5/01 WILTW: Margaritas and Oral Thrush

Nurses General Nursing


I've been asked to start the WILTW thread, and I'm more than happy to!

This has been an exciting week for me, as it was the last week of my Med/Surg I rotation. I'm trying not to feel too relieved though, because finals are next week. That being said, I will still absolutely squeeze in time to catch up on GOT.

This week I learned:

That my clinical instructor is a big ole softy. I can't believe that I thought she was super scary when the rotation first started.

That having just one year left of nursing school doesn't feel like enough time. Don't get me wrong, I feel like I've learned a ton in the one year of school I've had (and I'm more than ready to graduate so that I can get my social life back), but when I think of just how much I still don't know, I get a little worried.

That I wish I could take some patients home with me. Throughout clinical, I had nice patients, but none that really lingered in my thoughts when I went home for the day. But last week I had a patient who had already been through so much. His whole family had already been through so much. Sometimes it's hard to know just what to say, and I hope I was more helpful than I felt I was.

That I'm probably going to have a lifetime of telling family members, I'm not a doctor. You really need to talk to your doctor about that. I will probably NEVER be able to diagnose you.”

I've also learned that said family members, when you actually do give them advice (such as dietary advice), will say Oh, you're just regurgitating what you've learned in school,” and will continue to eat everything under the sun while wondering why their blood pressure isn't controlled. Why yes, I am telling you what I've learned in school, but apparently you'd rather hear that steak for every meal paired with a margarita is the best possible chance for survival.

That being said, I do follow the steak and margarita diet. But hey, I'm working on it.

That the best way to get a resident to like you is to empathize. Let them vent. Losing my independence is something I can hardly fathom, and I'm sure I wouldn't handle it with grace. (Like, really I'm very certain that I'll be the LOL trying to escape everyday and falling out of my wheel chair in an attempt to lunge out the door). It's ok to let residents feel angry about it. It's ok let them know that, yes, it does suck, and that you'll be right around the corner when they're ready for help.

But it's not ok if they scratch you. Or bite you. Oh swear at you. We still need some limits.

That I will never ever forget to do an oral assessment on my patients. This is the second time I've shined a penlight in there and found a massive case of oral thrush.

On that note, I'm also very glad I'm not a dentist or dental hygienist. I'll wipe all the butts in the world, but don't bring that mouth any closer to me.

But what's grosser than the grossest mouth? Maggots. I was not pleased to learn that maggots are still being used for wound debridement. That...is my limit.

So what did you learn?

It's super hard for me to stay motivated with online learning.

Agreed. I learned that it's possible to figure out the formula for getting A's in online classes without learning much. I stopped doing the (numerous) readings for one class when I realized there were no tests and it was easy to skim and find material for the discussion board posts.

Strangely enough, I like reading material that interests me (hard sciences, yeah!!) and prefer quiz and test-heavy classes to writing intensive ones. This BSN program and all of the theory/cultural awareness/leadership stuff just bores me to tears.

Agreed. I learned that it's possible to figure out the formula for getting A's in online classes without learning much. I stopped doing the (numerous) readings for one class when I realized there were no tests and it was easy to skim and find material for the discussion board posts.

Strangely enough, I like reading material that interests me (hard sciences, yeah!!) and prefer quiz and test-heavy classes to writing intensive ones. This BSN program and all of the theory/cultural awareness/leadership stuff just bores me to tears.

It sounds boring! I'm not looking forward to that stage of the game for me, and I usually like ​school.

Specializes in ED, psych.
I've learned that heroin sucks.

I've learned that I'm attached to my students, and kids that aren't even mine have the ability to break my heart.

Yes, the 2 are related.


That really does suck. I'm so sorry -- big, gigantic (((hugs))).

Specializes in Emergency Department, ICU.
Ooh! I just learned today what delayed sequence induction really meant (particularly the apneic oxygenation part) and mind. is. blown.

Anyway, I am getting to the point where I am so busy that I can't even remember what new stuff I learned and it is giving me serious NCLEX-worry. :woot:

DSI is seriously awesome in certain patients. BiPAP can work wonders, and giving a patient ketamine to help them tolerate BiPAP when they are combative/confused from hypoxia can be a great tool to avoid the need for RSI- but in patients that are already super AMS and difficult to wake who already have some sort of suspected benzo-induced pulmonary edema, I wish some docs weren't so hesitant to RSI.

Specializes in School nursing.

I learned that people think I am perfect...until the day I have sub nurse in and they realize when they didn't give me a heads-up on something and that really, what I am is good at improvising on the fly, something I can't do when I am not there, people.

I've realized that while I have gotten better at caring less what people think, but sometimes I do care. And it eats me inside a little and takes a bit longer to let go. I blame the Catholic guilt I grew up with.

I'm so sorry! [emoji20]

My family just thinks I'll "grow out of it." They create pretty interesting loopholes that allow them to believe I'm "still" going to Heaven.

It's all right! I don't feel anything for those people, other than the relief of their absence.

I hope your family eventually accepts you for who you are. I think being a nurse weighs in on the side of Heaven, personally. You have a caring and giving heart, which is all Jesus wanted for his followers, anyway. I'm a little rusty on my Bible or I'd quote some verses for you. "...the greatest of all these is loving thy neighbor as thyself..." or something.

Specializes in OB.

Congrats Krackling!!

I am also in my final week of nursing school. I am spending this week doing a Kaplan NCLEX review. So I am learning lots!

Herbal medications that begin with a G like garlic, ginko and ginger will affect bleeding....

I really like the Kaplan Decision Tree- it is very useful when I am looking at questions and thinking WTH is the answer?

Grapefruit juice interacts with alot of medications.

Never heard the word hetastarch until today and apparantly NCLEX likes to ask questions about it.

And I am soooo bored in my class! 6 hours of questions and strategy is mentally exhausting and I have checked out.

I was offered a job this week in an IMCU unit. I really had my heart set on L and ;) but will wait until I have a year under my belt. There just isnt a L and ;) job for a new grad to be had in the city. I get to go through critical care training and I will learn so much on this step down unit...or am I just trying to convince myself I will be happy?

Specializes in OB.
I've learned that heroin sucks.

I've learned that I'm attached to my students, and kids that aren't even mine have the ability to break my heart.

Yes, the 2 are related.


Sorry. It's hard when people even minors make bad decisions. I agree it is heartbreaking.

Specializes in Med Surg, ICU, Infection, Home Health, and LTC.
I can't like this. :hugs:

It is a pity they don't make an icon that says "I so get what you are saying."

I've learned that heroin sucks.

I've learned that I'm attached to my students, and kids that aren't even mine have the ability to break my heart.

Yes, the 2 are related.


So sorry, Far.

Lots of hugs and love sent your way.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

I've learned that life sucks & it's only getting worse. My husband hasn't started his new job yet & I don't know how we are going to pay bills. Our son's birthday is next month & we don't have the money to do or buy anything for him & we feel like crap. I hope things get better soon!

Specializes in ED, psych.
I've learned that life sucks & it's only getting worse. My husband hasn't started his new job yet & I don't know how we are going to pay bills. Our son's birthday is next month & we don't have the money to do or buy anything for him & we feel like crap. I hope things get better soon!

I'm sorry, OC -- I couldn't "like" this so sending (((hugs))) your way. Hoping it gets better for you guys soon.

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