luck!!
I take research in the spring. Not a lot of people at my school talk about it, so I'm don't know if that's a good or bad thing. We can do this!
2,723 Posts
I'm taking a speech minimester. Should be simple compared to what I'm used to!
435 Posts
No way Jose! I'm taking 5 weeks off and going to enjoy every minute of it! ?
209 Posts
No way Jose! I'm taking 5 weeks off and going to enjoy every minute of it! dde03
Me too!! May your nights be filled with peace and sleep! Lol
I WISH I could take winter off. I am not looking forward to a 16 week class crammed into 3 weeks. Darn accelerated program! No winter or summer off Going to be a long year.
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
I'm doing my RN to BSN and I'm taking a 4 week course during our winter break so I can use the class for my non-humanities elective. I tend to get into a slump if I have too many down weeks and find it hard to get back into things when classes resume from extended breaks. Rather do it now than in the summer :)
pmabraham, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,568 Posts
Good day:
While I've been taking classes every semester from Summer forward, I'm looking to a short break between the fall and spring semester; even, then, two weeks prior to spring classes will be spent reading and re-reading the early chapters for a good start.
Thank you.
578 Posts
Starting January 6th I'll be taking patho, nursing research, concepts, assessment, and interventions
897 Posts
I'm in a 2-year ASN program and we have to follow the program's schedule, which does not include a winter session. I'm glad, anyway. I need the break after this tumultuous semester.