Disney is the happiest place on earth!!!
I have two chronic conditions that have been an incredible hassle over recent weeks. One of them has been a huge part of my recent employment issues (epilepsy, which rears its stupid, ugly face when I lack adequate sleep, though that wasn't everything at work). Both (epilepsy and spondylolisthesis) have made this week the suck!
What have I learned?
1. Don't go to Disney if you have any type of ortho or neuro issue that restricts your ability to ride almost everything. You'll be in pain and watching your vacation fly by from the sidelines.
2. If your inlaws are selfish jerks, do not tell them how your handicapped arm band works. They WILL hijack your pass (and your entire days making you unable to do anything you want) and treat you like ess when you shut that crap down because you're tired of sitting around waiting for a turn to use it (never happened until the end).
3. It makes my blood boil that people do NOT understand chronic medical issues, or at least open their minds to the fact that they may not understand what they are seeing. Instead, people go straight to, "I bet it's her meds for her back. That is not what epilepsy looks like." No, I didn't learn this one. I was reminded of it. My husband loved being called a liar. PEOPLE! EPILEPSY LOOKS LIKE "EPILEPSY" LESS THAN IT DOESN'T.
4. Girl Child has anxiety. This rips my heart out. My husband needs some coaching on this, but so far he's done okay.
5. Winning a fitbit workweek challenge against people who regularly go >20k is the best feat ever consider all the stuff above going on. I had a 28k day! Nurses, get a pedometer (if you don't have one) and challenge yourselves!
I have so few health/nursey (somewhat) things to add. Mostly I share this to help others when working with patients who share similar conditions. Lived experiences can sometimes trump textbook learning. So, ditch the inlaws early, get plenty of medicine, get benzos in case of persistent seizure episodes, and going to Disney right before spinal fusion is stupid. Wait a year.
I hope you all have had great weeks! I have not kept up at all.